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Louisiana’s First Choice for College Access. LOSFA Administered Programs TOPS START Saving Program TOPS Tech Early Start Program Chafee Educational Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Louisiana’s First Choice for College Access. LOSFA Administered Programs TOPS START Saving Program TOPS Tech Early Start Program Chafee Educational Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Louisiana’s First Choice for College Access

2 LOSFA Administered Programs TOPS START Saving Program TOPS Tech Early Start Program Chafee Educational Training Voucher (ETV) Program Safer Volunteer Firemen’s Tuition Reimbursement Early Start Go Grant Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship

3 TOPS  The TOPS program was created by the Louisiana legislature in 1997 under the administration of Governor Mike Foster  1998 was the first award year for both 1997 and 1998 graduates  TOPS is funded through the State General Fund and the Millennium Trust Fund  TOPS funds must be appropriated each year by the Legislature

4 Citizenship, Residency & Criminal Convictions  Citizenship  A student must be a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident who is eligible to apply for citizenship  Residency  24 consecutive months for a parent or custodian of a dependent student OR  A student who has resided in Louisiana, completed their last two full years of high school in an approved school and graduated, as certified by the high school, shall have met the residency requirement for TOPS  Criminal Convictions  Must not have any criminal convictions. This does exclude misdemeanor traffic violations

5 Residency: Military Dependents  A dependent of a member of the U.S. Armed forces, who is transferred to Louisiana under permanent change of station orders, will be considered a resident for purposes of TOPS if the military member:  Changes his/her military personnel records to establish Louisiana as the member’s official state of residence within 180 days of reporting  Complies with Louisiana income tax laws  Submits an Affidavit of Residency and DD Form 2058

6 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  English  English I  English II  English III  English IV

7 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Math  Algebra I or Integrated Mathematics I  Or Applied Algebra 1  Or Algebra I – Parts 1 & 2 (two units)  Or Applied Algebra 1A & 1B (two units)  Or Applied Mathematics I & II (two units)  Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics II  Geometry, Applied Geometry, Calculus, Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math Functions and Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, Applied Mathematics III, Integrated Mathematics III or AP Calculus BC

8 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Science  Biology I or II  Chemistry I or II, or Chemistry Com  Earth Science, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Physics C: Mechanics, Physics for Technology I or II, Integrated Science, Anatomy and Physiology or Agriscience I and II (two units)

9 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Additional Math or Science  Geometry, Applied Geometry, Applied Mathematics III, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus BC, Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math- Functions and Statistics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, or Integrated Mathematics III  Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Physics C: Mechanics, or Anatomy and Physiology

10 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Social Studies  American History  Civics and Free Enterprise (1 unit combined), Civics (1 unit), or AP Government and Politics: United States  World History, Western Civilization, World Geography, or European History

11 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Foreign Language  Two units in the same language  English is not considered a foreign language  American Sign Language (2 units)

12 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013  Fine Arts Survey  or two units of performance courses in music, dance or theater*  or two units of studio art*  or two units of visual art*  or both Speech III & IV*  or both Agriscience I and Agriscience II  or 1 unit of an elective from among the other subjects listed in this core curriculum * The two units may be any combination of whole and half units

13  ½ unit of Computer Science I or II, Computer Technology Literacy, Business Computer Applications, Introduction to Business Computer Applications, or Computer Science Elective  Or substitute Word Processing, Computer Multimedia Presentations, Desktop Publishing, Web Design, Telecommunications, Computer Applications, Computer Architecture, Computer Systems/Networking I, Digital Graphics and Animation, Multimedia Productions, Webmastering, Independent Study In Technology Applications, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science AB, Database Design and Programming, Java Programming, Database Programming with PL/SQL Training, Digital Media I or II, Advanced Technical Drafting, or Computer Electronics I or II  or 1/2 unit of an elective from among the other subjects listed in the core curriculum TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2012 and 2013

14 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2014 and thereafter  English (4 units)  English I  English II  English III  English IV

