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Sedimentary Structures “Strata” on Mars (2004). Stratafication Bedding (1-300 cm) Laminations (<1 cm) Massive Strata (>300 cm)

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Structures “Strata” on Mars (2004). Stratafication Bedding (1-300 cm) Laminations (<1 cm) Massive Strata (>300 cm)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Structures “Strata” on Mars (2004)

2 Stratafication Bedding (1-300 cm) Laminations (<1 cm) Massive Strata (>300 cm)

3 Inter-Bed Structures (within strata) Graded Beds Cross Beds Soft Sediment Deformation Dropstones Outcrop of turbidites, Carboniferous, northwestern China.

4 Graded Beds Death Valley, CA


6 Cross Beds Zion National Park, UT

7 Mars - Crossbeds

8 Soft Sediment Deformation image credit: Roger Suthren. Bude Formation, Upper Carboniferous, N Cornwall

9 Dropstones Norway

10 Intra-Bed Structures (on the surface of strata) Ripple Marks Mudcracks Raindrop Impressions Flute Marks

11 Ripple Marks

12 Mudcracks Glacier National Park, MT

13 Raindrop Impressions

14 Flute Marks

15 Fossils

16 Unaltered Remains (Usually “younger” fossils) Amber Mammoth Hair 2,400yr old Bog Man, Denmark Subfossil Wood

17 “Fossilized” Remains Permineralization Replacement Carbonization

18 Molds and Casts Cast - Paleozoic Crinoid Mold - Pennsylvanian Shark’s Jaw

19 “Trace Fossils” Track: an impression made by a single foot. Trackway: a number of tracks made during a single trip. Trail: an impression made by a tail or other “non-foot”. Burrows: a hole or holes an animal dug into loose sediment (like mud). Eggs and Nests: shells that at one time would have contained babies and the nests that the babies would have been kept in. Coprolites: poop that has become fossilized.

20 Trackways and Trails Fish Fin Marks (Nova Scotia) Trilobite Trails, New York 505 million years old (Cambrian) Dino Tracks (Connecticut)

21 Rodent Burrows

22 Worm Burrows Middle Silurian, Grimsby Formation, Hamilton, Ontario

23 Dino Nests Upper Cretaceous close to KT boundary, Henan province, China

24 Coprolites Miocene Mammal (WA) Cretaceous Hadrosaur (MT)

25 Sedimentary Environments

26 Continental - Fluvial

27 Continental - Glacial

28 Continental - Desert/Arid


30 Continental Lacustrine Swamp/Bog

31 Transitional (Coastlines): Beach & Tidal Zone

32 Transitional: Deltas & Estuaries

33 Transitional: Tidal Glaciers

34 Transitional: Barrier Islands

35 Transitional: Reef & Lagoon

36 Marine Shallow Marine Deep Marine

37 Concept of Sedimentary Facies Sedimentary Facies refers to all of the characteristics of a particular rock unit. The characteristics of the rock unit come from the depositional environment. Facies Depositional Environments

38 Facies Example A = Sandstone facies (beach environment) B = Shale facies (offshore marine environment) C = Limestone facies (far from sources of terrigenous input) Facies Change

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