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Data Security At Cornell Steve Schuster. Questions I’d like to Answer ► Why do we care about data security? ► What are our biggest challenges at Cornell?

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Presentation on theme: "Data Security At Cornell Steve Schuster. Questions I’d like to Answer ► Why do we care about data security? ► What are our biggest challenges at Cornell?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Security At Cornell Steve Schuster

2 Questions I’d like to Answer ► Why do we care about data security? ► What are our biggest challenges at Cornell? ► What can we do?

3 Why Do We Care? ► Current federal and state law  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)  Compromise notification laws ► 32 states ► NYS became law December 8, 2005 ► Growing social expectations due to rise in identity theft awareness ► Need to protect Cornell’s reputation

4 NYS Notification Law ► Cornell must notify and report if protected data is reasonably believed to have been inappropriately accessed ► Protected data  Name with ► Social security number ► Credit card number ► Bank account number with associated PIN ► Drivers license number ► Notification requirements  Personal notification  NYS reporting

5 Why Do We Care?




9 Our Biggest Challenges ► Changing/emerging law ► Growing social expectations and requirements ► Our general “openness” can make us an easier target  Cornell network  Home users  Roaming Cornell resources ► Changing the way data are handled, transmitted and protected around campus ► Answering institutional questions ► Complexity due to decentralized IT support complicates the identification of critical or sensitive resources/data ► Preparing for a legal defense now

10 Steps the University Is Taking ► New policy addressing minimum security standards ► Continue to investigate optional/additional security measures ► Formation of a Data Incident Response Team ► Determine if we should be assessing computers as they come onto our network ► More active security assessments ► Better security awareness for our users

11 Steps We Must All Take ► Identify the data on your systems and within your departments – You are responsible for the data  Social Security Numbers  Credit card numbers  Drivers license numbers ► Notify your IT staff of the data on your system if these data are sensitive ► Work with your local IT staff to ensure your system is protected  If in doubt ask ► Before performing any action on your computer ask if there’s a chance this action might put the data at risk  Clicking on e-mail attachments  Turning off the firewall, anti-virus  Installing programs from the internet ► If you work from home using personal computers  YOU are responsible for the security of your computer  Home wireless can be a particularly troublesome area  Unless it can’t be helped never store regulated data on home computers 

12 End User Security

13 Other Useful Links ► Information on Identity Theft   ► User Guidance   ► University Policies  Reporting Security Incidents ►  Network Registration ►  Authentication of IT Resources ►  Computer Abuse ► ► General Campus Security Links 

14 Questions?

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