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2003.08.26 - SLIDE 1IS 202 - Fall 2003 Course Introduction Prof. Ray Larson & Prof. Marc Davis UC Berkeley SIMS Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 am - 12:00 am Fall 2003 SIMS 202: Information Organization and Retrieval Credits to Marti Hearst for some of the slides in this lecture
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 2IS 202 - Fall 2003 Today Introductions Course Overview Administrivia
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 3IS 202 - Fall 2003 Today Introductions Course Overview Administrivia
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 4IS 202 - Fall 2003 IS202 Teaching Team Professor Ray Larson Professor Marc Davis TA Mayjane Co TA Maria Lawrence
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 5IS 202 - Fall 2003 Who Am I? Professor and Associate Dean at SIMS Here from the founding of SIMS, faculty member of the “previous school”
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 6IS 202 - Fall 2003 What Do I Do? Research –Design, development and evaluation of information retrieval systems and digital libraries –Cheshire II and III –Bibliometrics of the WWW –Geographic information retrieval (GIR) –Distributed search and retrieval –Applications of Grid computing to (large-scale) IR Teaching –Information Retrieval –Database Management
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 7IS 202 - Fall 2003 Who Am I? Assistant Professor at SIMS (School of Information Management and Systems) Background 1980 – 1984B.A. from Wesleyan University in the College of Letters 1984 – 1987M.A. from the University of Konstanz in Literary Theory and Philosophy 1990 – 1995Ph.D. from MIT Media Laboratory in Media Arts and Sciences 1993 – 1998Member of the Research Staff and Project Coordinator at Interval Research Corporation 1999 – 2002Chairman and CTO of Amova
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 8IS 202 - Fall 2003 What Do I Do? Create technology and applications that will enable daily media consumers to become daily media producers Research and teaching in the theory, design, and development of digital media systems for creating and using media metadata to automate media production and reuse –Research Director of the Garage Cinema Research group Executive Committee member and co-founder of the Center for New Media –Teaching Multimedia Information Digital Media Design Studio
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 9IS 202 - Fall 2003 Student Introductions Who are you? –Name –Undergrad degree –Special areas of expertise and interest Why are you here? –What you want to learn from the course
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 10IS 202 - Fall 2003 Today Introductions Course Overview Administrivia
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 11IS 202 - Fall 2003 Goals of the Course Learn about –Design, development, and use of information organization and retrieval systems –Practical and theoretical foundations of information organization and analysis –Evaluation of information access systems –Cognitive and user-centric considerations –Hands-on experience with information systems
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 12IS 202 - Fall 2003 Two Main Themes Information Organization and Design Information Retrieval and the Search Process
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 13IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Organization and Retrieval To organize is to (1) furnish with organs, make organic, make into living tissue, become organic; (2) form into an organic whole; give orderly structure to; frame and put into working order; make arrangements for. Knowledge is knowing, familiarity gained by experience; person’s range of information; a theoretical or practical understanding of; the sum of what is known. To retrieve is to (1) recover by investigation or effort of memory, restore to knowledge or recall to mind; regain possession of; (2) rescue from a bad state, revive, repair, set right. Information is (1) informing, telling; thing told, knowledge, items of knowledge, news. The Oxford English Dictionary, cf. Rowley
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 14IS 202 - Fall 2003 (Approximate) Course Schedule Organization –Overview –Categorization –Knowledge Representation –Metadata Introduction –Controlled Vocabularies Introduction –Thesaurus Design and Construction –Multimedia Information Organization and Retrieval –Metadata for Media –Database Design –XML
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 15IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Properties Information can be communicated electronically –Broadcasting –Networking Information can be easily duplicated and shared –Problems of ownership –Problems of control Adapted from ‘Silicon Dreams’ by Robert W. Lucky
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 16IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Hierarchy Wisdom Knowledge Information Data
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 17IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Hierarchy Data –The raw material of information Information –Data organized and presented by someone Knowledge –Information read, heard, or seen and understood Wisdom –Distilled and integrated knowledge and understanding
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 18IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? -- T.S. Eliot, “The Rock” Where is the information we have lost in data?
