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AXIS programme status n AXIS-I: uApproved November 1999 uObservations started April 2000 u19 nights so far u19.5 nights remaining n AXIS-II uApproved November.

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Presentation on theme: "AXIS programme status n AXIS-I: uApproved November 1999 uObservations started April 2000 u19 nights so far u19.5 nights remaining n AXIS-II uApproved November."— Presentation transcript:

1 AXIS programme status n AXIS-I: uApproved November 1999 uObservations started April 2000 u19 nights so far u19.5 nights remaining n AXIS-II uApproved November 2000 uTotal ~50 nights, continuing through to spring 2001

2 2 The AXIS team

3 3 The Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos JKT (1.0) GTC (10) TNG (3.5) INT (2.5) WHT (4.2) NOT (2.5)

4 4 AXIS:Breakdown of observing nights

5 5 AXIS instruments used

6 6 AXIS wide-field imaging Optical: INT/WFC Near IR: INT/CIRSI (includes M. Watson’s PATT Imaging proposal)

7 7 Search for candidate counterparts i’-band sources within either: 5  (statistical) or 5 arcsec Clusters? Reddened sources? AGNs beyond the Galaxy?

8 8 Candidate counterparts & systematics Count rate > 0.005 ct s -1 |b|>10º Single candidate counterpart 108 sources 66% x 1 =2 , 33% P(x|x 0 )=|x-x 0 |* exp(-|x-x 0 | 2 /2) P obs (x)=f 0 *P(x|0)+ f 1 *P(x|x 1 ) f 0 =0.67; x 0 =0 (fixed) f 1 =0.33; x 1 =2.0 

9 9 AXIS spectroscopy: Medium Sample n ~20 sources/field n ~10-15 identifiable with single WHT/WYFFOS configuration (2-3 hours, including overheads) n Most of the remaining sources within reach of long-slit spectrographs. n ~90% completeness expected

10 10 AXIS identifications: Galactic Plane n ~30-50 sources/field n At very low b, most sources have many candidate counterparts: uMultiband photometry (including H  ) u2-3 WYFFOS configurations uHigh resolution long slit spectroscopy n At intermediate b (10º-20º) the average number of candidate counterparts decreases.

11 11 AXIS identifications (as of December 1, 2000)

12 12 AXIS expectations

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