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Topic R1 – Review for the Midterm Exam. CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Date & Time and Exam Format The midterm exam will be Tuesday, 3 April.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic R1 – Review for the Midterm Exam. CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Date & Time and Exam Format The midterm exam will be Tuesday, 3 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic R1 – Review for the Midterm Exam

2 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Date & Time and Exam Format The midterm exam will be Tuesday, 3 April 2001, in your regularly-scheduled lecture. The exam is 75-minutes, closed-book, closed-notes and closed-neighbors. It will be composed entirely of short- answer type questions.

3 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Format The exam will be completeable within the allowed time of 75 minutes. This means that the questions will be at a level where you will be able to answer them quickly if you know the material.

4 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Format You will have to write C language statements to accomplish specific tasks. You will have to write complete functions to solve specific problems. You will NOT have to write complete C programs.

5 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Content (or…what’s on the exam?) All of the material covered in lecture (and thus all the material on the lecture slides) could potentially be the subject of an exam question. All of the material covered in lab (and thus all of the material in the lab manual) could potentially be the subject of an exam question.

6 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Exam Content (or…what’s on the exam?) There will NOT be any questions on any topics not covered in lecture (or in lab).

7 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Study Materials (or…what should I study?) Lecture Slides Lab Assignments Homeworks Textbook

8 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Extra Credit An extra credit assignment has already been made available. It is on the course webpage and is due when you walk in the door to take the midterm exam. Any points earned by doing this assignment will be directly added to your midterm exam score. Additionally, an extra credit problem will be on the exam. This problem will be more difficult and can only serve to help your score on the exam.

9 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Topic 1 – Introduction to Computers and Programming The three types of computer programming languages. The functions of the compiler, linker, and loader. The components of a computer.

10 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Topic 2 – Introduction to the C Programming Language Preprocessor Directives Variables and Data Types Reserved Words and Identifiers Assignment Statements Function Calls printf() and scanf()

11 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Arithmetic Expressions Special Cases (Increment, Decrement, Operations on a Variable) Topic 2A – Library Functions & Casting Common Math Library Functions Header Files Casting (implicit and explicit)

12 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Topic 3 – The General Form of a C Program C Program General Forms The return Statement Topic 4 – Programmer-Defined Functions Top-Down Design Function Declarations (Prototypes)

13 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Function Definitions Variables and Functions (scope) The void Data Type (input and output) Why do we use Functions? Topic 5 – Control Structures if/else Statements Conditions (including Compound Conditions)

14 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Nested if/else Statements switch Statements Topic 6 – Repetition and Loops The while Statement The for Statement The do/while Statement Counting, Conditional, Sentinel-Controlled Loops

15 CISC 105 – Review for the Midterm Exam Topics Of Interest (or…what have we covered?) Loop Design Converting Between the Different Loop Statements (i.e. while to for) Topic 6A – The char Data Type

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