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Application of UDL and Successful Practices in Working with Students with Disabilities Brett Christie and Beez Schell Sonoma State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of UDL and Successful Practices in Working with Students with Disabilities Brett Christie and Beez Schell Sonoma State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application of UDL and Successful Practices in Working with Students with Disabilities Brett Christie and Beez Schell Sonoma State University

2 Brief History of UDL and FLC at SSU Began incorporating UDL in Instructional Design and SPED courses in 2004/2005 Further UDL research in Spring 2005 toward federal RFP that led to EnACT CAST; DO-IT; ASD Initial inquiry regarding “Critical Friends Group” in 2005. Implemented in 2006 Changed to Faculty Learning Community in 2007

3 Sell UDL and FLC Process Getting support from administration How to get buy-in from senior faculty Does professional development matter? Where does/Does it fit into RTP? Competition with many other duties Intercept negative ATI reactions

4 Step 2: Align Activities and Supports Partnerships on campus Faculty Development Unit Professional Development Subcommittee Accessible Technology Initiative Executive Sponsor Coordinator ATI as whole or IMA Open forum 1 hr ATI, 1 hr UDL, FLC “hook” Show “Introduction to UDL” movie clip

5 ATI & UDL Open Forum Call to all faculty to attend an Open Forum on ATI and UDL: Pre-session UDL Guidelines (CAST, 2006) 22-minute Breeze UDL Presentation Session 1 hour ATI overview 1 hour UDL workshop Brief description of FLC (The Hook)

6 Call for FLC participation What is FLC? What commitment is involved? What are the benefits to faculty? What incentives are offered? What are the benefits to students?

7 Pre-FLC FLC members are asked to do a few simple things prior to the first FLC meeting Select a course for upcoming semester Select critical course concepts Select a key assignment to those concepts

8 8 Beginning the FLC Have faculty review core course concepts –What are students to learn? –How will you know they learned? How do you represent* core concepts? How to engage students in the learning process? How do you ask student to express* what they know about this concept? *Initial data show need for more focus here 8

9 FLC Protocol Select a facilitator Could be campus faculty developer Could be well-respected faculty member Faculty Presentation (5 minutes) Syllabus Critical course concepts Key assignment(s)

10 FLC Protocol Clarifying Questions (5 minutes) Could you tell me more about...? When do your students complete online assignments? How many questions are included in the final exam? Probing Questions (10 minutes) Why is it important for your students to...? Is there another way you could show your students how to...? What assumptions have you made about your students?

11 FLC Protocol Warm & Cool Feedback (10 minutes; presenter silent) How they met their stated goals Disconnects, gaps, problems Reflection (approximately 5 minutes) Presenter gets to address feedback Presenter shares take-aways Presenter can ask for clarification Presenter shares where they think they will make changes first Debriefing of whole group

12 How Well Is It Working? To date, we have been able to collect pre and post UDL data from one FLC and their students. We have also been able to collect pretest data from our second FLC Follow-up data from second FLC and their students will be collected in December.

13 UDL-FLC Case Stories Through partnership with ELIXR, we are developing a series of online video case stories to capture the process and outcomes of those who have completed the FLC process and implemented UDL.

14 UDL Interview Questions 1.How and when did you become involved with UDL? Why? 2.What was it like to learn the UDL principles and strategies? 3.Describe how you modified your course in order to implement UDL? 4.Why did you select these modifications? 5.How is it going? Who are students responding? How do you know?

15 UDL Interview Questions 6.Do you have, or have you had students with disabilities in your course? 7.What are you planning to do next via UDL? 8.What advice do you have for other faculty who are just starting with UDL? How would you encourage those not involved? 9.What technologies have your and/or your students used to foster their success in learning?

16 What Has Worked A look at FLC group 1 Faculty perspective- Kirsten and learning styles movie clip

17 What Has Worked A look at FLC group 1 Data regarding impact on Students with Disabilities Grade Point Average Completion rate Graduation rate

18 What Is Next Reflection on how to continue to improve by applying UDL Kirsten “What is next” clip.

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