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C. Spiering, Leeds, July 23, 2004. Entrance to the Promised Land after 40 Years !

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1 C. Spiering, Leeds, July 23, 2004




5 Entrance to the Promised Land after 40 Years !

6 Moisej MarkovBruno Pontecorvo M.Markov, 1960 : We propose to install detectors deep in a lake or in the sea and to determine the direction of charged particles with the help of Cherenkov radiation


8 Pioneering DUMAND Fred Reines John Learned ~ 1975 : first meetings towards an underwater array close to Hawaii + Roberts, Stenger, Gorham,..

9 DUMAND-II Proposal 1988 : - 216 PMTs at 9 strings - height 230 m Alas !... terminated in 1996

10 1987: DUMAND test string Later used by Amanda and Baikal

11 Search for diffuse excess of extra- terrestrial high energy neutrinos  bound WB bound log E /GeV DUMANDFREJUSMACRO

12 Neutrino Telescopes Underground KGF Baksan FREJUS IMB Kamiokande Superkamiokande MACRO ~ 1000 m² e.g. MACRO, 1356 upgoing muons

13 Pioneering BAIKAL G. Domogatsky Bezrukov, Domogatsky Berezinsky, Zatsepin 1981 first site explorations 1984 first stationary string 1993 first neutrino detector NT-36 1994 first atm. neutrino separated 1998NT-200 finished ~ 2x Super-K for 1 TeV muons

14 Camp Ice as a natural deployment platform

15 NT-200 3600 m 1366 m 4-string stage (1996)

16 Baikal Search for H.E.Cascades Look for upward moving light fronts. Signal: isolated cascades from neutrino interactions Background: Bremsshowers from h.e. downward muons NT-200 large effective volume 

17 cascades 140 m 36 additional PMTs  4 times better sensitivity ! Baikal Upgrade NT200 +

18 Mediterannean approaches NESTOR (since 1991) „Amanda-sized“-- under construction ANTARES (since 1996) „Amanda sized“ -- under construction NEMO : R&D for km3 project Since 2003: joined km3 initiative KM3NET

19 4100m 2400m 3400m ANTARES NEMO NESTOR

20 Beyond the DUMAND scale: AMANDA Francis Halzen + Steve Barwick, Bob Morse,.... first site studies at South Pole ~1990 shallow detector in bubbly ice 1993/4 10 strings (Amanda-B10) 1997 19 strings (Amanda-II) 2000

21 AMANDA-II depth AMANDA Super-K DUMAND Amanda-II: 677 PMTs at 19 strings (1996-2000)

22 Ocean Water

23 Drilling Hot water drilling


25 AMANDA Event Signatures: Muons  + N   + X CC muon neutrino interaction  track

26 AMANDA Event Signatures: Cascades  CC electron and tau neutrino interaction:  (e, ,) + N  (e,  ) + X  NC neutrino interaction: x + N  x + X Cascades


28 PRELIMINARY First spectrum > 3 TeV: - up to 100 TeV - matches lower-energy Frejus data


30 Skyplot Amanda-II, 2000 697 events below horizon above horizon: mostly fake events

31 AMANDA average flux limit for two assumed spectral indices , compared to the average gamma flux of Markarian 501 as observed in 1997 by HEGRA. Intrinsic source  spectrum (corrected for IR absorption) AMANDA-II has reached the sensitivity needed to search from neutrino fluxes from TeV gamma sources of similar strength to the instrinsic gamma flux. Measured  spectrum

32 1997 20002000+2001 SourceDeclination N obs / N bgr SS4335.0 o -0.7 0 / 2.38 2.3 1 / 1.69 M8712.4 o 17.01.0 0 / 0.95 3.8 2 / 1.10 Crab22.0 o 4.22.4 2 / 1.76 4.2 3 / 1.10 Mkn 42138.2 o 11.23.5 3 / 1.50 1.5 0 / 0.65 Mkn 50139.8 o 9.51.8 1 / 1.57 1.4 0 / 0.69 Cyg. X-341.0 o 4.93.5 3 / 1.69 1.5 0 / 0.67 Cas. A58.8 o 9.81.2 0 / 1.01 4.7 2 / 1.03 90% C.L. upper limits (in units of 10 -8 cm -2 s -1 ) for selected sources for an E -2 spectral shape integrated above E ν =10 GeV PRELIMINARY

33  AMANDA skyplot 2000-2003 optimized for best sensitivity to E -3 – E -2 sources 3369 events Preliminary



36 Crab Mk421 SS433 Mk501 M87 Cyg Cas A Preliminary

37 Selected Source Analysis Stacking Source Analysis Galactic Plane Transient Sources Burst Search Correlation Analysis Multi-Pole Analysis Lower energy threshold (optimize to steeper spectra)

38 Expected sensitivity for AMANDA 97-03 4 years Super-Kamiokande 8 years MACRO -90 0-45 9045 10 -15 10 -14   cm -2 s -1 declination (degrees) southern sky northern sky SS-433 Mk-501 /  ~ 1 170 days AMANDA-B10 230 days AMANDA-II Measured sensitivity 00-03


