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Conservation Biology Fall 2007. What is Conservation Biology?  Applied, interdisciplinary science developed in response to rapid modern loss of species.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation Biology Fall 2007. What is Conservation Biology?  Applied, interdisciplinary science developed in response to rapid modern loss of species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation Biology Fall 2007

2 What is Conservation Biology?  Applied, interdisciplinary science developed in response to rapid modern loss of species & habitats.  3 goals: oDocument diversity of organisms on Earth oStudy human impact on species and habitats oDevelop methods to preserve those species and their habitats

3 Conservation Biology…. The study of Biological Diversity

4 Semester Summary The semester was built around these 4 questions about Biodiversity:

5 Biological Diversity:  What is it, & how do scientists study it?  How did it get here?  What threatens it today?  How can we preserve it, as much as possible?

6 What is Biological Diversity?

7 Bacteria Archaebacteria ProtistsPlants Fungi Animals

8 Levels of Biological Diversity – Diversity at different scales: 1) Genetic Diversity

9 2) Species Diversity 3) Habitat Diversity

10 What are the Origins of Biological Diversity?

11 Biodiversity Origins  Genetic diversity: what it is, how it works  Species diversity: what is a species, how do they arise?  Evolution: how has the diversity of organisms come to be here on Earth? oArtificial selection vs. natural selection  Ecosystem diversity: food webs & how they work

12 What are the Threats to Biological Diversity?

13 Biodiversity Threats  History of Life & Mass Extinctions  Dangers of small population sizes  History of human impacts  Modern threats… oHabitat loss, fragmentation & degradation oInvasion of exotic species oGlobal climate change

14 What are some Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis?

15 Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis Saving Species:  Minimum viable populations  Habitat size  3 levels of intervention to save species (habitat improvement, captive breeding, off-site conservation)… in situ vs. ex situ preservation

16 Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis Saving Habitat:  Island Biogeography theory & what it tells us about designing habitat reserves  Ideal design of habitat reserves  What has been done in U.S.?  US Legislation to preserve biodiversity oFocused on species, habitats? (both?) oArticle “Bred for Success” – relate to above question

17 Solutions to the Biodiversity Crisis Sustainability & Sustainable Development:  Video: The Shaman’s Apprentice  Guest Lecture: Jim Dyer on sustainable farming & ranching (farms as habitat)  Debate: What is our best hope for encouraging preservation of biodiversity?  Closing: EO Wilson & the biodiversity bottleneck…


19 Saving “The Creation”  What will it take to preserve biological diversity?  Getting through the “Bottleneck” oWilson, pg. 311 quote


21 What are the best arguments for preservation?  Pragmatism first: oUse biodiversity oEconomics, technology (Wilson ch. 13) oHow many species do we rely upon for food today? (p 287) oIn diversity, often more stability (or resilience)  Most biodiversity housed in most impoverished nations – how can we help? (Frontiers article)

22 What agenda does Wilson propose to get diversity through the bottleneck?  List his 5 points: oWhat are they? oWhat is a problem associated with or addressed by each point? oWhat is an example of success he mentions for each point?  Report to class

23 But, of course, the only real hope for preservation must go beyond pragmatism  Biophilia: oThe inherent awe, connection and respect humanity feels for the rest of nature oWhen we have enough food & shelter, we can remember this sense of love & wonder we all have for the natural world – the world we were born of

24  Wilson – ch. 15 – quote, oP. 343-344 (4 paragraphs) oRead this!!!!!


26 So, what can we do? What can YOU do…? My heart is moved by all I cannot save: So much has been destroyed I have cast my lot with those who, age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power reconstitute the world. ---Adrienne Rich


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