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Dutch ELP-project (2) (impel) February 25th 2005 Graz/Österreich.

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Presentation on theme: "Dutch ELP-project (2) (impel) February 25th 2005 Graz/Österreich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dutch ELP-project (2) (impel) February 25th 2005 Graz/Österreich

2 Overview 1. Website since 1 September 2004 online: everybody can use this website for own ELP – 2. Implementation projects: 5 –Primary and secondary schools –Secondary schools –Secondary schools and vocational schools 3. Interest of Higher Vocational Education growing 4. Interventions in several areas –School management, 'middle' management, teacher education, seminars, workshops, providing help: special wishes of schools 5. Involvement of management (facilitates teachers) 6. ELP in intensive language courses (developing in direction of a trend) 7. Developing video (trailer on web?) - not ready yet

3 More than 3000 accounts Interest not only of vocational school but also of the secondary schools


5 My language portfolio

6 Daily usage (my ELP) - february 2005

7 Hourly usage (my ELP) - february 2005

8 Country (my ELP)

9 Country (website)

10 What did we change? Score of +/- (I am not sure if I can do) Instructions (but it is still not enough) The role of the teachers

11 What did we not achieve (yet)? A version of the ELP in English A flexible construction of the passport The change of users profile Developing a lot of learning activities Working with teachers takes much more time than we expected because of……. –A lack of information on CEF –The consequences working with ELP make changes in didactics necessary –Still difficult to get it in the curriculum

12 Stand van zaken website

13 Figuur 3

14 Figuur 4

15 Still a problem Development of adequate learning materials (part of website) Role of the textbook

16 More activities related to CEF or ELP Task for special project group: Relate national curriculum to CEF. Must be finished in this year Examples of learner productions (video- tapes) Study: ELP Netherlands as mother tongue (finished in 2004) Involvement of Higher Vocational Education (still going on) 'Language Profiles' (3 different versions) as an instrument for making more clear differences between schools

17 Lower secondary and vocational education EnglishA1A2B1B2C1C2 Listening Reading Speaking (interactive) Peaking (monologue) Writing

18 Lower secondary and vocational education Duits (German) A1A2B1B2C1 C2 Listening Reading Speaking (interactive) Speaking (monlogue) Writing

19 FrenchA1A2B1B2C1C2 Listening Reading Speaking (interactive) Speaking (monologue) Writing

20 Plans for the coming months School projects till summer holidays (maybe after the summer new projects) National ELP conference in June –Trying to involve all kinds of target groups E.g. Inspectors, publishers, parents –Developing learning materials (task based) Relating curriculum to CEF Tryout teacher language portfolio

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