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Crenarchaea Sulfur reduction Sulfur respiration Sulfur oxidation Thermoproteus Sulfolobus COLD Crenarchaea.

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3 Crenarchaea Sulfur reduction Sulfur respiration Sulfur oxidation Thermoproteus Sulfolobus COLD Crenarchaea


5 Euryarchaea S metabolizing –Thermococcus Sulfate reducer –Or heterotroph –Archaeoglobus –F420 Thermoplasma –Acidophiles (pH0.8) –Coal refuse piles –Wall-less (like??) –Methanogen ancestry Halophiles methanogens

6 Halophiles “red herring” = Halobacterium 2M NaCl, at least! Internal salt = external –Compatible solutes –K+ Shapes vary- can be odd shapes like squares Facultative aerobes As anaerobes, photochemotrophic Bacteriorhodopsin=light driven proton pump


8 Methanogens Make CH 4 from CO 2 (some CO, formate, acetate methylamines) F 420, unique enzymes and cofactors Oxygen sensitive Found in soils, animal guts, landfills, oil deposits, hydrothermal vents Syntrophy Hydrogen and early energy sources

9 Korarchaeota First found using DNA- based techniques Yellowstone Now also Russia, Iceland, NZ (?) What do they do?

10 The Nanoarchaea


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