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Sérgio Pequito Phd Student

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1 Sérgio Pequito Phd Student
From Particle Filters to Malliavin Filtering with Application to Target Tracking Sérgio Pequito Phd Student Final project of Detection, Estimation and Filtering course July 7th, 2010

2 Guidelines Motivation Monte Carlo Methods Particle filters
Importance Sampling Control Variates Particle filters Malliavin Estimator Example

3 Motivation - Barely relevant sampling

4 Monte Carlo Methods

5 Importance sampling Importance sampling involves a change of probability measure. Instead of taking X from a distribution with pdf , we instead take it from a different distribution with pdf where is the Radon-Nikodym derivative.

6 Importance sampling We want the new variance to be smaller than
the old variance How to achieve this? By making small where is large, and making large when is small. Small large relative to so more random samples in region where is large Particularly important for rare event simulation where is zero almost everywhere

7 Control Variates Suppose we want to approximate using a simple
Monte Carlo average If there is another payoff for which we know , can use to reduce error in How? By defining a new estimator Unbiased since

8 Control Variates For a single sample For a average of N samples
To minimize this, the optimum value for is

9 Control Variates The resulting variance is
Where is the correlation between and . The challenge is the choose a good which is well correlated with the covariance, and hence the optimal , can be estimated from the data.

10 Remarks Importance sampling – very useful for applications with rare
events, but again needs to be fine-tuned for each application Control variates – easy to implement and can be very effective But requires careful choice of control variate in each case Overall, a tradeoff between simplicity and generality on one hand, and efficiency and programming effort on the other.

11 Particle filters

12 Bayes’ Theorem

13 Nonlinear Filtering State evolution Measurement equation
discrete time stochastic model (Markovian) Measurement equation Model prediction given past measurements

14 Nonlinear Filtering Prediction update using current measurement
posterior likelihood dynamic prior

15 Particle Filtering represent state as a pdf
sample the state pdf as a set of particles and associated weights propagate particle values according to model update weights based on measurement P(x) x tk tk+1 t actual state value measured state value state particle value state pdf (belief) actual state trajectory estimated state trajectory particle propagation particle weight x

16 Particle Filtering Prediction step: use the state update model
Update step: with measurement, update the prior using Bayes’ rule:

17 Particle Filtering A particle filter iteratively approximates the posterior pdf as a set: where: xki is a point in the state space wki is an importance weight associated with the point

18 Particle Filtering Implementation steps
propose x0i and propagate particles compute likelihood of measurement w.r.t. each particle update particle weights based on likelihood normalize weights

19 Resampling Particle weights degenerate over time
measure of degeneracy: effective sample size resample whenever new set of particles have same statistical properties use normalized weights

20 PF Flowchart Initialize PF Parameters
Propose Initial Population , <x0,w0> Propagate Particles using State Model , xk-1xk Measurement zk Update Weights, wk-1wk Weights degenerated? No Yes Resample

21 Malliavin Estimator

22 Malliavin Estimator Particle Filter “Grid based method”

23 Malliavin Estimator

24 Malliavin Estimator

25 Malliavin Estimator If Hörmander hypothesis is satisfied then density exists and is smooth Use Malliavin calculus to develop an expression for H(X,1) that can be Simulated. So we get a Monte Carlo for (with variance reduction) Where are independent Euler approximations of For us then (pdf of X)

26 Malliavin Estimator The same simulated paths give good estimates for densities at any point. That is, one can compute the density over the whole real line with the same number of paths. Let a localization function and a parameter and a “control variate”. The density function where

27 Malliavin Estimator where and The variance of is minimized for

28 Malliavin Estimator For the numerical implementation one have to discretize the following By “Euler” scheme Moreover

29 Malliavin Estimator

30 Example

31 Malliavin Estimator are W.G.N.

32 N=1000 particles

33 N=20 particles Brownian Paths: 50 1000 runs!!!

34 Conclusion and Further Research
Different SMC method with variance reduction (no need to calibration) Possibility to extend to nonlinear case and extend to higher dimensions

35 References B. Bouchard, I. Ekeland and N. Touzi (2002). On the Malliavin approach to Monte Carlo approximation of conditional expectations. B. Bouchard and N. Touzi (2002), Discrete time approximation and Monte-Carlo simulation of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations E. Fournié, J.M.Larsy, J. Lebouchoux, P.L. Lions, N. Touzi (1999). Applications of Malliavin calculus to Monte Carlo methods in Finance I E. Fournié, J.M.Larsy, J. Lebouchoux, P.L. Lions (2001). Applications of Malliavin calculus to Monte Carlo methods in Finance II D. Nualart (1995). The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics. Doucet, A.; De Freitas, N.; Gordon, N.J. (2001). Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice Doucet, A.; Johansen, A.M.; (2008). A tutorial on particle filtering and smoothing: fifteen years later Arulampalam, M.S.; Maskell, S.; Gordon, N.; Clapp, T.; (2002). A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking

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