15  Math (4 Units)  1 unit: Algebra I or Integrated Mathematics I  Or Applied Algebra 1  Or Algebra I – Parts 1 & 2 (two units)  Or Applied Algebra 1A & 1B (two units)  Or Applied Mathematics I & II (two units)  1 unit: Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics II  2 units: Geometry, Applied Geometry, Applied Mathematics III, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus BC, Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Advanced Math-Functions and Statistics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, or Integrated Mathematics III TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2014 and thereafter

16  Science (4 Units)  1 unit: Biology I or II  1 unit: Chemistry I or II, or Chemistry Com  2 units: Earth Science, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Physics C: Mechanics, Physics for Technology I or II, Integrated Science, Anatomy and Physiology or Agriscience I and II (both courses) TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2014 and thereafter

17  Social Studies (4 Units)  1 Unit: American History  1 Unit: Civics and Free Enterprise (1 unit combined), Civics (1 unit), or AP Government and Politics: United States  2 Units: World History, Western Civilization, World Geography, European History or History of Religion (non-public schools only)

18 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2014 and thereafter  Foreign Language (2 Units)  Two units in the same language  English is not considered a foreign language  American Sign Language (2 units)

19 TOPS Core Curriculum For students graduating in 2014 and thereafter  Fine Arts Survey (One Unit)  or one unit of performance courses in music, dance or theater*  or one unit of studio art*  or one unit of visual art*  or both Speech III & IV Students no longer have the option to substitute one unit as an elective from among the other TOPS Core curriculum courses. * The one unit may be any combination of half units in a category.

20 ACT  Without Penalty: April 14, 2012  Loss of 1 semester eligibility: June 9, 2012  Students who fail to achieve a qualifying ACT score by July 1 of the graduating year shall not be considered for an award  Highest composite score will be considered  TOPS does not consider the essay portion of the ACT when calculating the composite score to qualify  List TOPS code 1595 & your SSN on the ACT

21 SAT  An equivalent SAT score may be substituted for the ACT score  SAT Test Deadlines  Without Penalty: March 10, 2012  Loss of 1 semester eligibility: May 5, 2012 and June 2, 2012  Students must use the SAT scholarship code 9019 on the registration form  TOPS does not consider the essay portion of the SAT when calculating the composite score to qualify

22 Opportunity, Performance & Honors Awards  GPA on a 4.00 scale (not rounded) on 17.5 core units  Must complete the 17.5 core classes  Maximum of eight semesters or twelve quarters  A TOPS award may be combined with other forms of financial aid up to the “Cost of Attendance” for the institution  Provides amount equal to tuition to a public school in Louisiana or the average cost of a public education tuition to a private school  ($1621 per semester for 2011-2012)

23 TOPS Eligible Institutions: LAICU  Centenary College  Dillard University  Louisiana College  Loyola University  New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary  Our Lady of Holy Cross College  Our Lady of the Lake College  St. Joseph Seminary College  Tulane University  Xavier University

24 TOPS Awards  Opportunity Award (tuition amount)  2.50 core curriculum GPA on a 4.00 scale  A minimum score of a 20 on the ACT (940 SAT)  Performance Award (tuition plus $400 stipend)  3.00 core curriculum GPA on a 4.00 scale  A minimum score of 23 on the ACT (1050 SAT)  Honors Award (tuition plus $800 stipend)  3.00 core curriculum GPA on a 4.00 scale  A minimum score of 27 on the ACT (1210 SAT)

25 TOPS Tech Award  Eligibility Requirements  2.50 core curriculum GPA on a 4.00 scale  A minimum score of 17 on the ACT (810 SAT)  Completion of one of the Tech Core Option curriculums or the OPH curriculum  Award Amounts  Amount equal to full time tuition at any LA Technical college or community college if the student is enrolled in a 2-year Tech program  Can be used for a maximum of 2 years/4 semesters  Any Cosmetology school in Louisiana which has a current certificate of registration issued by the State Board of Cosmetology  Any accredited proprietary school which has a valid license issued by the Louisiana Board of Regents

