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1 Chapter 10 Internetand New Information Technology Infrastructure.

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1 1 Chapter 10 Internetand New Information Technology Infrastructure

2 Information Systems for Management2 IT Infrastructure Enterprise Networking An arrangement of the organization’s hardware, software, network and data resources Puts power on the desktop computer In large companies, infrastructure is composed of multiple networks High-capacity backbone network connects many LANs Internetworking - Linking separate networks, each of which retains its identity

3 Information Systems for Management3 Standards and Connectivity Connectivity A measure of how well computers and computer-based devices communicate and share information without human intervention Open Systems Software that operates on different hardware Using IT standards in developing application software and communication network software

4 Information Systems for Management4 TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol/internet protocol) Used in the Internet, allows different types of computers to communicate OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Seven layers, international reference model Models of Connectivity

5 Information Systems for Management5 OSI and TCP/IP Networks Application Presentation Network Physical Session Transport Datalink TCP NIC Driver HTTP IP SMTPPOP3FTPTelnet UDP Each software layer performs certain job and passes output to next layer. In Internet, same jobs performed by fewer layers.

6 Information Systems for Management6 Internet Capabilities E-mail Person-to-person messaging; document sharing Usenet Newsgroups Discussion groups using electronic bulletin boards List Servers Discussion groups using email list servers Chat Rooms Interactive conversations Instant messaging

7 Information Systems for Management7 Internet Capabilities Telnet Remotely work on one computer while logged on to another FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Transfer of files from computer to computer World Wide Web Display multimedia documents, retrieve information using hyperlinks (URLs – see below)

8 Information Systems for Management8 Addresses on Internet Each computer has IP Address (“Internet address”) - unique combination of 4 numbers (e.g. Corresponding Domain Name System label (e.g., or for DNS = method of addressing using idea of inverted tree umanitoba cc spica (Web server for university Web site and course sites) Domains

9 Information Systems for Management9 Internet Service Providers (ISP) A commercial organization with a permanent connection to the Internet that sells temporary connections to subscribers High speed – always on Shaw – Cable Modem MTS – DSL Dial-up AOL Sympatico

10 Information Systems for Management10 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Naming method used with Web; extends DNS by specifying directories and file names – hypertext links (example: ) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) The communications standard used to transfer pages on the Web Defines how messages are formatted and transmitted So “http://...” says to the Web browser – “Use http to transfer what is at that URL and show it in my Web browser”.

11 Information Systems for Management11 Intranets & Extranets Intranet (written with lowers case “i” vs. “I” in Internet) Private network using Internet technology Protected from outsiders by firewalls Hardware and/or software placed between intranet and external networks to prevent outsiders from invading internal networks Extranet Intranets that allow authorized access by external stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, customers)

12 Information Systems for Management12 Wireless Web Wireless Web Standards Allow Web content to be reformatted to fit small screens (cell phone) WAP (wireless application protocol) Uses Wireless Markup Language (WML) Optimized for tiny displays (e.g., cell phones) I-mode Developed in Japan, being introduced in Europe and NA Uses compact HTML (easier to integrate than WML)

13 Information Systems for Management13 Organizational Benefits of Internet/Web Triggered E-Commerce - global reach of business operations Reducing communication and paper costs Email, Internet telephony (Voice over IP), Virtual private network (VPN) Online access to organizational information and knowledge (intranets) Enhance coordination and collaboration (communication and group support systems in intranets, extranets and over Internet) Lower transaction costs (buying/selling electronically) Enhance relationships with suppliers and customers

14 Information Systems for Management14 Technologies for B2C E-Commerce For developing Web Storefronts: Product catalogues, electronic shopping carts, customer profiles, electronic payment For Managing Web Storefronts: Display product availability Make shipping arrangements & tracking Link to electronic payment systems Connect to back-office systems (e.g., accounting) Support security (user authentication)

15 Information Systems for Management15 For managing customer relationships: Collect and analyze data on behaviour of online customers Registration forms Search terms customers use Clickstream tracking (screen items clicked on – links, icons, moving paths) Collaborative filtering (compare customer tracking data with data from customers with similar profiles, predict preferences, and try cross selling) Technologies for B2C E-Commerce

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