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Interdisciplinarity: Chemistry ↔ Biology Dr. Fida Mohammad, GIKI- Topi Learning from: ►How chemists think ►What they do & How they do it Attitude until.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinarity: Chemistry ↔ Biology Dr. Fida Mohammad, GIKI- Topi Learning from: ►How chemists think ►What they do & How they do it Attitude until."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinarity: Chemistry ↔ Biology Dr. Fida Mohammad, GIKI- Topi Learning from: ►How chemists think ►What they do & How they do it Attitude until 1828 Organic compounds made by plants or animals cannot be made by man

2 Birth of Molecules Dalton’s theory 1808 ► Two or more than two atoms sticking together form molecules & that during chemical reactions atoms remain intact OH + HCl → H 2 O + Cl ☺ Maxwell: Nature, Sept 1873, 13 page article ” Molecule ”

3 Birth of Organic Chemistry: Woehler synthesis- 1828 ► He produced urea outside kidney ► He discovered Isomerism-I HCN vs HNC Isomerism ( connectivity )

4 Van’t Hoff considers third dimension removing isomer paradox (1874 ) Two Isomers No Isomer Cl

5 Van’t Hoff & Le Bel: Tetrahedral carbon atom also explains optical activity Chirality enters chemistry

6 Carbon atom insists on 109º angle Chair or Boat form ? Can molecules bend, twist curl, fold coil, turn Puckered rings Conformations Molecular angle is adjusted to relieve strain Zigzag Molecules

7 Precise measurements of angles and bond lengths What if the angle in water changes to 109º ?

8 Distribution of atoms in molecules - I

9 Distribution of charge in molecules - II: Dipole forces Dispersion forces ►Be careful with charge distribution in CO ►Don’t underestimate dispersion forces

10 Dispersion forces depend on shape also CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 3 CH 3 -C-CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 -C- CH 3 CH 3

11 Kevlar ( Hydrogen bonding ) Fiber Axis

12 Twisting, folding, coiling molecule

13 Great debate on Macromolecules: formation, size, flexibility, molar mass

14 : : Ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene ( UHMWPE ) Bullet proof Jackets Dispersion forces

15 Alternative structure for macromolecules

16 The restless Molecules Translation Rotation Vibration

17 Distance between base pairs = 340pm Rotation from base to base = 36º No. of bases per turn = 10 Length of DNA from one chromosome = 5 cm Molar mass= 1000 tons Unraveling the code of life


19 Understanding genetic make-up and Health Forecasting

20 Definition of chemistry: transformation of matter but how ?. Cyclobutane Ethylene

21 Femto-second chemistry ( Intermediates, transition states etc )

22 Exothermic reaction: where does the energy go ? F + D 2 → DF ( v ) + H + ∆H (147 kJ/mol ) V Rel. Amount 0 1 2 2 44 3 100 4 49 Studied for star war

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