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MS I MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments Ahmed Elmagarmid Professor Department.

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Presentation on theme: "MS I MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments Ahmed Elmagarmid Professor Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS I MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments Ahmed Elmagarmid Professor Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University

2 MS I 2 Morning Agenda n Welcome Dr. Ahmed Sameh - Head, Department of Computer SciencesDr. Ahmed Sameh - Head, Department of Computer Sciences n Overview - MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments Dr. Ahmed Elmagarmid - Department of Computer SciencesDr. Ahmed Elmagarmid - Department of Computer Sciences n Infrastructure Organization Dr. Tim Korb - Department of Computer SciencesDr. Tim Korb - Department of Computer Sciences n Networking Dr. Kihong Park - Department of Computer Sciences Storage ManagementDr. Kihong Park - Department of Computer Sciences Storage Management n End System Scheduling Dr. David Yau, Department of Computer SciencesDr. David Yau, Department of Computer Sciences n Multimedia Databases Dr. Arif Ghafoor, Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Arif Ghafoor, Electrical & Computer Engineering n Multimedia Storage Management Dr. Sunil Prabhakar, Department of Computer SciencesDr. Sunil Prabhakar, Department of Computer Sciences n Image and Video Compression Dr. Edward Delp III, Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Edward Delp III, Electrical & Computer Engineering n Information Assurance and Security Dr. Eugene Spafford, Director of CERIAS, Department of Computer SciencesDr. Eugene Spafford, Director of CERIAS, Department of Computer Sciences

3 MS I 3 Afternoon Agenda n Minority Programs Mr. Dwight Lewis - Director of Minority Programs - Purdue UniversityMr. Dwight Lewis - Director of Minority Programs - Purdue University Ms. Regina Todd-Hicks - Director of Minority Programs, School of ScienceMs. Regina Todd-Hicks - Director of Minority Programs, School of Science n Overview of Fisk University Dr. Horace Mann, Department of Computer Science, Fisk UniversityDr. Horace Mann, Department of Computer Science, Fisk University n Recruitment, Retention, and Outreach Efforts Ms. Jean Jackson - Mr. Paul Addison - Department of Computer SciencesMs. Jean Jackson - Mr. Paul Addison - Department of Computer Sciences n Certificate in Internet Computing (CIC) Dr. Aditya Mathur - Department of Computer SciencesDr. Aditya Mathur - Department of Computer Sciences n Purdue-On-Line: A Facility for On-Line Instruction and Course Delivery and PUMA: Purdue University Multi-Dimensional Integral Test Assembly Dr. Elias Houstis - Department of Computer SciencesDr. Elias Houstis - Department of Computer Sciences n Design of Multi-Service Networks with Multicast Support Dr. Sonia FahmyDr. Sonia Fahmy Scalable Multimedia Servers Dr. Walid Aref - Department of Computer SciencesDr. Walid Aref - Department of Computer Sciences n Dean of the School of Science Dr. Harry MorrisonDr. Harry Morrison n Tour of Facilities n Briefing of PIs and/or meeting of site visitors

4 MS I 4 Proposal Overview n Principle Investigators Ahmed ElmagarmidAhmed Elmagarmid Arif GhafoorArif Ghafoor Tim KorbTim Korb Kihong ParkKihong Park Eugene SpaffordEugene Spafford n Senior Personnel Twenty faculty members from four departmentsTwenty faculty members from four departments

5 MS I 5 CS Systems Software & Architecture Lab CS Systems Software & Architecture Lab CS Network Systems Lab CS Network Systems Lab CS RAID Lab CS RAID Lab MSI Laboratory Central Facility for Multimedia Support Infrastructure MSI Laboratory Central Facility for Multimedia Support Infrastructure ECE Distributed Multimedia Systems Lab ECE Distributed Multimedia Systems Lab CS Multimedia Instruction Lab CS Multimedia Instruction Lab CS Purdue-on-line CS Purdue-on-line CS COAST Lab CS COAST Lab ECE Video & Imaging Processing Lab ECE Video & Imaging Processing Lab Nuclear Engineering Thermal Hydraulic & Reactor Safety Lab Nuclear Engineering Thermal Hydraulic & Reactor Safety Lab Veterinary Medicine Basic Medical Science Lab Veterinary Medicine Basic Medical Science Lab

6 MS I 6 Budget Summary ($K)

7 MS I 7 NSF Budget ($K)

8 MS I 8 Cost Sharing ($K)

9 MS I 9 (1) Capture (2) Compress (3) Store, Index, Retrieve (4) Network (5) Display Multimedia Support Infrastructure

10 MS I 10 Management Plan Steering Committee Policy Committee Advisory Committee

11 MS I 11 Showcasing MSI Value Added Activities n Minority programs n Outreach programs n Expanding opportunities for graduate and undergraduate education

12 MS I 12 Summer Institute (1) n Establish a summer institute to enhance graduate student diversity n Four week summer program that includes faculty and students from HBCUs n Increase chances of success for students from HBCUs at Purdue’s graduate program

13 MS I 13 Summer Institute (2) n Costs are shared between Purdue and industrial sponsors n Funds are at least $10K/year n Program is limited to 10 students and one faculty mentor from each University n Start in Summer 2000

