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Fig. 7.1 Bode plot for the typical magnitude term. The curve shown applies for the case of a zero. For a pole, the high-frequency asymptote should be drawn.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 7.1 Bode plot for the typical magnitude term. The curve shown applies for the case of a zero. For a pole, the high-frequency asymptote should be drawn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 7.1 Bode plot for the typical magnitude term. The curve shown applies for the case of a zero. For a pole, the high-frequency asymptote should be drawn with a  6-dB/octave slope.

2 Fig. 7.2 Bode plots for Example 7.1.

3 Fig. 7.3 Bode plot of the typical phase term tan -1 (  /a) when a is negative.

4 Fig. 7.4 Phase plots for Example 7.2.

5 Fig. 7.10 The classical capacitively coupled common-source amplifier.

6 Fig. 7.11 The amplifier circuit of Fig. 7.10 prepared for finding the gain at low frequencies. The resistance 1/g m shown is the FET internal resistance between gate and source looking into the source (i.e., that of the T model.)

7 Fig. 7.12 The output equivalent circuit (at low frequencies) for the amplifier on Figs. 7.10 and 7.11.

8 Fig. 7.13 The classical common-emitter amplifier stage. (The nodes are numbered for the purposes of the SPICE simulation in Example 7.9.)

9 Fig. 7.14 Equivalent circuit for the amplifier of Fig. 7.13 in the low-frequency band.

10 Fig. 7.15 A MOSFET common-source amplifier (a), and a BJT common-emitter amplifier (b). here, V s and R s represent the Thévenin equivalent of the circuit at the input side, including the output circuit of the preceding amplifier stage (if any) and the bias network of the transistor Q (if any). Similarly, R L represents the total resistance between the drain (the collector) and signal ground. Although signal ground at the source (emitter) is shown established by a large capacitor, this is not necessary, and the circuits can be used to represent, for instance, the differential half-circuit of a differential pair.

11 Fig. 7.16 (a) Equivalent circuit for analyzing the high-frequency response of the amplifier circuit of Fig. 7.15(a). Note that the MOSFET is replaced with its high-frequency equivalent-circuit. (b) A slightly simplified version of (a) by combining R L and r o into a single resistance R’ L = R L //r o.

12 Fig.. 7.17 (a) Equivalent circuit for the analysis of the high-frequency response of the common-emitter amplifier of Fig. 7.15(b). Note that the BJT is replaced with its hybrid-  high-frequency equivalent circuit. (b) An equivalent but simpler version of the circuit in (a), where

13 Fig. 7.21 A common-base amplifier stage. For simplicity, the signal source is shown capacitively coupled. However, the high- frequency analysis applied directly to direct-coupled circuits.

14 Fig. 7.22 (a) Equivalent circuit of the common-base amplifier in Fig. 7.21; (b) simplified version of the circuit in (a).

15 Fig. 7.24 High-frequency analysis of the cascode amplifier in Fig. 7.23. Note that to simplify the analysis, r x2 and r o2 are not included.

16 Fig. 7.25 High-frequency analysis of the emitter follower.

17 Fig. 7.28 Equivalent circuits for the determination of the high-frequency response of the amplifier in Fig. 7.27.

18 Fig. 7.31 (a) Equivalent half-circuit of the differential amplifier with emitter resistance R E. (b) Equivalent circuit of the half-circuit in (a). (c) Circuit for determining the resistance R  seen by C . (d) Circuit for determining the resistance R  seen by C .

19 Fig. 7.32 The equivalent common-mode half-circuit.

20 Fig. 7.33 Variation of (a) common-mode gain, (b) differential gain, and (c) common-mode rejection ratio with frequency.

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