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Dynamically generated pages using database-to-web technologies Enhancing library services and operations Amy S. Van Epps Purdue University June 24, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamically generated pages using database-to-web technologies Enhancing library services and operations Amy S. Van Epps Purdue University June 24, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamically generated pages using database-to-web technologies Enhancing library services and operations Amy S. Van Epps Purdue University June 24, 2003 ASEE National Conference

2 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Database-to-web technologies Gaining popularity with libraries Creates pages “on the fly” (when the page is requested) vs. static pages (completely written in advance) Common on business sites for catalogs and e-commerce

3 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Why now? Inherent efficiency through re-use of data Software makes the technology accessible to non-programmers

4 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Applications Commercial  Web accessible OPACs  Online indexes Local  List of available indexes  Catalog of local collections, eg. standards  Data collection and report generation

5 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 How is this done? CGI (Common Gateway Interface)  Needs a programmer to write in C or Perl Labor intensive and resource intensive ASP (Active Server Pages) PHP  Scripting languages, a little more accessible than CGI, embedded in page

6 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 How is this done? Zope ColdFusion  Middleware, accessible to non- programmers, embedded in page

7 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 ASP vs. ColdFusion ASP <% strSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE Name = 'Fred'" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open strSQLQuery, conn, 3, 3 %> ColdFusion SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE Name="Fred"

8 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 SQL and you Regardless of programming interface, knowledge of SQL (Standard Query Language) is needed Example: SELECT name, description, URL FROM indexes WHERE URL like ‘’

9 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Software choices Based on what’s already available  Windows – IIS ASP Zope ColdFusion  Linux/Unix – Apache ColdFusion Zope PHP

10 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Middleware, how does it work? Web Server Database “Middleware ” User’ s PC Data flow for a dynamically generated web page

11 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 ColdFusion vs. Zope ColdFusion  Embeds codes using CFML  Designed for database-to-web applications  Comes with Verity search engine  Commercial software Zope  Embeds codes using DTML  Available functionality beyond database applications  Includes a custom search engine  Free, OpenSource software

12 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Programming – Who will do it? Student Employee  Cheap, current skills  Rapid turn-over Regular Staff member  “longevity”  Added duties

13 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Design Process Data modeling Database layout  Data elements  Organization of data Design of interface/web pages Coding and Implementation

14 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 The Purdue Experience Instruction Session Reporting  Statistics on instruction offered throughout the year  Old Way Fill out an information card on the session Send to a staff member Staff member entered into a database and later generated necessary reports

15 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Instruction Reporting (con’t) New way  Instead of filling in card, instructor fills in a web form Alleviates staff data entry time Automatically more legible Consistency of reporting departments/courses Individual instructors can generate their own reports as needed Confirmation of data entry

16 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241

17 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241

18 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Additional Projects Review of Approval Books  Web presentation of approval books for faculty review  Item information already maintained in a database Index of Paper Standards Collection  Provide access to an un-cataloged collection  Keyword searching capability  Included a collection inventory

19 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Coding tips Comment your code! Remember the field types DATES!! Test the code in small sections “Rubber ducking”

20 June 24, 2003Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue UniversitySession 2241 Thank you Questions?

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