40 Search for diffuse excess of extra- terrestrial high energy neutrinos  bound WB bound log E /GeV DUMANDFREJUSMACRO

41  bound WB bound DUMANDFREJUSMACRO Amanda-B10 (1997) Expectation Amanda-II, 3 yearsExpectation IceCube, 3 years Experimental Limits Amanda-II (2000) Amanda-II (2000) cascades Baikal (98,99,00) Amanda-B10 (1997), UHE In red: only muons In blue: all flavors In red: only muons In blue: all flavors

42  bound WB bound  bound WB bound e :  :  = 1:2:0  1:1:1

43  bound WB bound  bound WB bound

44  bound WB bound Experimental all-flavor limits  bound WB bound DUMANDFREJUSMACRO Amanda-B10 (1997) Expectation Amanda-II, 3 yearsExpectation IceCube, 3 years Amanda-II (2000) Amanda-II (2000) cascades Baikal (98,99,00) Amanda-B10 (1997), UHE


46 Year# of GRB Bkgdseen events 1997780.060 1998990.200 1999960.200 2000440.400 Total2180.860 t=0+1h Waxman/Bahcall 99 - Low background (due narrow time and space coincidence) - Large effective areas (50 000 m² @ 1 PeV) Upper limit: 16 · Waxman/Bahcall flux -1 hour+1 hour Background determined on-source/off-time 10 min Blinded Window

47 YearDetectorN Bursts N BG, Pred N Obs Event U.L. 1997B-1078 (BT)0.0602.41 1998B-1094 (BT)0.2002.24 1999B-1096 (BT)0.2002.24 2000A-II (2analyses) 44 (BT)0.83/0.400/01.72/2.05 97-00B-10/A-II312 (BT)1.2901.45 2000A-II24 (BNT)0.2402.19 2000A-II46 (New)0.6001.88 2000A-II114 (All)1.2401.47 BT BATSE Triggered BNT BATSE Non- Triggered New IPN & GUSBAD PRELIMINARY Time of GRB (Start of T 90 ) -1 hour+1 hour Background determined on-source/off-time 10 min Low background analysis due to space and time coincidence!  Muon effective area (averaged over zenith angle)  50,000 m2 @ PeV Blinded Window


49 Neutrinos from the Sun   Amanda At South Pole the Sun sinks maximally 23° below horizon. Therefore only Amanda-II with its dramatically improved reconstruction capabilities for horizontial tracks (compared to Amanda-B10) can be used for solar WIMP search. Indirect Search for WIMPs

50 Present upper limits and expected IceCube sensitivity on muon flux from neutralino annihilations in center of Sun  Disfavored by direct search

51 Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles 10 -16 10 -15 10 -14 10 -18 10 -17  = v/c 1.000.750.50 upper limit (cm -2 s -1 sr -1 ) Cherenkov-Light  n 2 ·(g/e) 2 n = 1.33 (g/e) = 137 / 2  8300 KGF Soudan MACRO Orito Baikal-98,99,00 Amanda-97 IceCube  electrons


53 Supernova-Monitor Amanda-II Amanda-B10 IceCube 0 5 10 sec Count rates B10: 60% of Galaxy A-II: 95% of Galaxy IceCube: Up to LMC

54 The km3 scale at South Pole IceCube - 80 Strings - 4800 PMTs -Instrumented Volume: 1 km 3 -Installation: 2005-2010

55 6 Amanda modules Super- Kamiokande (Japan) AMANDA-II IceCube

56 E µ =6 PeV, 1000 hits E µ =10 TeV, 90 hits

57 IceCube Eff Area cos  A eff / km 2 IceCube Effective Area

58 IceTop + IceCube: 1/3 km 2 sr ….. for coincident tracks VETO against all downward events E > 300 TeV with trajectories inside IceTop CALIBRATION of angular response and geometry with tagged muons CHEMICAL COMPOSITION in energy range 10 15 eV – 10 18 eV

59 Chem. Composition 1 km 2 km AMANDA (number of muons ) Spase (number of electrons) Iron Proton log(E/PeV)

60 Cosmic rays Amanda/Spase IceCube/IceTop... investigates transition to extra-galactic CR

61 -90 0-45 9045 10 -15 10 -14   cm -2 s -1 SS-433 Mk-501 /  ~ 1 10 -17 10 -16 2001 2007 2003 2012 Achieved and expected sensitivities to steady point sources GX 339-4 Super-K, MACRO Antares Nestor ? IceCube KM3 in Mediterr. AMANDA

62 RICEAGASA Amanda, Baikal 2002 2007 AUGER  Anita AABN 2012 km 3 EUSO Auger Salsa 2004 RICE AGASA Achieved and expected sensitivities to diffuse fluxes

63 „Nothing is guaranteed, but history is on our side.“ Francis Halzen

64 Moses HAD a guarantee for final success... but saw the promised land only from far and never entered it by himself. With nearly 3 orders of magnitude improvement over 10 years we have a good chance for success before OUR retirement !

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