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Professor Lorraine Harper Academic Foundation programmes 2012.

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1 Professor Lorraine Harper Academic Foundation programmes 2012

2 About academic foundation posts  Provide opportunity to develop research teaching and leadership/management skills as well as basic competencies  Intended to benefit those who plan to follow an academic route as well as those choosing alternative medical careers  Programmes vary but all will allow completion of clinical competencies as well as providing additional skills –This means you will have to work harder or smarter –Be organised and proactive  To succeed requires ambition, organisation and maturity  5% of medical students achieve an academic foundation post, approximately 450 AFP  programmes


4 What makes an academic foundation programme different  Dedicated research and education time –Academic time spent as blocks or day release –Attached to department with recognised academic links  Project work –Opportunity to undertake own project under supervision of senior academic  Success in your hands –Self directed learning and achievement –Learn skills that translate across disciplines

5 Who can apply?  Applicants must show potential to fulfil academic role while still achieving clinical competencies –Minimum requirements similar to normal foundation programmes –Desirable qualities  previous academic experience - intercalation  Academic achievement –prizes, publications or presentations  Commitment – participation in research project

6 Generic academic application form  Register and enrol on FPAS available from 01/06/2011 at DO THIS EARLY  Same form as main FP recruitment –Basic factual information –Take 30 min to complete –References one practising doctor and one academic –Complete and submit by 12.00 noon (BST) on 10 June 2011.

7 How many posts can you apply to?  Preferences – can choose maximum of 3 units of application  A unit of application is a region NOT a post –Eg West Midlands 1 unit but covers Birmingham, Coventry and Warwick, Balck Country and Staffordshire –Look on UKFPO website

8 Choosing a rotation  Different programmes have different emphasis on research, education, management –decide what interests you  Review rotations carefully – make a shortlist  D your homework- Discuss rotations with those in post, contact programme lead  Decide on programmes to apply and contact the academic supervisor to discuss experience and skills they offer  Programme information available 03/05/2011  Check website of deanery you are interested in for details

9 Research your choice  Know requirements for selection –National specification is minimum required –Units of Application often have additional requirements –CHECK PERSON SECIFICATION FOR PROGRAMME – make sure you are eligible  Recruitment timetable, supplementary documentation requirements and interview information available 03/05/2011  Interviews - not all will accept telephone/video interviews – if not make sure you are available before applying

10 IMPORTANT!  You must complete Part 1 in order to apply for an Academic Foundation Programme.  If Part 1 is not complete, you cannot proceed to Part 2 as you will need the RA number generated from FPAS in order to apply to the Unit of Application.  If you try to apply without this number, your application will be rejected.

11 Local Selection – Part 2  Short listing based on supplementary documentation based on how well you fit person specification –West Midlands last year had application form  Interviews –Make sure you know dates and are available if deanery does not accept telephone interviews –Further help in June for interview support

12 Offers 15/9/2011  Email stating offer of programme, notification you are placed on reserve list or notification not successful  Must accept offer within 2 working days failure to respond will result in withdrawal of offer –If reject WILL NOT be placed on reserve list or considered at later date  If no offer will automatically be nominated for main foundation recruitment process

13 Cascade process  If placed on reserve list –A cascade system will run whereby units of application will offer unfilled programmes to the next highest scoring applicant who has not accepted a post  2 working days to accept offer  Process runs 21/09-03/10/2011

14 Academic Foundation Programmes  12 programmes West Midlands deanery  6 x 4 month posts over 2 years  One academic post in each foundation year  F1- majority of time must be based in clinical medicine –Exposure to academic medicine  F2 - a 4 month full time research placement is feasible  For other programmes see ionProgramme/AcademicFoundationProgramme. aspx

15 Recruitment to Academic Foundation Programmes  Regional (Birmingham, Keele, Warwick)  Fill rate for Birmingham posts for 2009 entry was 100% 200720082009 Vacancies2436 Applicants526158 Shortlisted233656 Appointments162228 Fill Rate67%61%78%

16 Application form (last year)  Prizes, awards and distinctions  2 academic acheivements  2 teaching acheivements  2 non-academic achievements – relate to academic attributes  Professional, leadership and clinical achievements  Why are you applying

17 Application form  Complete carefully  Use relevant personal examples to demonstrate skills etc  Ensure answers focused and precise DO NOT WAFFLE  Take your time –ITS IMPORTANT –Remember it always takes longer than think  Proof read it  Show it to a friend or collegue  Do’s and don’t’s http:\\

18 Scoring application  Score based on application form depend on previous academic experience, prizes and academic excellence  Quartile score provided by medical schools for normal foundation programme will not be available

19 Interviews If shortlisted yu will be called to interview  PREPARE –Research programme –Talk to current incumbents –Familiarise yourself with interview process – it will be in the letter –PRACTICE

20 Important dates  3 May 2011 -Programme details and local application information available  1 - 10 Jun 2011 - AFP 2012 Recruitment - Part 1, National application  6 Jun –12 Sep 2011 -AFP 2012 Recruitment – Part 2, Local selection  15 Sep 2011 - Initial offers made  19 Sept 2011 (12:00 noon BST) -Applicants to accept or reject an offer  21 Sept – 03 Oct 2011 - Cascade process - offers made to reserve list applicants

21 For further information  s/story/ukfpo-academic-rough-guide- published s/story/ukfpo-academic-rough-guide- published  es/academic-programmes es/academic-programmes  ndationProgramme/AcademicFoundationProg ramme.aspx

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