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Common Lisp! John Paxton Montana State University Summer 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Lisp! John Paxton Montana State University Summer 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Lisp! John Paxton Montana State University Summer 2003

2 Montana National Parks Yellowstone Glacier

3 Structure Declaration (defstruct city name country (population 100000) )

4 Structure Creation > (setf san-salvador (make-city)) #S(CITY :NAME NIL :COUNTRY NIL :POPULATION 100000) > (setf bozeman (make-city :population 30000)) #S(CITY :NAME NIL :COUNTRY NIL :POPULATION 30000)

5 Field Access > (setf (city-country san-salvador) 'el-salvador) EL-SALVADOR

6 Useful Predicates > (city-p san-salvador) T > (describe san-salvador) #S(CITY :NAME NIL :COUNTRY EL-SALVADOR :POPULATION 100000) is a structure of type CITY. Slots: NAME = NIL COUNTRY = EL-SALVADOR POPULATION = 100000 and more!

7 Questions 1.Declare a structure called playing-time that can hold the number of minutes and seconds that a song lasts. 2.Instantiate an instance of the above structure that plays for 3 minutes and 42 seconds. 3.Declare another structure called song that can hold the name of a song and its playing-time.

8 Questions 4.Instantiate an instance of this previous structure for the 1996 Los del Rio hit, Macarena, which plays for 3 minutes and 12 seconds. 5.Access the name of the song. 6.Access the playing-time of the song. 7.Declare an array that can hold 3 songs. 8.Assign the above structure to the second slot in the array.

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