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Introduction CSC 358/458 3/27/2006
Outline Introductions Course goals Course organization History of Lisp Lisp syntax Examples Lisp IDE
Me Robin Burke CST 453 Programming in Lisp for about 20 years would program in nothing else if given the choice
Resources Course web site 8/ Homework / Lab assignments Lecture notes Currently off-line (hacker attack) temporary substitute CTI Course on-line Course forum Homework submission Grades
Lisp environment Allegro Common Lisp free download labs terminal server There are other implementations including open-source ones
Symbolic Programming Programming as manipulation of symbols
Math without Symbols... a square and 10 roots are equal to 39 units. The question therefore in this type of equation is about as follows: what is the square which combined with ten of its roots will give a sum total of 39? The manner of solving this type of equation is to take one-half of the roots just mentioned. Now the roots in the problem before us are 10. Therefore take 5, which multiplied by itself gives 25, an amount which you add to 39 giving 64. Having taken then the square root of this which is 8, subtract from it half the roots, 5 leaving 3. The number three therefore represents one root of this square, which itself, of course is 9. Nine therefore gives the square.
Math with Symbols
Symbolic Programming Symbolic representation of a problem Formal operations to manipulate the representations Closely related to AI
Symbolic programming Another important application of symbolic manipulation is game- playing Game tokens (cards, pieces) are symbolic representations of game state The rules of a game describe how these tokens are manipulated
Topics Introduction Lists and Trees Functions Strings and I/O Midterm Control structures AI application: pattern matching Macros AI application: search
Lisp origins 2 nd Oldest Programming Language John McCarthy, MIT 1960s Originally intended as an internal language for working with FORTRAN programs developed a life of its own LISt Processing
Lisp History Early implementations very slow purely interpreted widely varying semantics different function libraries 80s AI boom need for portable Lisp CommonLisp initiative
Lisp Today Many Lisp ideas become mainstream prototyping dynamic memory management functions as first-class objects Modern Lisp very fast multi-paradigm programming extensible
Why you should study Lisp Because it is weird unusual syntax unusual computational model unusual development approach Because it is extremely powerful some aspects of Lisp do not exist in any mainstream language Lisp can make programming incredibly efficient Lisp can express some algorithmic ideas more directly than other languages Because you may use it commercial applications (including autoCAD and Yahoo MyStore) AI applications and research tools
Syntax Basic elements of the language Relationships between them
Essentials of Lisp syntax Evaluation everything has a value computation = evaluating that value Example running a program >(myprogram) What am I doing? Asking Lisp to evaluate an expression Because the expression is in parentheses it is assumed to be function call The symbol "myprogram" is evaluated used to look up a previously-defined function This function is called What the function returns is printed out
Lisp syntax 2 More examples > 2 > (+ 2 3) > (* a b) 2 has a value in and of itself (+ 2 3) is a function call + evaluates to the addition operator 2 and 3 evaluate to themselves the addition operator is called with 2 and 3 as arguments 5 is returned (* a b) * evaluates to the multiplication operator a and b are evaluated presumably they are variables with values whatever their values are get multiplied together
Lisp syntax 3 Every expression is either a list (a b c) an atom 5 Atoms are evaluated some self-evaluate symbols look for bindings
Lisp syntax 4 Lists the first element is evaluated as a function each other element is evaluated then the function is called with the other elements as arguments a value is returned
Exception If first element is the name of a special form or macro then all arguments may not be evaluated Example (if (and (< health 5) (< enemy-distance 10) (self-destruct) (fire-weapon))
Evaluation a pi “a” #\a (cos pi) ‘(cos pi)
Note on types Lisp has a very elaborate (user-extensible) type system Every value in Lisp has a type but variables do not have types You do not have to tell Lisp what type a variable will hold because it doesn't matter to the interpreter (Sigh of relief from the C++ programmers) if you want / need to you can give this information to the compiler and your code may be more efficient but only if you need to That doesn't mean Lisp doesn't care about types it doesn't allow crazy type conversions like C if you try to do something illegal, you'll get a run-time error not a compile-time error
Quote Prevents evaluation crucial for symbols Obviously a special form (quote a) => a Abbreviation ' 'a => a
Functional values Different kind of quoting (function tan) => # Abbreviation #' #'tan => # We can pass functions as arguments (funcall #'tan 1) equivalent to (tan 1)
Lists Basic Lisp data type (a b c) Front a "car" Rest (b c) "cdr" nil = empty list
Lists, cont'd Assembling lists (list 'a 'b 'c) (cons 'a '(b c)) (append '(a) '(b c)) Lists can contain lists (a (b c) (d e (f))) Lisp functions are lists! (defun isDead (enemy) (<= (enemy-health enemy) 0))
Lists, cont'd We can treat lists like arrays (nth 2 '(2 4 8 16 32)) 8 We can treat lists like stacks (setq lst '(a b c)) (pop lst) returns a lst now contains (b c) (push 'q lst) lst now contains (q b c) We can even treat lists like tables association lists (assoc 'j '((k 13) (q 12) (j 11)) returns (j 11) the pair whose car matches the symbol j
Assignment Bind a symbol to a value (setf a '(1 2 3)) Also (set 'a '(1 2 3)) then (setq a '(1 2 3)) Setf generalizes setq first argument can be a function call (setf (car l) 0)
Defining functions (defun name (args) body) Examples (defun square (x) (* x x)) (defun sum-sq (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))) Recursive function factorial
Truth values T/nil actually any non-nil value is assumed to be T
Conditions Syntax (if exp1 exp2 [exp3]) If exp1 evaluates to T evaluate exp2 and return the value otherwise evaluate exp3 and return it if no exp3, return nil
And / Or / Not (and exp1 exp2... ) keep evaluating while T (or exp1 exp2... ) keep evaluating while nil (not exp1) reverse truth value
Cond Generalized conditional (cond clause1... clausen) clause = (condition value) Example (defun interest-rate (money) (cond ((< money 0) 0) ((< money 1000) 2) ((< money 10000) 5) ((< money 100000) 7) (t 10)))
Equality Equality is kind of complicated we’ll return to this topic Different operators = for numbers eq for identicality (same pointer) equal for “looks the same” most expensive to compute
Let Defining local variables (let ((var1 val1).. (varn valn)) body) What is the value? the value of the last expression of the form Example (defun fielding (put-outs assists errors) (let ((numerator (+ put-outs assists)) (denom (+ put-outs assists errors))) (/ numerator denom)))
Let* Same syntax but assignments made sequentially Example (defun fielding (put-outs assists errors) (let* ((numerator (+ put-outs assists)) (denom (+ numerator errors))) (/ numerator denom)))
Simple iteration (We'll see many more forms in this class) Do something once for each item in a list (dolist (var list).. body) Do something k times (dotimes (var k).. body)
Extended Example cards
Break Lab CST 6 th floor
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