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Using graphs to present data Constructing graphs and interpreting data.

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Presentation on theme: "Using graphs to present data Constructing graphs and interpreting data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using graphs to present data Constructing graphs and interpreting data

2 Types of graphs commonly used in social work Bar charts Pie charts Histograms Line charts Charts for single system designs

3 You must use graphs that are appropriate to the level of measurement associated with the variable you are measuring Type of ChartLevel of Measurement Bar Chart Nominal; must be organized into categories Pie Chart Nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. However, it is not practical to use a pie chart when there are more than five or six possible values for a variable. Histogram Ordinal, interval, or ratio level data. Most often used with ratio or interval level data Line Chart/Frequency Polygram Interval and ratio data Single System Design Interval and ratio data

4 Bar Chart: Number of children with income under the poverty line

5 Pie Chart

6 Percents for Pie Chart African American American Indian AsianCaucasianLatinoOtherTotal 52102025870 7.14%2.86%14.29%28.57%35.71%11.43%100.00%

7 Histogram: Sales Figures by Region Graph

8 Line Chart

9 Techniques for Making Comparisons: Histogram

10 Techniques for Making Comparisons: Line Chart

11 Single System Designs Used by practitioners to measure whether intervention is effective. Not a formal evaluation of worker performance. Comparisons are made by comparing baseline measures to intervention phase. Measures used are usually ratio: standardized scores or counting behaviors. Behavioral counts are usually self-reports Sometimes comparisons are made across clients, types of interventions, or types of behaviors

12 Single –system Design Graph – Intervention starts at Week 5

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