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ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT. TERMS  Authentic  Performance/Performance-based  Alternative  Portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT. TERMS  Authentic  Performance/Performance-based  Alternative  Portfolio."— Presentation transcript:


2 TERMS  Authentic  Performance/Performance-based  Alternative  Portfolio

3 ADVANTAGES  Formative and Summative use same assessment  Focus tends to be higher order  Students involved in the creation of the assessment ( )  Allows multiple methods for students to show what they can do

4 Assessment Forms  Checklists Checklists  Rating Scales Rating Scales  Rubrics (Holistic vs Analytic)Holistic Analytic  Grading Grids  Matrices


6 CHECKLISTS  Basic yes/no  No “gray” areas so more reliable  Lose quality assessment of performance  Indicator statements/performance criteria must be clearly written, specific & observable

7 RATING SCALES  Lose reliability  Gain more information about student performance  Numerical, graphic, descriptive  Clearly stated indicator statements/performance criteria  Clearly stated ratings

8 Analytic Rubric MasteryAcceptableDevelopingUnacceptable Order, # of sentences 4 or more in logical order 3 in logical order 2 in logical order or more not in order 1 # of misspelled words 2 or fewer3 – 55 – 10 more than 10 On topicAll sentences related Most sentences related Some sentences related No sentences related FormatAppropriate, clear, correct position topic and concluding S Clear Appropriate OR correct position topic and Con. S Clear topic OR concluding sentence (position off) No clear topic or concluding sentence

9 HOLISTIC RUBRIC MasteryAppropriateDevelopingUnacceptable At least 4 sentences, in appropriate order and on topic, with clearly identified and appropriately placed topic and concluding sentences; no more than 2 misspelled words At least 3 sentences, in order with at least a clearly identified and appropriate topic OR concluding sentence; no more than 5 misspelled words At least 2 sentences in logical order or sentences not in logical order, at least a clearly identified topic OR concluding sentence; no more than 10 misspelled words Only one sentence; no clearly identifiable topic or concluding sentence; more than 10 words misspelled

10 Characteristics of Good Assessment Forms  Matches Objective (could assess multiple objectives in one rubric) Meaningful, specific, as precise as possible OR Matches content and appropriate areas to be assessed

11  RELIABLE – consistently interpreted by same or different reviewers Identifies levels of performance  From yes/no in checklist to quality in rating scale or rubric Avoid broad evaluative statements like excellent/good/acceptable on their own Provide examples/quantitative descriptors as much as feasible

12  independent behaviors assessed as independently as possible (e.g., evaluate each roll individually)  Efficient In a meaningful/useful order  Provides feedback to instructor and student Quality vs yes/no Specific information

13  Other factors when appropriate Writing issues Neatness (defined) Others????

14 OTHER OBSERVATIONAL DOCUMENTATION METHODS  In/In In the moment/in the action  In/Out In the moment/out of the action  After After the action has happened

15 NARRATIVE DOCUMENTATION  Brief Notes Brief Notes  Anecdotal Records (see ppt)  Running Records  Diary Description

16 SOME OTHER OBSERVATIONAL DOCUMENTATION METHODS  Time Sampling Time Sampling  Event Sampling Event Sampling

17 Brief Note  2/13/06  Jessica, math folders  30 min, did 8, on task

18 EVENT SAMPLING  Identify event prior to data collection beginning (specific)  Code or describe behavior FOR EXAMPLE when student is on task, what is the task number of times a child hits another child in a

19 TIME SAMPLING  Identify specific behaviors  Record instances of behavior at intervals of time

20 BlocksArtDram play Booksmanips AbeCP AA C BetsyCP AA C ChesterSSSS DollyA COP Ebenez er A CPP 9:009:159:309:4510:00 O=onlooker; S=solitary; P=parallel; A=associative; C=cooperative

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