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School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT Inspiring Pre-entry Students in Research and Teaching in the.

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1 School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT Inspiring Pre-entry Students in Research and Teaching in the Faculty of Environment – an online interactive approach A University Academic Development Fund (ADF) project Andrea Jackson & Andrew Smith

2 Context of project - to help address the following issues: difficulty in adapting to University life associated with overwhelming size of the institution; misconceptions about independent learning; not understanding the wide range of support networks available; induction information overload etc. loss of student morale / confidence associated with a lack learning community feeling; anonymity of large class sizes; discipline misconceptions; unfamiliar learning patterns etc; the difficulty of being able to convey the excitement of research, the contributions our research makes to society, and how this translates into our teaching; Issues which lie at the root of problems such as conversion and attrition rates, progression, attendance, etc School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

3 Aims of the project to aid the school to University transition; to motivate students to develop an autonomous learning style; to inspire students about research within the Faculty; to enhance academic community awareness; for new undergraduate students (approx 500) within the Faculty of Environment (Schools of Earth and Environment, Geography, and Transport Studies) School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

4 Description of project To produce a unique on-line resource (supportive and informative) that could be tailored for use by any School within the University (generic and subject specific elements) For the resource to be available to students from the time their place at Leeds is confirmed in order to provide the opportunity to communicate the essence of the research that occurs within the Faculty; what it is like to be a student studying here at Leeds; and what is expected of them within their discipline and within the institution. To produce a shortened version of the resource for prospective students ADF funding allowed employment of a part time project officer. Some remaining limited funds for resource development. School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

5 People involved VLE support Programme managers Students SDDU CSA, ISS Practicalities of logging on to BB pre-registration Skills centre Other interested faculties School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

6 Preparatory work - Roundhay School focus groups A-level students questioned in May 2008 about their expectations of University. How do you think University is different from School? More freedom / more responsibility / cost / being busy / lots of money / more attractive men / no uniform / no small annoying people / chance to meet new cultures More opportunities / specific learning / independent learning / less contact time / harder subject / less rules / longer exams / less structure to days / better resources / don’t know all teachers – less personal / shorter terms, more holidays / more independence / bigger / more trips / different ways to learn / people want to learn / less spoon-feeding / less intense School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

7 What worries you about going to University? not settling in / not having a security network / money / people won’t like me / stress / getting fat / not time for self or friends / not enough time to party / not making friends not being able to work independently / work being too hard / getting lost / not having a security network / not enjoying the course / What are you looking forward to about going to University? cooking / living away from parents / find new places / new friends / social life / having fun / getting drunk / new activities / new city / shopping / studying / getting a degree / studying a subject I enjoy / working towards my career / learning / independence / being able to tell people I’m studying for a degree (prestige) School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

8 What would you like to know about before you went to University? Cost / price of food and drink / plans for freshers week / where nearest supermarket is / price of a pint / ratio of male to female / help in case of emergency / advice on transport How many field trips I get / teaching methods / student honest thoughts / who’s teaching us / how many tutors / module choices each year / what support is there? / teacher’s specialist subjects / suggested reading / how much contact time / how much suggested reading / breakdown of course / what exams you have / what grades you need / opportunities for study in another country / size of tutorials and lectures / contact time / any books lecturers have written / career advice School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

9 If there was a web-based system to introduce you to your subject and the University before you arrived, what would you like to see on this? Facebook (meet people on course ) / tips on how to survive / forums (to ask students questions) / checklists / hear from students already on course / interviews with current students and tutors / maps / podcasts Exam examples / statistics on how people enjoy the course / advice on independent learning / visual tour of resources / reading lists / video-clip of lectures / FAQs / timetable of plans for freshers week / outline of course content / statistics on pass rates and employability School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

10 Proposed Content an introduction to academic research involving inspiring mini-lectures by key research staff; interactive research based exercises to introduce students to forthcoming teaching activities and to demonstrate how research is integrated within teaching; demonstrate feedback and explain how they should use this constructively; provide excerpts of current on-line teaching materials; video footage of field classes etc; collation of University-, Faculty-, and relevant School-based pre-induction materials and support links; video welcome from key members of staff and current students provide links to their year 2 buddy / peer mentor, and other key members of staff; a message board / social networking site for students to meet, chat to other students in their cohort before they arrive at University. …………further focus group work with current first year students School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

11 Student focus groups Is there anything further to the information you were sent about your School that you would like to have known before you arrived? Links to relevant people/contacts Less people introduced More info on lecturers Learn more about research undertaken in School Better map Checklist of what to do (e.g. registration) School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

12 Student focus groups Is there anything further to the information you were sent about your programme that you would like to have known before you arrived? Case studies – what people have done with their degree More info on field trips Information on what further learning (e.g.supernumeracy) is available Kit list/what to bring Reading lists – what do you really need to buy Lots more info on optionals/electives School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

13 Student focus groups - Comments on current site Like: What to bring Galleries Would change: Rid of people Want forum as well as chat Course rather than programme Glossary of terms Activity - optional School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

14 Web design Use graphic designer to give professional look and feel Chris Dayman - SDDU Two contrasting themes/designs Different appeal to different groups Technology VLE for hosting – web pages Blackboard Academic SuiteBlackboard Academic Suite LUtube for film hosting ( Spry/ajax widgets for photo galleries (xml + javascript) Envisaged to use other learning technologies such as Articulate, Qmark etc. School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

15 Photography / Galleries Field trips Research Teaching Storyboards Connect text to pictures to build up a story of activities taking place (go to gallery) School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

16 Filming Subject matter: Talking heads – programme managers and students Inspiring mini lectures Technical aspects: Background – people concentrating on what’s behind the subject Can easily be done in house if you have camera & software Need to learn how to use camera Need to learn software SDDU run courses for filming Key points to cover to ensure consistency of content across programmes Need to be short and sweet (2 mins is surprisingly long) School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

17 Next steps… Content populated in immediate term Resource will be trialled with current UG students and secondary school children over next few months Resource will be used by approximately 500 new UG students in the Faculty of Environment in August 2009 School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

18 Hopeful outcome of the project enhanced first year experience improved engagement of students with their discipline, School, and the institution Contact details for comments / involvement Andrew Smith School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Earth and Environment FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT

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