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Heat and Cold Related Injuries

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Presentation on theme: "Heat and Cold Related Injuries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat and Cold Related Injuries
Prevention and First Aid

2 Heat Related Difficulties
Heat Cramps Least severe of the three types of heat related difficulties Painful muscle spasms Usually occur in the legs and abdomen

3 Heat Related Difficulties
Heat Cramps A result of loss of electrolytes (sodium and potassium) from perspiring (sweating assists our bodies in cooling off)

4 Heat Cramps - Prevention and First Aid
Best way to deal with heat cramps is prevention: Add a little extra salt at meals (getting enough salt is rarely a problem in the typical American diet Eat foods rich in potassium - bananas, apricots, orange juice, nuts, tomato juice Condition yourself gradually

5 Heat Cramps – Prevention and First Aid
First Aid for heat cramps: Have victim rest (sit or lie down) in a cool place Give cool water Light massage and stretching

6 Heat Exhaustion More serious than heat cramps Similar to shock
Prevention Drink plenty of fluids - plain water is best before, during and after exercise Again, increase sodium and potassium naturally

7 Heat Exhaustion Avoid Gatorade and similar sports drinks as they actually inhibit fluid replacement, unless the activity is prolonged (over an hour).

8 Treatment for Heat Exhaustion
Treat mild cases the same as heat cramps (except do not stretch the muscles). If persistent, gently apply wet towels and call EMS.

9 Heat Stroke Also known as sunstroke
The most serious of the heat-related problems Usually occurs in very hot and humid weather The body can’t cool itself adequately

10 Heat Stroke Prevention
On days that are going to be hot and humid, run early or late in the day, avoiding the hottest part Consume plenty of fluids before, during and after

11 Heat Stroke Recognize heat stroke symptoms in others
Hot, dry, flushed skin Dizziness Headache Mental confusion

12 Heat Stroke Treatment Objective is to cool victim as quickly as possible Get victim out of the heat; half-sitting position Loosen tight clothing Remove perspiration soaked clothing If humidity is below 75%, Apply cool, wet cloths to skin or spray with water; if humidity is 75%+, apply ice packs on neck, armpits, groin.

13 Heat Stroke Treatment Fan the victim
If victim is conscious, give cool water Call for ambulance if victim refuses water, vomits, or starts to lose consciousness

14 Cold-Related Emergencies
Biological defense mechanisms to maintain body temperature during exposure to cold: Vasoconstriction Shivering

15 Vasoconstriction Vasoconstriction is the tightening of blood vessels in the exposed skin Reduced skin blood flow conserves body heat, but at a price: Discomfort Numbness Loss of dexterity in the hands, fingers, and other extremities Eventually cold injuries

16 Shivering Shivering increases internal heat production and helps to offset the heat being lost. Body’s main involuntary defense against the cold. Shivering produces body heat by forcing muscles to contract and relax rapidly. About 80% of the muscle energy used in shivering is turned into body heat. Shivering reflex stops when the core body temperature falls to about 86 degrees F.

17 Hypothermia Life-threatening condition
Main cause of death for many outdoor recreational activities such as snowmobiling, skiing, hiking and backpacking Hypothermia - the body’s core temperature drops below 95 degrees

18 Hypothermia Signals of hypothermia: Shivering Numbness Glassy stare
Apathy Loss of consciousness

19 Hypothermia The temperature does not have to be below freezing for hypothermia to occur, e.g. 50 degrees on land and 70 degrees or less in the water Factors in Hypothermia moisture wind fatigue improper clothing

20 Hypothermia Other factors in the development of hypothermia:
Age, e.g. elderly people in poorly heated homes Alcohol Diseases, e.g. C-V disease, diabetes Length of exposure

21 Ways in which the body loses heat
Respiration - exhalation of warm air removes a small amount of body heat Radiation - any uncovered body surface will give up heat to the surrounding air, head and neck mostly

22 Ways in which the body loses heat
Convection - wind current blowing across body will accelerate temperature loss by quickly removing radiated heat

23 Ways in which the body loses heat
Evaporation - Perspiration or moisture on skin drying will have a cooling effect Conduction - when sitting on the ground or leaning next to a cold or wet object, heat will be absorbed from the body.

24 Safety tips to prevent hypothermia
Always keep head covered If clothes get wet, change into dry ones immediately Wear clothes in layers Don’t sit on ground if taking a break Limit periods of inactivity in cold conditions

25 Safety tips to prevent hypothermia
Maintain proper hydration and nutrition Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine Make a shelter if it begins to rain Make camp before becoming exhausted Carry high-energy foods

26 Other heat related problems
Frostbite Dehydration Small children and elderly in hot cars Sunburn

27 Frostbite Freezing of body tissues
Severity depends on air temperature, length of exposure, and wind Can cause the loss of body parts Signs of frostbite: Loss of feeling (numbness) Skin appears waxy Skin is cold to the touch Skin is discolored

28 Frostbite First aid: Warm the area by soaking in warm water (105 degrees) Don’t rub affected area Loosely bandage area after it has regained color and warmth Gauze between fingers and toes Don’t break blisters

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