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1 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech (LBFE-S) Final Project (Master Thesis) By Mohammed Marouf Supervisors John A. Sørensen.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech (LBFE-S) Final Project (Master Thesis) By Mohammed Marouf Supervisors John A. Sørensen."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech (LBFE-S) Final Project (Master Thesis) By Mohammed Marouf Supervisors John A. Sørensen & Michael Lund Project period: 1 st September 2003 - 31 st May 2004 Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

2 2 Schedule  Problem Statement  LBFE-S Presentation  LBFE-S Design and Implementation  Test  Conclusion and Future Work  Demo  Questions Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

3 3 Problem Statement Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech  Services  Informing Service  File Uploading / Downloading Service

4 4 LBFE-S Presentation Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

5 5 LBFE-S Presentation Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

6 6 LBFE-S Design and Implementation  LBFE-S Architecture  Client/Server Communication  LBFE-S Data Sources  LBFE-S Server Design  LBFE-S Client Design  Sequence Diagram Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

7 7 LBFE-S Architecture Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Service one Data Source

8 8 Client/Server Communication (1-3)  LBFE-S Internet protocol stack Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

9 9 Client/Server Communication (2-3)  LBFE-S Protocol Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Located+ Position+ course &File names

10 10 Client/Server Communication (3-3) Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Threeway Handshake LBFE-S ClientLBFE-S Server Welcome Socket Connection Socket Client Socket Time Bytes

11 11 Threading Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech LBFE-S Server Side LBFE--S-S CLient LBFE--S-S CLient Server Thread Information Files LBFE-S CLient Port Number 8000 R e q u e s t A c c e p t A c cept A c c e p t Request Position Server

12 12 LBFE-S Data sources  Users.XML  Data.XML Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech marouf … 4.14 Monday October 27 9 12 java brixtofte.txt …

13 13 LBFE-S Server Design  Accessing the data sources  Authenticate users  Position calculation Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech If

14 14 LBFE-S Client design  Speech Recognizer  Speech Synthesizer Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

15 15 The Speech Recognizer (1 of 2)  The computer listens to the user speech, determines what is said and translates it into understandable format for the computer. Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech 1. Speaker Dependent/Independent 2. Vocabulary size  Rule Grammar grammar javax.speech.demo;  Header public = Submit | Read me | Ok | Exit  Body

16 16 The Speech Recognizer (2 of 2) 3. Speech Recognizer classes Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Isolated words Connected words Continuous speech Spontaneous speech 4. Quiet/Noisy environment

17 17 The Speech Synthesizer  Computer can speak  JSML Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech

18 18 LBFE-S Sequence diagram Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Position Server Status+ Position + Activity name+ File name

19 19 Test Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech System requirement System analysis System Design Acceptance Test Integration Test Unit Test Writing the code LBFE-S needs Failure Success Failure

20 20 Conclusion  The accuracy of the EPE can affect the appliaction  The accuracy of the speech recognizer was acceptable  The results of the system were satisfactory Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Future work  LBFE-S is easy to extent  Upload and download audio and video files  Run LBFE-S on PDA  Integrate LBFE-S with other systems

21 21 Mohammed Marouf Location Based File Exchange controlled By Speech Demo Thanks Questions

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