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1 Asymmetric Asynchronous Distributed Education (2) A. Frank, T. Sharon.

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1 1 Asymmetric Asynchronous Distributed Education (2) A. Frank, T. Sharon

2 2 Asymmetric-Asynchronous Technologies 1.Correspondence study –Print-based –Audio-based –Video-based 2.Computer-Based Training (CBT) 3.Web-Based Training (WBT)

3 3 2. Computer-Based Training (CBT) Instruction delivered on a computer without instructor’s involvement. Delivery media: –Diskettes –CD-ROM –DVD

4 4 Modern MM CBT Multimedia, Hypermedia, and a still- developing generation of powerful, sophisticated, and flexible computing tools have gained the attention of distance educators in recent years. The goal of computer-based multimedia is to integrate various voice, video, and computer technologies into a single, easily accessible delivery system.

5 5 Advantages of CBT Multiple Modes of Learning Good for drill/practice/simulations Immediate feedback Self-paced Increased learner centeredness Multimedia support Cost-effective

6 6 Limitations of CBT Access to computer and computer literacy is required. Requires large storage capacity. Platform dependant Lack of instructor Limited interactivity Computer technology is changing rapidly. Costly development and revisions.

7 7 3. Web-Based Training (WBT) Instruction delivered via a computer connected to a network (Internet or Intranet). Delivery Media: –HTML (and other markup/scripting languages) –Audio streaming –Video streaming

8 8 Audio Streaming Provides audio track for "still" images such as PowerPoint slides, spreadsheets, text screens. Requires "player" specific to streaming system/software used.

9 9 Video Streaming Works best for “talking heads“; full motion or high detail stream difficult. Requires "player" specific to streaming system/software used. Requires considerable hardware, software and network resources. Number of on-line users can affect backbone network performance.

10 10 Advantages of WBT Facilitates "one-stop" access to up-to-date course content, assessment tools, and interaction components. Immediate feedback Self-paced Learner centeredness Platform independent Multimedia support Provides security and authentication Provides student tracking

11 11 Limitations of WBT Access to computer and computer network literacy is required. Connection to the Internet is needed Reliance on Internet and ISP Danger of viruses Lack of instructor Limited interactivity Internet technology is changing rapidly Lack of standards

12 12 Support Technologies E-mail and file attachments Bulletin-Board FAX FTP

13 13 E-mail Advantages Connections can be made at any time. Messages sent to one or many. Complex ideas can be discussed. Computer files can often be attached to messages. Multiple messages can be accessed at one time.

14 14 E-mail Limitations No pictures, video or audio unless downloaded as a file or support for MM-Mail. Need computer and mail software, modem or network connection. Response time (to sender and back) may be uncertain. Mail can get lost.

15 15 Bulletin-Board Advantages Multiple topics or ideas can be discussed concurrently. Same advantages as E-mail, with more control and functions.

16 16 Bulletin-Board Limitations No pictures, video or audio Need computer with modem or network connections Online time can be extensive and expensive Bulletin-board system requires one line for each connection to it

17 17 FAX Advantages Uses POTS lines FAX has become a very widespread format available in many locations Easy to use, requires little training Text, pictures and graphics can be transmitted

18 18 FAX Limitations No video, animation or sound Must have fax machine at both locations Usually only black and white Some fax paper is low quality Quality of copy varies greatly

19 19 References University of Maryland University College, Models of Distance Education California State University at Sacramento, Distance and Distributed Education Engineering Outreach at the University of Idaho, Distance Education at a Glance University of Illinois, An Introduction to Distance Learning Technology

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