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The Design Process CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker.

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Presentation on theme: "The Design Process CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Design Process CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker

2 Administrative Issues October 10, project deadline October 17, midterm exam Office hours Klappenecker TW 2:00pm-3:00pm Bhojwani M 10:00-11:00am, T 1:00-2:00pm Goyal W 2:00-4:00pm

3 Levels of Abstraction Specification Architectural Description Verilog, VHDL, ELLA or other HDLs Logic Design Gates and Registers Circuit Design Transistors sized for power and speed Technology mapping Layout

4 Levels of Abstraction + n+ S G D System Module Gate Circuits Device

5 MOS Transistors PMOS transistor like a switch ON if gate is 1 OFF if gate is 0 NMOS transistor OFF if gate is 1 ON if gate is 0 Drain (+) Drain (-) Source (+) Source (-) Current Flow

6 CMOS Circuits Simple Avoids difficulties Resilient Energy efficient Current flow only during switching time

7 Circuit Design Layering and Fabrication Layout

8 Hardware Description Languages Abstracting from circuits Structural description Specify full adder by NAND and NOR gates Behavioral description Specify full adder by functional behavior Improves productivity Natural for Computer Scientists

9 Verilog Structural description Gates, wires, input/output Hierarchical description possible (define full adder in terms of gates) Behavioral description Abstract formulation Functional relationships

10 Structural Verilog Example module mux(f, a,b,sel); output f; input a,b,sel; wire f1, f2; not(nsel, sel); and(f1, a,nsel); and(f2, b, sel); or (f, f1, f2); endmodule b a sel f

11 Behavioral Verilog Example module mux2(f, a,b,sel); output f; input a,b,sel; assign f = (a & ~sel) | (b & sel); endmodule

12 Another Example module mux2(f, a,b,sel); output f; input a,b,sel; reg f; always @(a or b or sel) if (sel==1) f = b; else f = a; endmodule

13 Synthesis Compilation Verilog code is translated into a network of logic gates Optimization Try to find a better solution by logic optimization (limited success) Technology mapping Physical design

14 Logic Gates and(y, a, b) or(y, a, b) not(y, a) xor(y, a,b) nand(y, a, b) …

15 Modules module mod_name (parameters); input … output … reg … …… endmodule

16 Full Adder module fulladd(cin, x, y, s, cout) input cin, x, y; output s, cout; assign s = x ^ y ^ cin; assign cout = (x & y) | (cin & x) | (cin & y); endmodule

17 Full Adder module fulladd(cin, x,y,s, cout); input cin, x, y; output s, cout; assign { cout, s } = x + y + cin; Endmodule The assign statement sets cout to MSB and s to LSB

18 Conclusions Verilog will be the language for our next projects Verilog compilers are freely available Programming in a HDL differs from software programming Higher level of abstraction allows to develop large circuits

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