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Image Processing, Illustration (Drawing), Paint Programs, and Scanning Dr. Warren C. Weber Cal Poly Pomona.

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2 Image Processing, Illustration (Drawing), Paint Programs, and Scanning Dr. Warren C. Weber Cal Poly Pomona

3 Image Processing (Manipulation) PhotoShop Change many characteristics of photographs Scan photos directly into Photoshop Used by professionals for all types of publications

4 Crop Photographs May crop photographs by selecting a portion of the photo and using the “crop” tool. The resulting photo eliminates unwanted background areas

5 Zoom and Alter Pixels Allows zooming in closely to areas of an image to change individual pixels (picture elements). Notice how the left eye was changed to a bright blue.

6 Change Color, Delete Areas The colors on this photo have been “saturated” and made a deep tan. The jacket area on the lower-right corner has been eliminated and the white shirt blends in.

7 Filters and Special Effects Distortion was added to this photo using the “twirl” filter. Many filters are available for different effects. SAVE AS jpeg or png for WEB. SAVE in many formats for presentations.

8 Illustration (Drawing) Programs Most Common-- Macromedia Freehand Adobe Illustrator Corel Draw Some combination paint/draw

9 Drawing Programs Use Vectors Vectors are lines with mathematical representations (Bezier curves) “Draw” files may be changed easily. Multiple “undos“ Drawings” retain their resolution when enlarged

10 Text, Colors, Patterns in Drawings The elements of a drawing are easily scaled, rotated, enlarged or reduced. Colors may be selectively changed

11 Selected Paint Programs Painter (Corel) Paint (anything) Corel Draw (parts) PhotoShop (parts)

12 Painting Simulates the Artist Painting is done in BitMap mode (pixel by pixel) Once an area is painted, it is difficult to change Enlarge a bit map creates distortion Some software combines paint and draw

13 SAVE Draw and Paint with Fewer Colors for WEB sites Save As gif (graphic interchange format) or Export as GIF 89a--for simple objects with few colors. 72 dots per inch image size. Basic Settings: Mode = Indexed Color. Palette = Adaptive Resolution = 8 bits pixel Dither = Diffusion.

14 Save Photos or Many Colors as JPEGs for Web Sites  Save As jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) for continuous-tone photos or pictures with many colors.  Use 72 dots per inch image size. Mode = RGB.  Adjust compression level to optimum file save and quality (40%?)

15 Saving Pictures for Presentation Software 1. Use 72 dots per inch 2. SAVE AS a pict, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, wmp file type. (Check presentation software for compatibility.) 3. May use jpeg compression to reduce size of file (faster loading, lower quality) 4. Use Insert--Picture--from menu to insert the picture in the slide show

16 GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) For simple objects with few colors. Saved gifs use the suffix dot gif Gifs may be animated Gifs result in small files which load fast

17 Old Photograph Retouched in Photoshop, Saved As GIF

18 JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group For photos with continuous tones and many colors Saved jpegs use the suffix dot jpeg Use varying levels of compression to reduce file size jpeg generally result in larger files than gifs

19 Scanning Photos and Drawings 1. Open PhotoShop and select Import (Twain Acquire or PlugIn Scan) from File Menu. Be sure the settings are right. 2. Select Scan on the Scanning Software (may also be previewed) 3. The image appears in PhotoShop 4. Apply needed manipulations to photo. Use image size of 72 dots per inch. 5. SAVE AS many formats for presen- tations, but must be GIF, JPEG, or PNG (Portable Network Graphics) for internet sites. May use compression to reduce file size.

20 Graphics Packages Wear Many Hats

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