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Related Anatomy Unit 16 Urinary System.

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1 Related Anatomy Unit 16 Urinary System

2 1. Wastes and Organs Wastes: Water Carbon DiOxide Nitrogens Organs
Urinary System Lungs Skin/Sweat Digestive System Liver

3 2. System components Kidneys- produce urine
Urinary Bladder- stores urine and discharge from body

4 3. Composition of Urine A fluid containing water, nitrogen wastes, salts and traces of other substances excreted by the kidneys

5 4. Regulation of Urine Hormones (Pituitary gland and ADH hormone)regulate to maintain blood and fluid volume levels.

6 5. Function of Kidneys The kidneys remove wastes and extra water from the blood to form urine. Urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureters. Every day, your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine, which flows to your bladder through tubes called ureters. Your bladder stores urine until you go to the bathroom.

7 Kidneys The actual filtering occurs in tiny units inside your kidneys called nephrons. Every kidney has about a million nephrons. In the nephron, a glomerulus—which is a tiny blood vessel, or capillary—intertwines with a tiny urine-collecting tube called a tubule. A complicated chemical exchange takes place, as waste materials and water leave your blood and enter your urinary system.

8 6. Process of Urination Urination, also called micturition, is the process of disposing of urine  from the urinary bladder ( A membranous sac for temporary retention of urine ) through the urethra duct through which urine is discharged.  The process of urination is usually under voluntary control. When control over urination is lost or absent, this is called urinary incontinence

9 7. Fluid Compartments 2/3 intracellular 1/3 extracellular
( CSF, blood, lymph) Osmotic pressure keeps fluids in balance

10 8. Electrolyte Compounds in fluids such as salts, acids, bases that form ions Results in pH Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphate Chlorine Magnesium

11 9. Sodium and Potassium Na Nerve and muscle function
Low= headache, low BP, rapid pulse High- thirsty K Nerve and muscle function pH Fluid balance Low- cramps, fatigue, confuse, irregular heart beat

12 The End

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