14 MS I 14 Fisk University - Partnership in Research and Education n Existing joint funding with Fisk from EPRI/DoD n Plans for enhancing the resources at Fisk n Frequent visits and exchanges n Plans for new proposals

15 MS I 15 MSI Overview n Mission: Research, education, and outreach in the field of Multimedia Computing n Through a unique new project in integrated quality management across various system layers

16 MS I 16 Focus n The use of relevant research in Multimedia with an emphasis on QoS management for the experimental infrastructure consisting of the following technologies NetworksNetworks SecuritySecurity DatabasesDatabases –Compression –Storage management

17 MS I 17 Architectural Overview QoS Management Negotiation Translation Specification Applications: Vet, Nuclear, POL Distributed Multimedia Documents Multimedia Databases Operating Systems/Storage Networks/Middleware SECURITY

18 MS I 18 Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Omasum Abomasum Protozoa Salivary Glands Small Intestine Large Intestine Rumen Reticulum Exit Multimedia Browsing Graph The Ruminant Digestive System Four compartment stomach that: - utilizes complex carbohydrates such as cellulose - utilizes non-protein nitrogen sources - utilizes feeds of no nutritive value for humans Rumen The rumen, the first compartment of the ruminant stomach, is essentially non- functional at birth but develops rapidly when calves are given solid feeds such as hay and grain. Sample Multimedia Document

19 MS I 19 Rumen Reticulum Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Omasum Abomasum Protozoa Salivary Glands Small Intestine Large Intestine Image Audio Video Text Audio Image Text Multimedia Browsing Environment

20 MS I 20 Specification - Reliability - Resolution - Rate of Presentation - Display Area - Temporal Synchronization ( Intra/Inter ) Meta Data / User Interface Translation - End-to-End Delays - Jitter Delay - Bandwidth - Packet Loss Rate - Storage Throughput/ Bandwidth - Storage Delays - Distributed Database Coordination (QoS) - Storage Throughput/ Bandwidth - Storage Delays - Distributed Database Coordination (QoS) - CPU Throughput - Memory Overflow and Reliability - Intrusion Detection - Access Control - Intrusion Detection - Access Control Database SecurityOS Network Negotiation Dependency Model Analysis and QoS Adjustment End-to-End Run Time Scheduling End-to-End Resource Allocation and Scheduling End-to-End QoP / QoS Management

21 MS I 21 An Example of Temporal and Quality Specification of Multimedia Documents TextVideoImageTextVideoAudio  1  2  3  4

22 MS I 22 A User-Level QoP Specification Interface

23 MS I 23 Distance Education (Purdue Online) Nuclear Reactor SafetyVeterinary Medicine MOTIVATING APPLICATIONS RESEARCH PROJECTS BENEFITING FROM PROPOED H/W RESEARCH CHALLENGES Secure QoS Network Resource Management Distributed Multimedia Databases ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR VARIABLE QoS REQUIREMENTS Network Management – QoS Provisioning – Congestion Control – Packet Scheduling – Routing – Admission control Storage and Data Management – Data Placement – Rate Scalable Compression – Clustering – Semantic Indexing – I/O Management – Content-Based – Benchmarking Browsing/Retrieval – Tertiary Storage – Meta Schema Design – Data Models Security and Reliability PROPOSED HARDWARE INFRASTRUCTURE Routers, Switches, Interface Cards Storage Mgmt. Systems, Compute Engines, Servers MPEG and Internet Video Encoders Cameras, Decoders, Workstations NetworkingStorageCompression Capture and Presentation Functional View of the Proposed Research

24 MS I 24 Exit Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Omasum Abomasum Protozoa Salivary Glands Small Intestine Large Intestine Rumen Reticulum Multimedia Browsing Graph The Ruminant Digestive System Four compartment stomach that: - utilizes complex carbohydrates such as cellulose - utilizes non-protein nitrogen sources - utilizes feeds of no nutritive value for humans Rumen The rumen, the first compartment of the ruminant stomach, is essentially non-functional at birth but develops rapidly when calves are given solid feeds such as hay and grain. MICROBIAL FERMENTATION: Microbial fermentation is an anaerobic process Microbes live in a symbiotic existence with the host (e.g. Cow) Microbes do not have complete TCA cycle, volatile fatty acids (VFA) are byproducts of their anaerobic metabolism, which the animal can use B vitamins and vitamin K are produced by microbes BACTERIA: Primary bacteria: Degrade the actual constituents of the diet (Cellulolytic and amylolytic bacteria) Secondary bacteria : Use as their substrate the end products of the primary bacteria e.g. Lactate -utilizing propionate bacteria, methanogenic bacteria PROTOZOA: - Utilize starch granules and other readily digestible materials - Presence in rumen liquor sample indicates normal intra-rumen conditions - Form a reservoir of microbial proteins at times of intermittent supply - Curb high rates of starch degradation - Utilize starch granules and other readily digestible materials Electron Micrograph of a Rumen Protozoa with Attached Bacteria.

25 MS I 25 Planned Activities n Develop a common infrastructure to integrate key technologies. n Experiment with prototypes, tools, and algorithms to support distributed multimedia applications. n Leverage existing projects and relationships to expand the scope of research. n Disseminate significant results. n Empirical comparisons with relevant commercial systems.

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