26 TOPS Tech Award Eligible Programs  Check with the school you plan to attend to determine the programs offered which qualify for the TOPS Tech Award  All programs at the Louisiana Technical College (all campuses) are eligible  Examples of eligible programs:  Medical Assistant  Computer Network Technology  Pharmacy Technician  Fire Science Technology  Culinary Arts  Office Administration  Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

27 TOPS Application  Apply Jan 1 – July 1)  FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) –  Must be completed if the student is eligible for federal grant aid (Pell Grant)  Must be completed if the student is seeking any other form of financial aid  The only application needed for TOPS

28 TOPS Processing Cycle  STEP 1 – Student takes ACT  ACT scores are sent to LOSFA electronically  STEP 2 – Student files FAFSA (Jan 1-July 1)  FAFSA data is sent to LOSFA electronically  STEP 3 – Student completes 17.5 core units prior to high school graduation  Academic Records from the high schools are sent to LOSFA electronically  STEP 4 – Student is determined eligible for TOPS  Students will be mailed an award letter  College will see student online at TOPS Master Roster  STEP 5 – College will send LOSFA a bill  Students enrolled full-time through the 14 th class day

29 TOPS Award Status  Students eligible for a TOPS award will be notified by means of an official award letter from LOSFA  TOPS recipients should familiarize themselves with the Rights and Responsibilities included with their award letter  TOPS recipients are personally responsible for knowing and complying with the TOPS continuation requirements  Students can check their TOPS award status online by creating a Louisiana Award System Account at after June 1, 2012

30 Award Acceptance  Must enter an eligible institution as a full-time student by the first semester following the first anniversary of high school graduation  Military Students – join the Armed Forces on active duty within one year of high school and must return by the fall following the 5 th anniversary of high school graduation  TOPS Recipients serving in the National Guard will receive: the tuition exemption equal to the TOPS award amount; any applicable TOPS stipend; $600 annually for books and supplies  Returning Out of State Students  Graduate Study  Summer Sessions

31 TOPS Retention Requirements  Should apply annually by July 1 st by completing the Renewal FAFSA  Must be continuously enrolled on a full-time basis during the academic year  A student is considered full-time for the semester if they are carrying full-time hours through the 14 th class day of the semester or 9 th day of the quarter

32 TOPS Retention: Credit Hours  Must earn 24 credit hours each academic year  Failure to earn 24 hours will result in permanent award cancellation  Hours earned in advanced placement may not be used  Hours earned in summer school or summer intersession may not be used  Hours earned during any intersession held between the beginning of the fall semester and the end of the spring semester can be used  Hours earned in required remedial courses may be used  “Earned Hours” are hours successfully completed with a passing grade

33 TOPS Retention: GPA  At the end of each Academic Year, the following cumulative GPA must be maintained:  Opportunity Award:2.30 first academic year 2.50 all subsequent years  Performance Award:3.00  Honors Award:3.00  Students falling below 3.00 would revert to the Opportunity Award  Tech Award:2.50  Must meet steady academic requirements of 2.00 at the end of any semester or quarter  Award is reinstated upon attainment of the required GPA  Students failing to meet their GPA requirement will be placed on suspension not to exceed two years/one year for Tech or Award will be canceled

34 What is College?  Think of “college” as any form of education after graduating high school:  Public Colleges  Private Colleges  Community Colleges  Louisiana Technical Colleges  Cosmetology Schools  Proprietary Schools  Find the perfect fit & major for you!  2-year, 4-year, etc.

