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HPC-Europa2 Funding research visits in Europe

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1 HPC-Europa2 Funding research visits in Europe

2 Quick facts 1.HPC-Europa2 is an EC funded project running for 4 years (2009–2012) 2.Focus is in funding for collaborative research visits 3.Funding for mobility includes access to some of the leading computer facilities in Europe 4.Call deadlines four times a year

3 CINECA, Italy Consorzio Interuniversitario, Bologna EPCC, United Kingdom Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, Edinburgh BSC, Spain Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Barcelona HLRS, Germany High Performance Computing Centre, Stuttgart GENCI, France Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif, Paris SARA, Netherlands Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum, Amsterdam CSC, Finland IT Center for Science, Helsinki UNIFOB, Norway HPC Laboratory, Bergen TCD, Ireland Trinity Centre for HPC, Dublin NTUA, Greece National Technical University of Athens, Athens PSNC, Poland Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, Poznan HPC-Europa2 partners

4 HPC-Europa2 research visit Common research interest between the visiting scientist and the hosting research group –Research needs to utilizing computing at some stage Visiting researchers in various stages of the research career: PhD student, post-doc, professor, … Visit length between 2-13 weeks

5 Eligibility for HPC-Europa2 Conditions for HPC-Europa2 funded research project –Visiting researcher needs to be from EU country or from an associated country (Norway, Switzerland, etc) –The project must be academic –The host group must be “associated” with a participating computing center –All Finnish universities are eligible for hosting visits through CSC participation

6 What does the funding include Travel costs Accommodation costs Daily allowance Access to computing facilities

7 HPCE2 visitor program 7 computing centers participating –Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK –These countries are eligible for hosting visits Funding for travel costs, accommodation and daily allowance Visit length 2 – 13 weeks Access to computing facilities

8 Application procedure The visiting scientists makes the application Beneficial to discuss the proposed project with the host in the application phase Applications submitted through project web page Application deadlines 4 times annually Actual visit start 3-6 months after the call DL

9 Application Review Process Funding decisions done by international scientific panel Panel supported by technical evaluation by computing centers and support statements by the proposed hosts Review results in 4-6 weeks Main funding criteria –the scientific value of the work proposed –the level of support from the local host researcher(s) –arguments for utilization of computing resources

10 Opportunities Make new contacts to top research groups in Europe through collaborative visit Strengthen existing collaboration by visiting research partners and working together Get access to state-of-the-art computing resources Optional to apply remote access to computing resource –Mainly aimed for existing collaborations

11 Statistics – total visits in 2009 Acceptance rate in 2009: 75% Total number of visitors in 2009: 255

12 Statistics – visits to Finland in 2009 Applications for visiting Finnish research groups –15 applications received, 11 accepted, success rate 73% Distribution of successful applications –Physics 5, Chemistry 3, Materials science 2, Energy 1 –Univ. Helsinki 4, Aalto School of Technology 3, Univ. Jyväskylä 2, Univ. Oulu 1, Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech 1

13 Example projects “On the cleaning of gold ores: density functional studies of the interaction of CN groups with gold” –Visitor from Spain at University of Jyväskylä –Visit duration 4 weeks, fall 2009 –Field: Chemistry “Fundamentals of defects in graphite at the atomic scale ” –Visitor from UK at Lappeenranta University of Technology –Visit duration 10 weeks, summer 2009 –Field: Materials science “Supernovae driven turbulence in the interstellar medium ” –Visitor from UK at University of Helsinki –Visit duration 3 weeks, spring 2010 –Field: Physics (Astronomy)

14 Summary Next call DLs 15 Nov 2010 and 28 Feb 2011 Visit length between 2-13 weeks Funding includes –travel costs –daily allowance –accommodation costs –access to computing facilities Eligibility for HPC-Europa2 research visits: –Researchers in EU or associated countries to apply –Research groups in 7 main partners countries to host

15 Contact and more information More information and applications through Additional information: Contact to, or to or Subscribe to project newsletter at

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