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Multimedia and the WWW Howell Istance and Chris Hand, Napier University.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia and the WWW Howell Istance and Chris Hand, Napier University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia and the WWW Howell Istance and Chris Hand, Napier University

2 Web Multimedia n Using: u sounds u movies/animation/images u interactivity u virtual reality worlds n Adds interest, excitement n But costs download time n And often requires plug-ins/helpers

3 Issues with media elements… Create, capture, edit Media element Integration and sequencing into a presentation Interactive presentation to end user n Tools specialised for different media elements n Compression techniques for different elements use information about the importance of data for each type n Standards enable portability between applications and platforms Authoring of digital media Capture to digital form Edit and optimise Compression, file standards

4 Issues with producing presentation… Create, capture, edit Media element Integration and sequencing into a presentation Interactive presentation to end user n Language or script to define order of media clips and how user interaction is handled (SMIL, Windows Metafile) n Encode presentations or components, Compression techniques used depend on means of delivery to user and available bandwidth Order media clips Encode for delivery

5 Issues with delivery… Create, capture, edit Media element Integration and sequencing into a presentation Interactive presentation to end user n Download: complete file is transferred to users machine before playback begins (except ‘pseudo- streaming’) n Stream: playback begins immediately after small amount of buffering at client side n Issues: protocol for data transfer, required bandwidth and available bandwidth of network connection download or stream (client)(server) (network)

6 Issues with client presentation Create, capture, edit Media element Integration and sequencing into a presentation Interactive presentation to end user n Decode compressed elements n Deliver on end user machine via application software and available hardware devices n Handle user inputs locally or send request to server n Issues: hardware and device characteristics, platform independence, browser capabilities and plugins Decode and deliver media elements Handle user input (client)(server) (network)

7 Helpers - Background n MIME - Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions n Extend range of file types playable n Helpers decode and play MIME types n E.G. file type.pdf uses Adobe Acrobat helper app

8 Plug-ins n Offer playability and interactivity n Do things browser can’t, e.g. u allow user to walk-through a virtual world (VRML Plug-in such as Cosmo Player) n Reside on client side - no plug-in no play: u provide links to download sites u check your server can handle the plug-in u offer alternatives

9 Developing Multimedia Web Sites n Extending basic HTML (e.g. DHTML, CSS) n Need special tools, e.g.: u Director for interactive presentations u Flash for animated movies u Platinum VRCreator for VRML worlds n And associated plug-ins, e.g.: u Shockwave for Director content u Flash Player for Flash content u Cosmo Player for virtual worlds

10 Flash n Create and animate graphics n Add interactivity and sound n Authoring creates movies as.fla files: u Then turn movie into Shockwave Flash movie (.swf) u Load into an existing web page u Or, publish movie - create HTML: n Can also publish in bitmap forms (e.g. gif)

11 Fireworks n Web specific graphics creation app n Features: u optimise graphics u create imagemaps, rollovers, etc n Big advantages: u all in one place - create vector graphics, add fills, text etc, save, optimise and export u good compatibility with rest of Macromedia suite

12 Flash or Fireworks? n Use Flash for: u simple graphics u complex/long movies u stand-alone Flash pages n Use Fireworks for: u complex graphics u short/simple animations

13 Flash or Shocked Director? n Use Flash for: u animation of simple images u low interactivity u fast turn-around n Use Director for: u complex interactive presentations (e.g. games) u longer turn-around (buggy)

14 VRML: VR on the Web n VRML: Virtual Reality Modelling Language n VR system for the web proposed at first WWW conference, Geneva 1994 n HTML is for words, VRML is for 3D models and worlds n Open standard u First draft spec - Nov 1994 u VRML 1.0 - May 1995 u VRML 1.0c - Jan 1996 u VRML 2.0 - August 1996

15 Building a VRML World n Collection of objects arranged in a particular order n Objects u correspond to something physical that has shape, various surface properties (colour, smoothness, shininess) and a position in 3D space - other objects include sounds, lights, viewpoints, all of which have a location in 3D space

16 Nodes in VRML n fundamental building blocks, some nodes are objects, some nodes are containers to hold nodes which are related u e.g. Shape node contains geometry node and appearance node n Nodes can contain other nodes n All nodes contain fields, which hold the data for the node

17 Simple VRML Example #VRML V2.0 utf8 # A Cylinder Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { } } geometry Cylinder { height 2.0 radius 1.5 } Appearance - contains Material node - definition of surface properties of an object, colour, texture, shininess Geometry - definition of shape, predefined nodes include Cylinder, Box, Sphere, user defined shape represented as an indexed faceset (collection of numbered coordinates and specification of connectivity)

18 #VRML V2.0 utf8 Transform{ translation -2.4 2 3 # translate the node(s) x, y, z units children [ Shape { appearance Appearance{ material Material{ } } geometry Cylinder { radius 3 height 6 side TRUE top FALSE bottom TRUE } ] }# end of Transform node Grouping Nodes n Transform - specifies how a group of children nodes may be translated, rotated or scaled n translation field takes a single vector as its value, showing the amount to move in the x, y and z direction

19 Events and ROUTEs n Nodes can receive or generate Events (or both) n Events sent/received defined by eventIn and eventOut n Easy to plug eventOut into eventIn using ROUTE statement n Once event is generated, Browser propagates it along ROUTEs to other nodes n Sensor nodes generate events based on user input (eg. TouchSensor, DragSensor), or time passing (TimeSensor)

20 #VRML V2.0 utf8 DEF view1 Viewpoint { position 0 0 20 description "view1" } DEF view2 Viewpoint { position 5 0 20 description "view2" } Group { children [ DEF box Transform { translation 5 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box { } } DEF touchBox TouchSensor { } ] } DEF sphere Transform { translation 0 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 1 0 } } geometry Sphere { } } ] } DEF cone Transform { translation -5 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } } geometry Cone { } } ] } ] # end of Group children } ROUTE touchBox.isActive TO view2.set_bind

21 Simple Animation in VRML n Interpolator nodes allows key values (e.g. positions) to be specified and browser "fills in the gaps" - like key frame animation n Interpolators work with u Positions u Rotations u Colors u Coordinates u Normals u Scalars

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