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Adjustable Book Shelf Team Members : Vineeth Alva Ankit Dhawan Shohei Shibata.

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Presentation on theme: "Adjustable Book Shelf Team Members : Vineeth Alva Ankit Dhawan Shohei Shibata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjustable Book Shelf Team Members : Vineeth Alva Ankit Dhawan Shohei Shibata

2 Presentation Outline  Problem Definition  Concept Generation  Concept Evaluation  Current Progress  Expected Semester Outcome  Overall Project Plan

3 The Dorm Desk and Bookshelf

4 Problem Definition  Bookshelf unit in dorm rooms do not follow the guidelines set by ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).  Height range of 9” to 48”: Lowest point of current shelf is approximately 50”.  Front reach maximum of 25”: The current shelf unit is located at exactly 25”.  Goal: To design a shelf unit that is within the guidelines set by ADA, within the limited space available in a dorm room. *User must not insert more than 5 lb of force to access the bookshelf.

5 Concepts Generated  Sliding Down Bookshelf  Bookshelf will be placed in existing bookshelf in dorm, lowered and raised onto desk  Side of Desk – Low  Bookshelf placed underneath desk, moved in and out  Side of Desk – High  Bookshelf placed on side of desk. Above desk such that there is no need for it to move  Swing Shelf  Placed underneath desk, swings towards user.

6 Concept Evaluation  Evaluation was done using decision matrix  Evaluated each concept against customer requirements such as Reachability, Ease of Access, Cost.  Compared each concept with the existing bookshelf  Side of Desk – High, was chosen for its reachability and use of space.

7 Current Progress  Dimensions of shelf unit and platform complete  Performing force analysis  Designing moving mechanism and switch

8 Current Progress


10 Force Analysis  Stress Analysis  Plywood structure is strong enough for the bookshelf  Weight of motor mechanism to be determined  Acceleration of shelf  0.13 ft/sec 2 for movement in 5 seconds  This number determines force needed by the motor.

11 Expected Semester Outcome  Complete Design  Finish designing moving mechanism  Choose materials, parts  Build Prototype  Complete as designed  Test

12 Overall Project Plan  Prototype completed this semester  Start testing prototype, continue testing in Fall  Delivery in November, 2004

13  Objective: To help students with physical disabilities locate the best accessible path between campus locations by drawing a map  Can also be used by visitors

14 Group Members Abdul Zahid Project Leader Programmer Avirul Sharma Programmer Brian Eng GPS Coordinator Saad Sami Database Manager

15 Last Semester  Smaller partly working map  DEMO!!!!  Able to integrate bigger campus map  Problems with the path drawing  Extended the campus coverage

16 Semester Goals  Improve path drawing  Expand area, and plan improvements  Resize existing map  Add turn by turn directions  Faster map loading using BMP image format

17 Web-Interface  Facilitates channeling of the user input data to the best path implementation routine  Simple and easy to use  Easy to maintain for future semesters  Accessible via home computers, not just kiosk

18 Nodes in the Map

19 Node Database  Database example  For GPS coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) NodeNameGPS CoordinatesTYPENeighbors 1PHYS6.285, 1.225Door2,4,9,10 2MSEE(NW)6.654, 3.256Door1,7,9,14 3MSEE(SE)6.542, 3.2545Door4,5,6 4INT16.021, 3.021Intersection1,3,6

20 This Semester  Accurate Path Drawing – Done  Obtain more GPS coordinates for all of campus – Done  Kiosk – Ready  Faster map loading – Nearing Completion  Turn by turn Directions – In Development  Project Delivery – End of the Semester

21 Coverage Area  Engineering Mall  Area surrounding (and including) BRNG, MATH, and CL50  Clock tower area (SC, CS, PSY)  “Chemistry” area (WTHR, BRWN, GRIS, HEAV, etc)  Union Area (PMU, Stewart, HICKS)

22 Project Partner  Updated the Project Partner about the current status  Informed about our semester goals  Will inform about our delivery plans

23 DEMO!!!!!

24 Semester Timeline

25 Continuity Plan  Add new buildings to the database  Add turn by turn directions if possible

26 Questions?

27 GPS-DVI Global Positioning System Device for the Visually Impaired Team members : 1.Howard Lityo5. Sak Mahasuverachai 2.Sivanit Ratanadib 6. Abdul Zahid 3.Ryan Hicks 7. Michael Alexander 4. Bryn Nealis

28 Overview  Introduction  Previous Semester  Project partner meeting  Semester Goal  Current State  Demo  Problems

29 Introduction GPS-DVI : Team project that involves the development of a handheld device, incorporating a PDA with a GPS receiver which will aid students who are visually impaired in navigation around the campus.

30 Design Objectives  Input  Input building name  Braille overlay  Output  Voice  Turn by turn directions  Input confirmation  Assumptions  Visually Impaired user  On West Lafayette Campus

31 Previous Semester  Completed shortest path algorithm  GPS Receiver data  Not able to update in continuously  Voice Output  Research, available options, etc.  GUI completed  Modified again this semester

32 Semester Goal  User must only input destination  Node Number  Use actual GPS data  Node-Node navigation  Not turn-by-turn  Warn user if off track  Some voice output  Input confirmation, off track warning, current location  Assume user within our map coverage area  Have EVERYTHING integrated and working together

33 Current State  GPS Receiver functioning  Updating continuously  Updated GUI  User off track functionality  Determination of current node  Voice output  GPS coordinates collected

34 Gantt Chart

35 Project Partner Meeting  Updated on current status  Believes that we are on track  Discussed semester goal

36 Demo – Shortest Path

37 Demo - Software

38 Questions, Comments, Suggestions

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