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National and International Training Highlights Bernie Connell RAMMB.

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Presentation on theme: "National and International Training Highlights Bernie Connell RAMMB."— Presentation transcript:

1 National and International Training Highlights Bernie Connell RAMMB

2 Training National –VISIT –SHyMet International –Partnership with RMTCs in Costa Rica and Barbados –Training Events –Monthly International Weather Discussions Training for GOES-R/NPOESS

3 Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training –established 1998 Mission: To accelerate the transfer of research results from atmospheric remote sensing into NWS operations Method: Distance education techniques

4 VISITview Teletraining and real-time collaboration tool Connects instructor(s) to many students via internet Voice through telephone Capability to record voice and “annotations” for synchronized playback

5 VISIT sessions by topic (53 total sessions) Satellite Meteorology Severe Weather Winter Weather Tropical Lightning Climate Numerical Weather Prediction Fire Weather Other

6 VISIT “statistics” For the period: April 1999 – June 2006 1048 Sessions have been offered 5423 NWS Offices have signed up 15,836 Certificates have been issued. CIRA: Dan Bikos, Jeff Braun CIMSS: Scott Bachmeier

7 Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology Main Objective: To prepare NOAA and NWS users for the latest polar orbiting and geostationary satellite data and products in the warning and forecast process. course A new course dedicated to operational satellite meteorology

8 SHyMet Intern Course Target Audience: NWS Interns Target Audience: NWS Interns Web-based instruction and teletraining tracked through NOAA e-Learning Management System (LMS) Web-based instruction and teletraining tracked through NOAA e-Learning Management System (LMS) Primary Objective: To assure familiarity with satellite imagery and products available on AWIPS Primary Objective: To assure familiarity with satellite imagery and products available on AWIPS First Course Offering: Spring 2006 First Course Offering: Spring 2006

9 SHyMet Intern Topics 1. Understanding satellite imagery as observation A.Orientation B.A Brief Overview of GOES: operations, channels, and schedules (web module) C.Satellite Meteorology: GOES Channel Selection (web module) D.Polar Satellite Products for the Operational Forecaster, Module 1: POES Introduction and Background (web module) E.Sounder (teletraining)

10 SHyMet Intern Topics 2. Applications and case examples A.Satellite winds (teletraining) B.Cyclogenesis (teletraining) C.Severe weather (teletraining) D.Tropical (web module)

11 SHyMet “statistics” April 1 through July 31, 2006 81 NOAA registered participants representing ~45 NWS offices 8 Non-NOAA 31 individuals completed 29 Teletraining sessions offered April through June (CIRA: Jeff Braun, Dan Bikos; CIMSS: Scott Bachmeier)

12 SHyMet Plans Review feedback Conduct survey for input for next SHyMet offering Offer SHyMet “Advanced”

13 International Training Close interaction with the Regional Meteorological Training Centers (RMTCs) in Costa Rica and Barbados since 1996 Initial focus obtaining satellite imagery and provide basic training. WMO sponsored 2-week training events –Mitch Reconstruction Project in Central America Live International Weather Briefings October 2006 – High Profile Training Event

14 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING WMO sponsored Regional Training Course on the Use of Environmental Satellite Data in Meteorological Applications for RA III and RA IV Hosted by the RMTC of the University of Costa Rica in Costa Rica March 7-18, 2005 CIRA/RAMM personnel provided lectures/laboratories on the following topics: interpretation of GOES and POES imagery and products products from meteorological sounders hyperspectral imagery identifying mesoscale weather features convection tropical weather systems volcanic ash detection and fire detection

15 INTERNATIONAL WEATHER BRIEFINGS Live weather briefings using RAMSDIS Online through VISITview server at CIRA: voice through Yahoo Messenger - Bi-lingual: English and Spanish - Occur once a month Participants: CIRA, COMET, CIMSS, the International Desk at NCEP, SAB at NESDIS, Antigua, Argentina, Barbados, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana,Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Trinidad, and Venezuela.

16 largest session: 40 users logged into VISITview, 24 users logged into Yahoo Messenger

17 GOES-R and NPOESS on the horizon Short term – OUTREACH (advertising) Long term – TRAINING (real-time use) –Leverage and build upon existing programs: VISIT, SHyMet, COMET, others –Audience: National and International

18 Links VISIT SHyMet VISITview RAMSDIS Online

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