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 19IS 202 - Fall 2003 Information Life Cycle Creation UtilizationSearching Active Inactive Semi-Active Retention/ Mining Disposition Discard Using Creating Authoring Modifying Organizing Indexing Storing Retrieval Distribution Networking Accessing Filtering
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 20IS 202 - Fall 2003 Authoring/Modifying Converting data+information+knowledge to new information Creating information from observation, thought Editing and publication Gatekeeping
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 21IS 202 - Fall 2003 Organizing/Indexing Collecting and integrating information Affects data, information, and metadata “Metadata” describes data and information –More on this later Organizing information –Types of organization? Indexing
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 22IS 202 - Fall 2003 Storing/Retrieving Information storage –How and where is information stored? Retrieving information –How is information recovered from storage? –How do we find needed information? –Linked with accessing/filtering stage
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 23IS 202 - Fall 2003 Distribution/Networking Transmission of information –How is information transmitted? Networks vs. broadcast
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 24IS 202 - Fall 2003 Accessing/Filtering Using the organization created in the O/I stage to: –Select desired (or relevant) information –Locate that information –Retrieve the information from its storage location (often via a network)
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 25IS 202 - Fall 2003 Using/Creating Using information Transformation of information to knowledge Knowledge to new data and new information
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 26IS 202 - Fall 2003 Key Issues in This Course How to describe information resources in ways so that they may be effectively used by those who need to use them –Organizing How to find the appropriate information resources for someone’s (or your own) needs –Retrieving
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 27IS 202 - Fall 2003 Key Issues Creation UtilizationSearching Active Inactive Semi-Active Retention/ Mining Disposition Discard Using Creating Authoring Modifying Organizing Indexing Storing Retrieval Distribution Networking Accessing Filtering
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 28IS 202 - Fall 2003 (Approximate) Course Schedule Retrieval –Introduction to Search Process –Boolean Queries and Text Processing –Statistical Properties of Text and Vector Representation –Probabilistic Ranking and Relevance Feedback –Evaluation –Web Search Issues and Architecture –Interfaces for Information Retrieval Organization –Overview –Categorization –Knowledge Representation –Metadata Introduction –Controlled Vocabularies Introduction –Thesaurus Design and Construction –Multimedia Information Organization and Retrieval –Metadata for Media –Database Design –XML
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 29IS 202 - Fall 2003 Web Search Questions What do people search for? How do people use search engines? –How often do people find what they are looking for? –How difficult is it for people to find what they are looking for? How can search engines be improved?
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 30IS 202 - Fall 2003 What Do People Search for on the Web? Study by Spink et al., Oct 98 – –Survey on Excite, 13 questions –Data for 316 surveys
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 31IS 202 - Fall 2003 What Do People Search for on the Web? Topics Genealogy/Public Figure:12% Computer related:12% Business:12% Entertainment: 8% Medical: 8% Politics & Government 7% News 7% Hobbies 6% General info/surfing 6% Science 6% Travel 5% Arts/education/shopping/images 14% Something is missing…
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 32IS 202 - Fall 2003 What Do People Search for on the Web? 4660 sex 3129 yahoo 2191 internal site admin check from kho 1520 chat 1498 porn 1315 horoscopes 1284 pokemon 1283 SiteScope test 1223 hotmail 1163 games 1151 mp3 1140 weather 1127 1110 maps 1036 983 ebay 980 recipes 50,000 queries from excite 1997 Most frequent terms:
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 33IS 202 - Fall 2003 Why Do These Differ? Self-reporting survey The nature of language –Only a few ways to say certain things –Many different ways to express most concepts UFO, flying saucer, space ship, satellite How many ways are there to talk about history?
