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Γδ T cell homeostasis is established in competition with αβ T cells and NK cells Jena D. French, Christina L. Roark, Willi K. Born, and Rebecca L. O’Brien*

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Presentation on theme: "Γδ T cell homeostasis is established in competition with αβ T cells and NK cells Jena D. French, Christina L. Roark, Willi K. Born, and Rebecca L. O’Brien*"— Presentation transcript:

1 γδ T cell homeostasis is established in competition with αβ T cells and NK cells Jena D. French, Christina L. Roark, Willi K. Born, and Rebecca L. O’Brien* PNAS I October I vol. 102 l no. 41 l 14741-14746 報告者 : 劉 銨 錤

2 Introduction CD8 or CD4 (TCRcoreceptor) CD3(TCR complex) T cell receptor (TCR) αβ T cells

3 Introduction CD3(TCR complex) T cell receptor (TCR) γδ T cells

4 αβT cell

5 Nature killer cell

6 IL-7:pre-T cell 生長因子 IL-2 : T cell 生長因子,刺激 T cell 生長與分化 IL-15 : 刺激 T cell 增生與分化及 NK cell 活化 IL-2 receptor 和 IL-15 receptor 的 β chian 相同

7 Materials Mice wild-type C57BL/6 基因剔除 strain ﹕ C57BL/6 TCRδ - / - C57BL/6 TCRβ - / - C57BL/6 TCRβ - / - /δ - / -

8 Methods 從活體中萃取純化出各種 T cellIs 1.nylon wool column 2.Magnetic-actived cell sorting(MACS) Flow cytometry Adoptive transfer

9 磁珠 專一性抗體 細胞

10 Mechanism of Flow Cytometry

11 recipients TCRβ - / - /δ - / - mice TCRβ - / - mice Both γδ T cell and αβT cell regulate γδ T cell homeotasis.

12 recipients: TCRβ - / - /δ - / - mice 在維持 γδ T cell homeotasis 中, CD8 + αβ T cell 扮演的角色比 CD4 + αβT cell

13 recipients: TCRβ - / - /δ - / - mice PBS IL-7 IL-15 αβT cell 藉由與 γδ T cell 競爭 IL-15, 來抑制 γδ T cell 增生分化

14 IL-7Rα IL-2Rβ

15 recipients: TCRβ - / - /δ - / - mice NK cells 也會抑制 γδ T cell 增生分化

16 recipients: TCRβ - / - /δ - / - mice cotransfer mice received PBS or IL-15 αβT cell 會與 γδ T cell 競爭 IL-15, 來調節並維持 γδ T cell homeotasis

17 Conclusion γδ T cell homeostasis is regulated not only γδ T cell themselves but also by αβ T cells and NK cells. αβ T cells and NK cells regulate γδ T cell homeostasis by competing IL-15. CD8 + αβ T cells are largely reponsible for the inhibitory effect αβ T cells on γδ T cell homeostasis.

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