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CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 20041 Individual Focus Programs at Cal Poly Pomona 21 st Birthday Card Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 20041 Individual Focus Programs at Cal Poly Pomona 21 st Birthday Card Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 20041 Individual Focus Programs at Cal Poly Pomona 21 st Birthday Card Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) Check Up to GO (CHUG) Study Well Health Assessment Alcohol Response-Ability Social Norms Campaign

2 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 2 National college health goals and objectives A guide to determine priority health issues for your campus A “successful health promotion investment “

3 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 3 Healthy People 2010 & Healthy Campus 2010 National Health Objective 7-3b2. Increase the proportion of college students who received information from their college about alcohol and other drug use prevention. Targets: Baselines: Target setting method: National: Not applicable College: Better than the best. 16% improvement Our Campus: Better than the best. 53% improvement Data sources: National: Not applicable College: National College Health Assessment, Spring 2000 Our Campus: National College Health Assessment, Spring 2000 NationalDNCCollege47.5%Our Campus36% NationalDNCCollege55%Our Campus55%

4 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 4 Healthy People 2010 & Healthy Campus 2010 National Health Objective 26-11b. Reduce the proportion of college students engaging in binge drinking of alcoholic beverages. Targets: Baselines: Target setting method: National: Not applicable College: 49% improvement Our Campus: 35% improvement Data sources: National: Not applicable College: Monitoring the Future Study, NIH, NIDA, NCHA Our Campus: National College Health Assessment (NCHA) NationalNACollege16%Our Campus15% NationalNACollege37%Our Campus23%

5 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 5 9-Year Trend at Cal Poly Pomona No High Risk Drinking in Past 2-Weeks z Blue: 8 Health Risk Appraisal data z Brown: 3 Core (’94, ’96, ‘01) & 1 NCHA (’00) data z Green: Healthy People 2010 Objective at 20% Healthy People 2010 National College Baseline

6 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 6 9-Year Trend at Cal Poly Pomona High Risk Drinking in Past 2-Weeks z Blue: 8 Health Risk Appraisal data z Brown: 3 Core (’94, ’96, ‘01) & 1 NCHA (’00) data z Green: Healthy People 2010 Objective at 20% Healthy People 2010 National College Baseline

7 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 7

8 8 21 st Birthday Card

9 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 9 21 st Birthday Card

10 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 10 21 st Birthday Card

11 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 11 21 st Birthday Card

12 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 12 21 st Birthday Drinking

13 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 13 So Cal Auto Club Drinking & Driving Prevention Award

14 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 200414 Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention Check Up to Go (CHUG)

15 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 15 Check Up to Go (CHUG) “No Touch” Feedback Interventions Quantity and Frequency BAC Population comparisons Topics Amount and percent of income spent on alcohol Tolerance level Consequences Family risk score Additional Topics Drove/rode with intoxicated? Smoker? Norm estimates, correct percentages Explanation, advice, referral information Other novel information & comparisons e.g., cheeseburgers & Camaros

16 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 16 Source: Walters, Bennett & Miller (2000) CHUG Results

17 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 17 Check Up to Go (CHUG)

18 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 18 Check Up to Go (CHUG)

19 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 19 Check Up to Go (CHUG)

20 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 20 Check Up to Go (CHUG)

21 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 200421 Brief Health Screening and Intervention Study Well Health Assessment Part of a comprehensive health program based on Healthy Campus priority health issues related to the University mission to enhance teaching and learning

22 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 22 Study Well Health Assessment “Low Touch” Feedback Interventions Body weight Health status Alcohol use Responsible sex Exercise Nutrition Depression Blood pressure Health impediments to learning Stress Sleep difficulties Relationship difficulties Access to health care Smoking Demographics Readiness to change For “Tailored feedback”

23 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 23 Study Well Health Assessment

24 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 24 Study Well Health Assessment

25 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 25 Study Well Health Assessment

26 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 26 Study Well Health Assessment

27 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 27 Study Well Health Assessment Executive Summary Sorority Use of Alcohol Most frequent XYZ answer: 0, 1, 2, or 3 This indicates that the majority of women drink three or less drinks when they party, however, in comparison to other students, XYZ women drink are approximately three times more likely to drink 4 or more drinks the last time they partied or socialized.