35 What is Student Financial Aid?

36 Financial Need  Cost of Attendance (COA)  Tuition and fees  Room and board  Books and supplies  Transportation  Miscellaneous personal expenses  Expected Family Contribution (EFC)  Income  Assets (excluding the family home)  Family size  Number of family members attending college (excluding parents)  Age of parents


38 Types of Financial Aid  Scholarships  Gift Aid – Based on Merit  Grants  Gift Aid – Based on Need  Employment Opportunities  Loans  Must be repaid – may be based on need

39 Sources of Financial Aid  State  Federal  Institutional  Private  Military

40 Campus-Based Federal Aid Programs  FSEOG  Academic Competitiveness Grant  National SMART Grant  Federal Work Study  Pell Grant  TEACH Grant  Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant  Federal Perkins Loans  Direct Loans

41 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)  General Information:  Gift aid  Maximum award $4,000  Eligibility Criteria:  Undergraduates without bachelor’s or first professional degree  Must demonstrate exceptional financial need

42 Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)  General Eligibility Requirements  U.S. Citizen  Pell Grant eligible  Full-time student  First Year Students  Must have completed a rigorous high school program of study  Maximum Award Amount: $750  Second Year Students  Must have a 3.00 cumulative college GPA  Maximum Award Amount: $1,300

43 National SMART Grant  National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant  Available for third and fourth year students  Maximum Award Amount: $4,000  Eligibility Requirements  U.S. Citizen  Pell Grant eligible  Full-time student  Must be enrolled in a four-year institution  Must major in mathematics, science, computer sciences, technology, engineering, or a critical foreign language  Must have a 3.00 cumulative college GPA

44 Federal Work Study  General Information:  Wages must be not less than current minimum wage  Eligibility Criteria:  Undergraduate, graduate or professional students, including less-than-half-time students  Must demonstrate financial need

45 Federal Pell Grant  General Information  Gift aid  Portable - can receive at any eligible institution  Maximum Award: $4,050  Eligibility Criteria  Undergraduates without a bachelor’s degree or first professional degree  Must demonstrate financial need

46 TEACH Grant  Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant  Grants for undergraduate and graduate students who intend to teach full-time in high- need subject areas for at least four years at schools that serve low-income students  Maximum Annual Award Amount: $4,000  Aggregate Undergraduate Limit: $16,000  Aggregate Graduate Limit: $8,000  Institutions are not required to participate in this program

47 Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant  For students whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11/2001  Student must have been less than 24 years of age or must have been enrolled at least half-time at the time of their parent or guardian’s death  Student must not have qualified for a Pell Grant  Maximum award is equal to maximum Pell Grant amount

48 Federal Perkins Loan  General Information:  5% interest rate  Annual Loan limits  $4,000 for undergraduates  $6,000 for graduate or professional students  School is the lender  Repayment begins 9 months after leaving school  10 year repayment period  Eligibility Criteria:  Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students  Must demonstrate financial need  Must be willing to repay the loan

49 Subsidized Loan  Loan is need-based  Federal government pays all interest while:  Borrower is in school, During the grace period, During periods of deferment  Interest rate is variable, capped at 8.25%  Student must have Financial Need  Student must be enrolled at least half-time  Student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the school to continue receiving loans  Loan has a 6 month Grace Period after leaving school or dropping below half-time before entering repayment  10 year repayment period

50 Unsubsidized Loan  Loan is not need-based  Loan may replace all or part of the student’s EFC  Borrower is responsible for interest at all times  Interest rate is variable, capped at 8.25%  Student must have completed the FAFSA  Student must be enrolled at least half-time  Student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the school to continue receiving loans  Loan has a 6 month Grace Period after leaving school or dropping below half-time before entering repayment  10 year repayment period

51 Plus Loans  Parent may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance less other financial aid received by the student  Interest rate is annually variable, capped at 9%  Borrower must be the parent of a dependent undergraduate student  Borrower must not have an adverse credit history  Repayment begins 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed  10 year repayment period

52 Loan Limits Total Cumulative Loan Limits Dependent Student$31,000 Independent Undergraduate$57,500 Graduate Student$138,500 PLUS LoansNo Federal Limit