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 34IS 202 - Fall 2003 65002930 the 62789720 a 60857930 to 57248022 of 54078359 and 52928506 in 50686940 s 49986064 for 45999001 on 42205245 this 41203451 is 39779377 by 35439894 with 35284151 or 34446866 at 33528897 all 31583607 are 30998255 from 30755410 e 30080013 you 29669506 be 29417504 that 28542378 not 28162417 an 28110383 as 28076530 home 27650474 it 27572533 i 24548796 have 24420453 if 24376758 new 24171603 t 23951805 your 23875218 page 22292805 about 22265579 com 22107392 information Source: What is on the Web?
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 35IS 202 - Fall 2003 Intranet Queries (Aug 2000) 3351 bearfacts 3349 telebears 1909 extension 1874 schedule+of+classes 1780 bearlink 1737 bear+facts 1468 decal 1443 infobears 1227 calendar 989 career+center 974 campus+map 920 academic+calendar 840 map 773 bookstore 741 class+pass 738 housing 721 tele-bears 716 directory 667 schedule 627 recipes 602 transcripts 582 tuition 577 seti 563 registrar 550 info+bears 543 class+schedule 470 financial+aid
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 36IS 202 - Fall 2003 Intranet Queries Summary of sample data from 3 weeks of UCB queries –13.2% Telebears/BearFacts/InfoBears/BearLink (12297) –6.7% Schedule of classes or final exams (6222) –5.4% Summer Session (5041) –3.2% Extension (2932) –3.1% Academic Calendar (2846) –2.4% Directories (2202) –1.7% Career Center (1588) –1.7% Housing (1583) –1.5% Map (1393) Average query length over last 4 months: 1.8 words This suggests what is difficult to find from the home page
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 37IS 202 - Fall 2003 IR Issues in the Course What metadata is collected How the indexes are created How queries are formed How documents are ranked How shortest paths are computed How the system is built –… among other things! –This is just an introduction! Much more on these issues in the second half of the course
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 38IS 202 - Fall 2003 Course Format Most classes will be lecture/discussion sessions –Lecture ~60 minutes –Discussion ~20 minutes For each class students will prepare discussion questions for each reading and help lead discussion Some classes will be working sessions –Information Organization Summary and Phone Project Update –Phone Project Presentations –Final Review Some classes will be exams –In Class Midterm Exam –Final Exam
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 39IS 202 - Fall 2003 IS202 Course Project
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 40IS 202 - Fall 2003 Phone Project Goals Experience the actual process of information organization and retrieval –Especially as regards mobile media metadata creation, sharing, and (re)use Work in small, focused teams performing a variety of tasks –Image capture, cataloging, and application design Explore and design new applications for an emerging information organization and retrieval platform Develop an ongoing resource for SIMS (an annotated photo database) for –Internal research and teaching –External promotional and informational purposes
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 41IS 202 - Fall 2003 Phone Project Requirements Create engaging and useful application scenarios and photos Create a shared, reusable resource of annotated photos –All photos will be stored in one directory –Design your metadata So that all photos would be accessible from all applications Not only for the needs of your particular application, but also for the reusability of your photos and metadata
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 42IS 202 - Fall 2003 Assignments and Exams Approximately 12 assignments –Most due within one week to ten days –Many related to the Phone Project –Sometimes “checked”, sometimes graded Final exam (during finals week) Grading –Assignments: 60% Not evenly weighted –Final: 25% –Class Participation: 15%
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 43IS 202 - Fall 2003 Today Introductions Course Overview Administrivia
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 44IS 202 - Fall 2003 Readings Course reader –Will be available in about a week (will announce) –Textbooks Modern Information Retrieval, Baeza-Yates and Ribiero-Neto (Eds.), Addison Wesley, 1999 The Organization of Information, Arlene G. Taylor, Libraries Unlimited, 1999,
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 45IS 202 - Fall 2003 Homework (!) Read the handouts –Borges, Dennett, and Reddy Write one or two paragraphs on –What is information, according to your background or area of expertise? Due in class this Thursday, Aug 29
2003.08.26 - SLIDE 46IS 202 - Fall 2003 Next Time More information about the Phone Project More on what is information? And how much of it is out there?
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