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Solutions for diagnostic failures in HFC networks
What is the Visium? The association of Mathematical Programming, Search in Graphs and Artificial Intelligence techniques generates powerful auxiliary tools for decision making in diverse fields of the human knowledge. Using this technology, Tele Design has developed the VISIUM — Expert System for HFC Fault Diagnosis and Location, capable of starting its inference process with information obtained from subscribers calls, monitoring systems via SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), when available, or through information from the CMTS (Cable Modem Terminal System). This capability enables the reduction of investments, operational costs and customer service time.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE VISIUM is capable of making inferences soly on information that comes through the subscribers's calls. Making possible reducing the investment in hardware to acquire network failure data. With the appropriate handling of the events, whether originating from subscribers's calls (informing service interruption or degradation) or from the monitoring system, and its capacity to learn, VISIUM guarantees fast and precise answers to the necessities of HFC management networks.
VISIUM has intuitive and full graphic interface that allows a global view of the area being monitored (multinodes), the status of each node and detailed views of each equipment with its precise location, by pole or vault. In the general view the changing of the colors on the buttons, which represent nodes, brings information of the fault severity allowing the best allocation of available maintenance resources. The number of subscribers with interrupted service is the main information shown on the node button. GRAPHIC INTERFACE
With a simple mouse click on this button we have the node's full vision and up-to-the- moment inference results on affected consumers, poles where the calls occurred and the possible cause of the problem. With the aid of VISIUM the operator can be pro active and anticipate actions to back up the service, improving the subscriber perception of quality. The complete view of the node uses graphic computing resources, enabling the visualization of the affected consumers and poles, poles where the calls occurred, and the possible root of the problem in a clear and objective way, as opposite to digital maps shown by commercial GIS software. Going to the network design level, additional windows may even inform which equipment is on the poles or vaults, the number of connected subscribers to them, as well as the related addresses. ADVANTAGES
With the inference of the problem's cause, field teams can be directly driven to the most likely point of failure. Feedback of these teams to the controller in the operation center confirms the inference or generates new information, allowing VISIUM to continue its inference process, offering new locations and diagnosis instantly. This interaction, carried through without the aid of paper maps, reduce the fault location time more than 70%, thus reducing the time of non-rendered service. All those who have already operated large scale networks know of the difficulties in searching for information from map collections, especially in stressful situations, when there is service interruption at various points. Óptico Node Detalhes do Poste MDU ADVANTAGES
Moreover, keep paper maps available and up date demands investment and great organizational discipline. With VISIUM the paper maps are not more necessary. All the topology information and equipment in the network are shown. The graphic update of the network's representation in the VISIUM is made by the simple importation of design files. The clustering of operations finds in VISIUM the ideal tool for fault monitoring and detention. From a single environment, it is possible to control up to 300 nodes per open VISIUM instance. Views of cities, HUB areas, nodes and their respective problems given by VISIUM makes it an important ally in the management of HFC networks.
HIGHLIGHTS Expert System suggests actions to be taken for backup of the interrupted service. Features of Artificial Intelligence allows fault location and diagnosis in the affected area, making possible learning through experience. Friendly front end, operator oriented, allows tracking up to 300 nodes per Visium instance. Control Panel displays fault severity in the HFC network and the number of affected subscribers per node. True reflection of the network through the access to the design data base, poles and trenches, and subscribers. Powerful graphic interface eliminates the necessity of printed maps.
HIGHLIGHTS Full visualization of streets with access to the address data base. Visualizes the equipment and cabling structure at each pole, vault and box. Immediate importation of the various CATV design software files on the market, including LODE Data. Event input by subscriber calls or web form. Determination of path to be followed for cable verification when cabling problems have been inferred. Filters allow visualization of cabling layers (internodes, interconnection and distribution). HIGHLIGHTS cont.
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