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(More) Evidence of Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 Ritaban Chatterjee, Boston University. Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era, July 11 th,

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Presentation on theme: "(More) Evidence of Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 Ritaban Chatterjee, Boston University. Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era, July 11 th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 (More) Evidence of Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 Ritaban Chatterjee, Boston University. Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era, July 11 th, 2008.

2 Disk-Jet connection in 3C 120 (Past) Marscher et al. (2002)

3 Multi-wavelength Light Curves of 3C 120 between 2002 and 2007

4 X-ray/37 GHz Anti-correlation (X-ray leads 37GHz by 120 days)

5 Modeling of Radio Data : Decomposition into Flares

6 Baseline through Yearly Mean

7 Modeling of the Dips in the X-ray

8 X-ray Dips and 37 GHz Flares

9 Area under the Curve of Radio Flares vs. Depth of the X-ray Dips

10 Possible Explanation of the X-ray Dip and Superluminal Ejection Correlation 1. Change in the magnetic field configuration in the accretion disk from turbulent to aligned => absence of viscous heating causes dips in X-ray production => aligned B field configuration facilitates shock to move towards the jet (Livio et al. 2003) 2. Corona is the base of the jet => decrease in the number density of electrons at the base of the jet => causes X-ray dips and increase in the speed of particles (continuity eqn.) => causes shock wave.

11 Multi-wavelength Light Curves of 3C 120 between 2002 and 2007

12 X-ray/Optical Correlation (X-ray leads Optical R band by 10 days)

13 Origin of Optical Emission Jet Polarization ≤ 0.3% Radio outbursts in the jet anti-correlates with X-ray. Accretion disk Excellent correlation with the X-ray with ≤ 10 days time lag

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