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Review Session What Does It Mean to be Green? ECO EDITION!

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2 Review Session What Does It Mean to be Green?


4 Landfills and all that garbage Climate Change Pick Your Poison Carbon Foot Prints Energy Cycles 100 200 300 400 500

5 All That Garbage 100 pts. This type of waste disposal site was originally built to bury our trash while keeping the waste isolated from groundwater, to avoid contact with air, and to keep waste dry. Unfortunatly, these conditions also had unfavorable results. BACK TO BOARD

6 Land Fills and All That Garbage 200 pts. This Lethal and extremely flammable Greenhouse gas can leak out the bottom or over the top of landfills. BACK TO BOARD

7 Land Fills and All That Garbage 300 pts. Reducing the amount of waste is one solution to using landfills less. The motto “Reduce, ______ and ______ shows two other solutions. (The Three R’s) BACK TO BOARD

8 Land Fills and All That Garbage 400 pts. In McKinley’s Dining hall (where you eat lunch) there are a few types of bins to dispose your trash into. Which bin does your food and napkins go into? BACK TO BOARD

9 Land Fills and All That Garbage 500 pts. In the past 30 years, ________of the planet’s natural resources base have been consumed. A) One Fourth (25%) B) Half (50%) C) One Third (33%) D) All (100%) BACK TO BOARD

10 Climate Change 100 These Gases absorb infra-red radiation in the atmosphere, maintaining Earth's temperature. Anthropogenic (human) emissions of these gases “house” a warming affect. BACK TO BOARD

11 Climate Change 200 Explain the difference between the terms “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” BACK TO BOARD

12 Climate Change 300 How many Earths would it take if everyone on the planet lived and wasted as much as the USA? A) 3.2 B) 5.3 C) 7.2 D) 2.5 BACK TO BOARD

13 Climate Change 400 Name three Greenhouse gases BACK TO BOARD

14 Climate Change 500 These indicators of climate change are known for their sensitivity to change in temperature. They advance during climate cooling and retreat during climate warming on moderate time scales....And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. BACK TO BOARD

15 Pick Your Poison 100 Many harmful chemicals found in these have been banned in Europe but not yet in the USA. That’s something to blush about. BACK TO BOARD

16 Pick Your Poison 200 In our class we learned that many everyday products contain harmful toxins that begin to affect us negatively with continued exposure and use. Reading this on the products when shopping can help you avoid products that contain harmful chemicals BACK TO BOARD

17 Pick Your Poison 300 This is the governmental agency in the USA that determines if a product is safe or not. A. NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) B. WWF ( World Wildlife Federation) C. FDA (Food and Drug Association) D. TRL (Total Request Live) BACK TO BOARD

18 Pick Your Poison 400 These are the three ways that harmful agents like toxins and chemicals can enter our bodies. BACK TO BOARD


20 Pick Your Poison 500 1) Name 4 of the 12 “Dirty Dozen” Toxins found in cosmetics. 2) What types of products are they found in? 3) How are they harmful to our bodies (HINT: Check your folders, you got a handout about this) BACK TO BOARD

21 Carbon Foot Prints 100 What is a Carbon Footprint? BACK TO BOARD

22 Carbon Foot Prints 200 Your Footprint is at zero when you are “Carbon ______” BACK TO BOARD

23 Carbon Foot Prints 300 Name three ways to shrink your carbon footprint BACK TO BOARD

24 Carbon Foot Prints 400 By using ______fuels like water for hydropower and sunlight for solar power, or alternative fuel sources like fuel cells and biomass, we can help conserve our natural resources so they don't run out. BACK TO BOARD

25 Carbon Foot Prints 500 Oceans are one example of a “Carbon Sink”. They sequester (trap) carbon. Name one other natural carbon sink. (Hint: what organism “breaths” in CO2) BACK TO BOARD

26 Energy Cycles 100 Give an Example of a non-renewable energy source BACK TO BOARD

27 Energy Cycles 200 Give an Example of two renewable energy Sources BACK TO BOARD

28 Energy Cycles 300 Name 3 products that are made of oil BACK TO BOARD

29 Energy Cycles 400 _______ bulbs use 75% less electricity than regular light bulbs and last years longer. Replacing them can save 200 kilowatt hours per year, which translates into roughly $20 per bulb. BACK TO BOARD

30 Energy Cycles 500 Draw on the board the energy cycle of an aluminum can. Be as detailed as possible. BACK TO BOARD

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