28 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 28 Study Well Health Assessment Executive Summary MHR Class Use of Alcohol Most frequent MHR 324 answer: 0 drinks for women (41%) and 0 drinks for men (31%) This indicates that the majority (76% of women, 77% of men) of MHR 324 students drank moderately or not at the last time they partied. This is the same as the 77% of Cal Poly Pomona students and much better than the 61% of college students nationally. Five students drank at harmful / high-risk levels of five to eight drinks the last time the partied or socialized.

29 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 29 Study Well Health Assessment Executive Summary Summer Bridge

30 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 30 Study Well Health Assessment Executive Summary McNair Scholars 0

31 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 31 Study Well Health Assessment Individual Report

32 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 32 Personal Health Interests First Choice 77% - exercise more 12% - eat better 6% - manage stress better Second Choice 46% - eat better 15% - exercise more 15% - sleep better

33 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 33 What Next? Priority Health Areas 1 2 3 How to accomplish improvement Group? Individually?

34 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 34

35 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 200435 Social Norms Campaign Reach Perceptions Behavior

36 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 36 Received Information on Alcohol Use Prevention 6.5% in the past year CSU Customer Satisfaction Survey, 2001 ever while at Cal Poly Pomona 19% CSU Customer Satisfaction Survey, 2001 ever while at CPP & their universities 37% & 48% National College Health Assessment, 2000

37 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 37 It’s OK Not to Drink Social Norms Campaign Implementation Measures Pin

38 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 38 It’s OK Not to Drink Social Norms Campaign Changes in Perception * Prior to being given a health risk appraisal that students were informed by a written statement on classroom chalk boards that “72% of Cal Poly Pomona students drink 0 or 1 alcoholic drinks per week.” ** “Facts” about Cal Poly student drug use is available consistently for athletes to view on bulletin boards in Kellogg Gym coaches' offices and the athletic training room.

39 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 39 It’s OK Not to Drink Social Norms Campaign Changes in Behavior

40 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 40 Information Receipt and Health Impediments to Learning

41 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 41 Information Receipt and Health Impediments to Learning

42 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 200442 Individual Focus Programs at Cal Poly Pomona 21 st Birthday Card Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) Check Up to GO (CHUG) Study Well Health Assessment Alcohol Response-Ability Social Norms Campaign

43 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 43 National college health goals and objectives A guide to determine priority health issues for your campus A “successful health promotion investment “

44 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 44 National college health goals and objectives A guide to determine priority health issues for your campus A “successful health promotion investment “

45 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 45 Healthy People 2010 & Healthy Campus 2010 National Health Objective 7-3b2. Increase the proportion of college students who received information from their college about alcohol and other drug use prevention. Targets: Baselines: Target setting method: National: Not applicable College: Better than the best. 16% improvement Our Campus: Better than the best. 53% improvement Data sources: National: Not applicable College: National College Health Assessment, Spring 2000 Our Campus: National College Health Assessment, Spring 2000 NationalDNCCollege47.5%Our Campus36% NationalDNCCollege55%Our Campus55%

46 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 46 Healthy People 2010 & Healthy Campus 2010 National Health Objective 26-11b. Reduce the proportion of college students engaging in binge drinking of alcoholic beverages. Targets: Baselines: Target setting method: National: Not applicable College: 49% improvement Our Campus: 35% improvement Data sources: National: Not applicable College: Monitoring the Future Study, NIH, NIDA, NCHA Our Campus: National College Health Assessment (NCHA) NationalNACollege16%Our Campus15% NationalNACollege37%Our Campus23%

47 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 47 Keep It In Perspective Access to health care Percent with insurance All people in US: 83% College students: 83% CPP students: 65% Mental health Attempted Suicide College students: 1.5% CPP students: 2.8% Health reasons for low grades Stress College students: 29% CPP students: 30% Sleep difficulties College students: 21% CPP students: 20% Relationship difficulties College students: 15% CPP students: 17%

48 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 48 21 st Birthday Card

49 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 49 21 st Birthday Drinking

50 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 50 Source: Walters, Bennett & Miller (2000) CHUG Results

51 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 51 Received Information on Alcohol Use Prevention 6.5% in the past year CSU Customer Satisfaction Survey, 2001 ever while at Cal Poly Pomona 19% CSU Customer Satisfaction Survey, 2001 ever while at CPP & their universities 37% & 48% National College Health Assessment, 2000

52 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 52 It’s OK Not to Drink Social Norms Campaign Implementation Measures Pin

53 CSU Alcohol Education Conference - Spring 2004 53 Links CHUG, Study Well Health Assessment, etc. 21 st Birthday Card Healthy Campus 2010 A guide to determining campus health priorities

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