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SET Operations 1 Operational solar irradiances for MURI MURI Workshop October 21-22, 2008 W. Kent Tobiska

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Presentation on theme: "SET Operations 1 Operational solar irradiances for MURI MURI Workshop October 21-22, 2008 W. Kent Tobiska"— Presentation transcript:

1 SET Operations 1 Operational solar irradiances for MURI MURI Workshop October 21-22, 2008 W. Kent Tobiska Space Environment Technologies

2 SET Operations 2 Overview A.JB2008 solar indices contributions to nighttime minimum exospheric temperature from daily change relative to 81-day value 1.S10 (74.1%) - created by SET/APEX from SOHO SEM 26-34 nm bandpass and used with 1-day lag 2.M10 (10.2%) - created by SET/S2KOPS from NOAA 16/17, SORCE, GOME MgII cwr and used with 2-day lag 3.F10 (9.8%) - observed by Penticton and used with 1-day lag 4.Y10 (5.8%) - created by SET/S2KOPS from MgII/Lyman- alpha/GOES XRS and used with 5-day lag B.Other solar datasets and models

3 SET Operations 3 JB2008 website

4 SET Operations 4 The JB2008 solar indices

5 SET Operations 5 The JB2008 solar indices F10 Max = 284.500 Min = 65.0000 Mean = 122.429 +/- 47.5474 1-sigma Ratio max:min = 4.37692 S10 Max = 235.400 Min = 56.3000 Mean = 122.191 +/- 45.4857 1-sigma Ratio max:min = 4.18117 M10 Max = 243.400 Min = 60.1000 Mean = 121.046 +/- 44.0598 1-sigma Ratio max:min = 4.04992 Y10 Max = 195.020 Min = 45.8300 Mean = 104.612 +/- 36.4647 1-sigma Ratio max:min = 4.25529

6 SET Operations 6 Motivation for new Y10 solar index … capture the X-ray & Ly  absorption in lower thermosphere Seuv Xb10 & Lya Esrc Lya Ehrt MgII Altitude of unit optical depth for UV absorption

7 SET Operations 7 Creating Y10: start with GOES 0.1-0.8 nm soft X-rays

8 SET Operations 8 Separate background (X b10 = X10) and flare (X hf ) indices

9 SET Operations 9 Make solar cycle adjustment to Lyman-alpha (~L10)

10 SET Operations 10 Form SET Lyman-alpha composite

11 SET Operations 11 Combine L10 and X10 to form Y10 L10, X10, Y10

12 SET Operations 12 The formation of Y10   L10 is the SET composite Lyman-alpha FUV emission reported in sfu units after linear regression with F10   X10 is the SET Xb10 X-ray background component reported in sfu units after linear regression with F10   F81norm is the normalized 81-day smooth of F10   Y10 = F81norm*(X10) + (1-F81norm)*(L10)

13 SET Operations 13 The result – JB2008 densities

14 SET Operations 14 Existing data links for SET data products and those of other organizations using coupled solar irradiances Products quicklink

15 SET Operations 15 SIP PG provides historical, nowcast, and operational forecast XUV-UV variability in several spectral and proxy formats, including JB2006/JB2008 indices, using the IDL Virtual Machine that runs on any platform SIP SY provides callable IDL routine for MURI models Solar Irradiance Platform v2.34

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