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Lattice QCD and Nuclear Physics Martin Savage University of Washington Lattice 2005, Dublin, July 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Lattice QCD and Nuclear Physics Martin Savage University of Washington Lattice 2005, Dublin, July 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lattice QCD and Nuclear Physics Martin Savage University of Washington Lattice 2005, Dublin, July 2005

2 Emergence of Nuclear Physics from QCD Consistent and rigorous pathway from QCD Lattice QCD EFT Many-Body Lattice QCD EFT Many-Body M q - explicit

3 Calculations where experiments are not possible Supernova Remnant ? neutron stars  - decay …  - decay … nn , K or black holes, or black holes, ….. kaon condensation ? …..

4 How does nature depend upon the fundamental constants? Quark mass dependence of element production Dependence upon 

5 Understand the fine-tunings of nature Deuteron Binding energy is ~2.2 MeV a(1s0) ~ -24 fm Infrared fixed-point of QCD Infrared fixed-point of QCD 3  12 C Short-range repulsion Intermediate-range attraction Long-range attraction (s-wave) NN Potential  - exchange  - exchange ??? N N N N NN NN  ~

6 NN-Scattering (s-wave) M q –dependence of nuclear properties – Little is known……..this is all !!! Quenched Data (Fukugita et al, 1995), Latt = 20 4 A Lattice Measurement at this m  would fix counterterms : D 2 1S01S0 3S13S1

7 Nuclear Physics with lattice QCD University of New Hampshire Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory College of William and Mary University of Groningen University of Barcelona University of Washington

8 Maiani-Testa: End of the Innocence  (s) ? G NN (s) Euclidean = G NN (s) Minkowski One Hoped that Away from Kinematic Thresholds at infinite volume

9 Two-Particle Energy Levels (Luscher) UV regulator Below Inelastic Thresholds :

10 Calc. in Pionless EFT :5 fm lattices or larger for M = 140 MeV Calc. in Pionless EFT :5 fm lattices or larger for M  = 140 MeV Need Pionful theory calc. for smaller lattices M = 350 MeV 2.5 fm lattices.... MILC lattices M  = 350 MeV 2.5 fm lattices.... MILC lattices NN on the Lattice ~E L 2 Deuteron 1st continuum 2nd continuum Don’t Need Huge Lattices !!!!

11 np d  NN NN NN  11 l1l1 MEC’s Asymmetric Lattice (William Detmold and MJS)

12 ElectroWeak Matrix Elements L X L/10 X L/10 X T lattice

13 Hyperon Weak Interactions S-waveP-wave Lattice surface term ( Orginos )

14  Q  Q Potential

15 NPLQCD Current Resources : SciDAC JLab Clusters – 8% resources ~ 40 Gflop-yrs Chroma / QDP++ MILC staggered Lattices DWF Propagators of LHPC Approved Exploratory NN,  NN,  M N -  term, strong-isospin-breaking (PQ) M N -  term, strong-isospin-breaking (PQ)

16  scattering LHPC’s DWF valence propagators on 20 3 X 64 MILC staggered sea M   and 290 MeV

17 Chiral-Extrapolation M  a 2 = -0.0426 0.0006 0.0003 0.0018 + - + - + - (  PT for  by Bijnens, Colangelo, Gasser, Leutwyler, …)

18  Prelim. Coupled Channels ? | a | < 1 fm

19 Conclusion Lattice QCD studies of Nuclei and Multi-Hadron Systems are an important part of the future of Nuclear Physics. Lattice QCD studies of Nuclei and Multi-Hadron Systems are an important part of the future of Nuclear Physics.

20 Topics that are or can or should be tackled today Nucleon Properties … (LHPC) M N,  N, g A,  , as functions of m q, a, V M N,  N, g A,  , as functions of m q, a, V The NN Systems …  (s), L A 1,..  (s), L A 1,.. Hyperon Properties and Systems… M ,  N ,  N  N,   .. M ,  N ,  N  N,   .. V(R) between Hadrons with one Q : DD (Michael, Cook+Fiebig,…) 

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