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Statistics for Decision Making Exam #1 & Excel Exercises/Applications Instructor: John Seydel, Ph.D. QM 2113 -- Fall 2003.

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2 Statistics for Decision Making Exam #1 & Excel Exercises/Applications Instructor: John Seydel, Ph.D. QM 2113 -- Fall 2003

3 Student Objectives Exam 1: demonstrate understanding of basic descriptive statistics Univariate analysis  Quantitative data (charts and numeric measures)  Qualitative data (charts and numeric measures) Bivariate analysis for qualitative data (crosstabs) Perform descriptive bivariate analyses with help from Excel (quantitative variables) Use Excel to assist in performing basic univariate data analysis (for description)

4 Exam #1 – Descriptive Statistics Closed book / closed notes Write name at top left portion of page 1 Remove exam attachments (keep or recycle) Data sheet Formula sheet Write in space provided Or on backs of pages Staple if pages come apart Time limit: 90 minutes When done, turn-in exam Stay for graded exercise following exam Rework exam as homework (password = Fall2003)

5 Now, Some Data Analysis Refer to survey data from the examexam ASU students Opinions regarding publishing instructor evaluations You’ve just done some analysis the hard way Now, let’s use Excel to help out some Bivariate analysis: Aware vs. Credits Univariate analysis: Credits

6 Bivariate Analysis: Quantitative Data Hypothesis: experienced students are likely to be more familiar with issues Appropriate analysis Examine Level vs Credits That is, Level =  0 +  1 Credits Tools Scatterplot (i.e., XY chart) Regression (using Excel functions) b0b0 b1b1 R2R2  S yx Reference material: see Handouts pagematerial First, we need some data (copy from web: Exam 1)data

7 Univariate Analysis: Quantitative Data Let’s take a step back and look just at the variation in Credits Recall univariate analysis tools Histogram (informal, visual analysis) Descriptive statistics  Measures of location  Measures of variation Now, some analysis Basic descriptive statistics (n, min, max, xbar, s) Histogram:  No good Excel function  Need to create a flexible table/chart Reference material: see Handouts pagematerial

8 Summary of Objectives Exam 1: demonstrate understanding of basic descriptive statistics Univariate analysis  Quantitative data (charts and numeric measures)  Qualitative data (charts and numeric measures) Bivariate analysis for qualitative data (crosstabs) Perform descriptive bivariate analyses with help from Excel (quantitative variables) Use Excel to assist in performing basic univariate data analysis (for description)

9 Appendix

10 Getting The Data From The Web On the web page Select only the data (no titles, etc.) if possible Right-click and then click on Copy Switch window to blank Excel worksheet Select top left cell Click on Paste button Remove unwanted artifacts (columns, labels, etc.) Convert to usable data  Select top left cell of blank worksheet  Use the VALUE() function  Copy formula to remainder of cells Select variable to be analyzed Copy | Past Special to clean worksheet

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