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RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Electronic Shifted Manual Transmission George Slack Team Guide Jason BotterillTeam Leader, Mechanical Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Electronic Shifted Manual Transmission George Slack Team Guide Jason BotterillTeam Leader, Mechanical Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Electronic Shifted Manual Transmission George Slack Team Guide Jason BotterillTeam Leader, Mechanical Engineer Vaibhav KothariIndustrial Engineer Richard ChengElectrical Engineer Yi-Fan ZhangMechanical/Testing Engineer Sponsor: Polaris Industries P07310: Polaris ESMT 1

2 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Project Description Semi-automatic shifting system for the Polaris Outlaw 525 high-performance ATV. Target market: High-performance sport ATV riders. P07310: Polaris ESMT 2

3 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Key Specifications and Features Specifications: Weight:< 7 lbs. Shift Time:<.1 sec. Cost:< $250/unit @ 5000 units built Features: Push-Button Shift Control Reverse Lockout Gear indicator P07310: Polaris ESMT 3

4 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Control Interface Design Upshift Downshift P07310: Polaris ESMT 4

5 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: System Flowchart Rider pushes shift button System cuts ignition System shifts transmission System restores ignition Rider resumes normal operation P07310: Polaris ESMT 5

6 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Project Risk Assessment Risk: Slow electrical design progress  PLC not sufficiently specified  Sensor parameters not sufficiently defined  Motor control scheme not defined Proposed Mitigation:  Increased supporting professor consultation  Accelerated deliverables timetable P07310: Polaris ESMT 6

7 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Project Risk Assessment Risk: Lack of suitable test bench design  No working design has yet been produced  Current designs are inherently flawed Proposed mitigation:  Consult with advising professors  Propose simplified design  Design/build in parallel with other systems work  Backup plan: Use ATV on jack stands for systems testing P07310: Polaris ESMT 7

8 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Project Risk Assessment Risk: Complex mechanical system  Mechanical shifting system is inherently complex Proposed mitigation:  Develop secondary plan in parallel with primary solution P07310: Polaris ESMT 8

9 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Project Risk Assessment Risk: Shortened design schedule  ATV arrived after concept review (week 5)  True concept review occurred in week 8 (3 weeks late)  Detailed design phase running behind schedule Proposed Mitigation:  Accelerate deliverables timetable  Increase supporting professor input to decrease development time  Reduce scope to necessary functions and features only P07310: Polaris ESMT 9

10 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Product Development Process Phase Phase 0: Planning Phase 1: Transmission Concept Development Phase 2: System Level Design Phase 3: Detailed Design Phase 4: Testing and Refinement MSD IMSD II 01234 Current Phase of Development Alpha Prototype P07310: Polaris ESMT 10

11 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: Current State of Design Control interface system meets customer needs Mechanical system meets customer needs (confirmation tests pending) Electrical system is incomplete Test bench design is incomplete On target for $250 cost per unit  Current projected cost per unit: Mitigations:  Development timetables for electrical system and test bench accelerated  Cost per unit projections need to be adjusted for 5000 unit run P07310: Polaris ESMT 11

12 RIT Senior Design I, Project Review P07310: MSD II Schedule Highlights Wk 2: Design finalized and all components on order Wk. 4: Test bench completed and instrumented Wk. 4: Prototype systems completed Wk. 6: Test bench program completed, begin ATV testing Wk. 8: Function and performance review Wk. 9: Documentation completed (Formal paper, poster, etc.) Wk. 10: Final design review P07310: Polaris ESMT 12

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