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Industrial Ontologies Group: our history and team Vagan Terziyan, Group Leader Industrial Ontologies Group Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Ontologies Group: our history and team Vagan Terziyan, Group Leader Industrial Ontologies Group Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Ontologies Group: our history and team Vagan Terziyan, Group Leader Industrial Ontologies Group Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä

2 2 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History ontologies1978-1984 – We took part in development of the first in USSR Industrial Natural Language Processing System “DESTA”, which included semantic analysis and ontologies; Enabled Semantic AnnotationDiscovery Integration Semantic Web Services1985-1989 - We took part in development of the first in USSR Industrial Automated Natural Language Programming System “ALISA”, which Enabled Semantic Annotation, Discovery and Integration of software components (prototype of today's Semantic Web Services concept);

3 3 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History Semantic Web1990-1993 – under name of Metaintelligence Lab. we were piloting concept of a Metasemantic Network (triplet-based (meta-)knowledge representation model) – prototype of today’s RDF- based knowledge representation in Semantic Web; 1994-2000 – various projects with industrial partners, e.g. MetaAtom – “Semantic Diagnostics of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Stations based on Metaknowledge”; MetaHuman – industrial medical diagnostics expert system based on Metaknowledge”; Jeweler – metamodelling and control of industrial processes, etc.; got several research grants from Finnish Academy;

4 4 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History 2000-2001 – we have created branches in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (heart of Semantic Web activities in Europe) where now working 5 our former team members, in Jyvaskyla University (several tens of researchers) and established research groups in Kharkov (Ukraine) on Data Mining, Educational Ontologies, Telemedicine, etc. Semantic Web2001-2003 – we took part in MultiMeetMobile Tekes Project, in InBCT Tekes Project in Tempus EU Compact Project in (or in cooperation with) University of Jyvaskyla where we further promote Semantic Web concepts. Since 16 November 2002 we start to name ourselves as the Industrial Ontologies Group

5 5 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History Semantic Web2004-2007 – we worked on SmartResource Tekes Project (in cooperation with TeliaSonera, Metso Automation, TietoEnator, ABB, Science Park, University of Jyvaskyla) which is fully based on our views and approaches for implementation of Semantic Web technology. We are also performing the IdeaMentoring- I and IdeaMentoring- II projects funded by NOKIA to provide solutions for implementing Semantic Web Technology to mobile applications and services.

6 6 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History 2007-… – we are working on UBIWARE Tekes Project (in cooperation with ABB, Fingrid, Metso Automation, Metso Shared Services, Inno-W, TietoEnator, Science Park, University of Jyvaskyla) which further develops our concepts and platforms based on Semantic and Agent technologies integration. … - 2012 - links to our latest history see at the last page of this presentation

7 7 Industrial Ontologies Group: Important Objective For us there are no doubts about the possibilities, which Semantic Web opens for industry. that is why one important objective of our activities is to study appropriate industrial cases, collect arguments, launch industrial projects and develop prototypes for the industrial companies to not only believe together with us but also benefit from the Semantic Web.

8 8 Industrial Ontologies Group  Semantic Web and Ontologies  Web Services, SOA, SWS and Cloud Computing  (Multi) Agent Technologies  Distributed Artificial Intelligence  Knowledge Management, Big Data, Executable Knowledge  Ubiquitous Computing  Mobile Context-Aware Services and Applications  Machine Learning, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery G ROUP P ROFILE : The main objective of the group is to contribute to fast adoption of Semantic Web and related technologies to local and global industries. It includes research and development aimed to design a Global Understanding Environment as next generation of Web-based platforms by making heterogeneous industrial resources (files, documents, services, devices, business processes, systems, organizations, human experts, etc.) web-accessible, proactive and cooperative in a sense that they will be able to automatically plan own behavior, monitor and correct own state, communicate and negotiate among themselves depending on their role in a business process, utilize remote experts, Web-services, Linked Open Data, software agents and various Web applications.

9 See our newest history in: 9

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