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Induction Motor Action. Look at the magnetic fields established by the three phases.

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Presentation on theme: "Induction Motor Action. Look at the magnetic fields established by the three phases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Induction Motor Action

2 Look at the magnetic fields established by the three phases

3 Look at the zero degree condition The “net” magnetic field is pointing down

4 Look at the 60 degree condition The “net” magnetic field has moved by 60 

5 Look at the 120 degree condition The “net” magnetic field has moved another 60  the “net” field is “rotating” counter-clockwise

6 Squirrel-Cage Rotor

7 Effects of the rotating magnetic field on the rotor Magnetic field rotates at “synchronous” speed, and “cuts” the rotor bars

8 Induced rotor current and flux Flux around the rotor bar must be “clockwise” Bunching occurs at the right side of the bar Rotor moves Counter-Clockwise (CCW)

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