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Political Parties  No parties at founding of the republic  Washington cautioned against their baneful effects  Madison warned against factions  But.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties  No parties at founding of the republic  Washington cautioned against their baneful effects  Madison warned against factions  But."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties  No parties at founding of the republic  Washington cautioned against their baneful effects  Madison warned against factions  But Federalists and Anti-Federalists debated ratification of Constitution

2 Origins of Political Parties  Jefferson created the first party in 1796  Party created to secure opposition in the Electoral College to federalist candidate John Adams  Jefferson called supporters Republicans  Federalists called them Democratic Republicans to emphasize the demos or unruly mob

3 Brief History  1789-1796 Pre-party period  1796-1820 First Party System –1800 Jefferson elected with support of Democratic Republicans –election determined in House because Jefferson and Burr received equal votes –1804 12th Amendment requires separate candidates for President & V.P.

4 Brief History continued –1820-28 Democratic Republicans divided  Andrew Jackson (populist Democrat)  John Quincy Adams (National Republican)  1828-1856 Second Party System –1834 National Republicans renamed Whigs  1856-present Third Party System –1860 First Critical Election (major realignment)  Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln  No. Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas  So. Democrats nominated John Breckinridge

5 Brief History continued  Republicans became party of the North –strong ties to business  Democrats became party of the South –Republicans were seen as the party of Lincoln--opposed to slavery and the South’s attempt to secede –1894 Severe recession –1896 Second Critical Election  solidified Republican base  Republicans nominated William McKinley (Ohio); favored high tariffs & gold standard  Democrats nominated Wm. Jennings Bryan; favored silver coinage

6 Brief History continued  Republicans won and dominated national politics until 1929 and Wall Street crash –1932 Third Critical Election  FDR elected by landslide  Democrats control presidency for 36 years  Republicans control presidency for 28 years  Democrats control House of Representatives for 40 years (1954-1994)

7 Parties and View of Government

8 Grass Roots Party Organization

9 Traditional Roles of Parties  Serve as intermediary between citizens & government  Screen or recruit candidates, including president, for public office  Contest elections, mobilize voters, and increasingly fund candidates  Organize government (e.g. Congress)  Serve as agents of accountability (to public)  Manage societal conflict (organize interests)

10 Responsible Party Model  Typical of Parliamentary system  Strong, competitive parties  Platform represents promise to people  Majority party selects government leader (e.g. prime minister--no divided government)  Majority party held accountable for living up to promises (party discipline enforced)

11 Parties in the U.S.  Representatives have multiple obligations –To self (conscience) –To constituents –To political party  Parties operate in multiple domains –Organize interests of the electorate –Achieve program goals in government –Develop loose coalitions in political system

12 Minor Political Parties  Bolter Parties –splinter groups within major parties that bolt –e.g. Progressive Party (liberal Republicans) opposed excesses of economic and political power; introduced initiative, referendum, and recall –e.g. Reform Party (Ross Perot in 1992 & 1996)  Ideological Protest (Marxists, Socialists)  Single Issue Parties; Farm-Labor Coalition  Take votes from major parties but force examination of important issues

13 Endurance of Two Party System  U.S. is unusual relative to other countries; most have multi-party systems –with multi-member constituencies –proportional representation  U.S. Procedures favor two-party system –winner-take-all or first-past-the-post elections –single member districts –simple plurality

14 Decline of the Political Party?  1960s End of consensus; Vietnam protests  1968 Democratic National Convention and Chicago riots with police brutality  Democrats reject leadership –open party participation to women, minorities; –introduce more primaries (direct vote)  Republicans introduce organizational change –RNC adopts business practices –automates mailing lists –professionalizes fundraising

15 Decline of the Political Party?  Party identification waning; voters are increasingly independent  Fewer citizens involved in party politics; decreased issue role of parties  Media and interest groups assume some intermediary roles left vacant by parties  Media personalizes politics; politicians respond with cult of individual  Interest groups encourage greater diversity of interests; society more fragmented

16 Decline of the Political Party?  Interest groups forced to work within two party system  Parties become “big tents” for groups with varied interests  Party conventions no longer determine party nominee but try to attract media attention  Parties harness soft money unavailable to candidates  Parties respond to changing times

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