53 Chafee Education & Training Voucher Program (ETV)  Administered by LOSFA on behalf of the Louisiana Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services  Available to students who are or were (prior to age 18) in the foster care system  Maximum Annual Award: $5,000

54 Chafee Education & Training Voucher Program (ETV)  Eligibility Requirements  Ages 15-21 (age 23 if receiving ETV at 21)  Enrolled in Louisiana public or LAICU institution or an approved Louisiana proprietary school  Must complete the FAFSA annually  Must have financial need  Must make Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by the institution  The institution will notify LOSFA of any student meeting the eligibility criteria

55 SAFER Tuition Reimbursement Program  Administered by LOSFA on behalf of the Louisiana State Firemen’s Association  Program provides tuition reimbursement for students earning a degree or certificate at a Louisiana public institution  Applicants must serve two years with a volunteer fire department as a Fire Fighter or EMS First Responder before the award will be paid  Concurrent with education – priority awards  Completed after graduation

56 SAFER Tuition Reimbursement Program  Applicants must earn a Fire Fighter I or National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) within 1 year of award  Maximum Award Amount:  $2,000 per semester  Two-year Program Total: $8,000  Four-year Program Total: $16,000  96 awards will be made  Application available at:

57 Early Start Program  The purpose of the Early Start Program is to provide an incentive for qualified Louisiana high school students to prepare for a postsecondary education or career  Formerly known as the Dual Enrollment Program  Courses of Study:  College Level, Degree Credit Courses  Enrichment/Developmental Courses – English or Math Courses (not degree credit)  Work Skills Courses – Skill or Occupational Training (industry based certification)  The Early Start Program Application is available online at  General Eligibility & Criteria are also online

58 Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship  Open to juniors, seniors and graduate students majoring in Forestry, Wildlife or Marine Science at a Louisiana public institution  Maximum Annual Award:  Undergraduate: $2,000  Graduate: $3,000  Total Maximum Award: $12,000  3 years undergraduate study  2 years graduate study

59 Go Grant  The Go Grant provides need-based financial aid for Louisiana residents  Program is administered by LOSFA on behalf of the Louisiana Board of Regents  Maximum Award for 2010-2011:  Full-time: $900  Half-time: $450  Less than Half-time: $225  Amounts based on current appropriation

60 Go Grant  Eligibility Requirements  Apply by completing the FAFSA annually  Louisiana Resident as of the date the FAFSA is filed  Certificate or degree seeking undergraduate student at a Louisiana public or LAICU institution  Must receive a Pell Grant  Must have an Education Cost Gap (ECG)  Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the institution

61 Private Aid  The best source of information on private aid is the Internet. There are numerous free scholarship search services available  See LOSFA website Useful Internet Links page or Surfing the Web for a listing  Private aid can be based on merit or financial need  Providers of private aid include companies, civic organizations, religious organizations, clubs, etc.

62 Institutional Aid  Each institution has its own merit-based scholarship programs  Many schools have their own need-based aid programs  Investigate aid opportunities early  Each institution has its own aid application process and deadline  Upperclassmen should also check with their department for aid opportunities for students in a specific major

63 Military Educational Opportunities  G.I. Bill  Education benefits for service members who have served on active duty for 90 or more days  Up to 100% Tuition and Fee Coverage  Monthly Living (Housing) Stipend  Up to $1000 a year for Books and Supplies  Loan Repayment Program  Individuals enrolled in the LRP earn 33 1/3 percent or $1,500, whichever is greater, toward the remaining original unpaid principal on all qualifying loans for each successfully completed year of enlisted active duty up to $65,000

64 Military Educational Opportunities  ROTC Scholarships  In exchange for a service commitment, the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) scholarships pay for almost all tuition, fees and books charges for four years of college  Louisiana National Guard Tuition Exemption  Waives the cost of tuition only for Louisiana Army and Air National Guard soldiers attending a Louisiana institution

65 LOSFA Social Sites LOSFA1000 TOPS Blog

66 Contact Information LOSFA 1-800-259-5626 x1012

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