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Probing magnetism and ferroelectricity with x-ray microdiffraction

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1 Probing magnetism and ferroelectricity with x-ray microdiffraction
Paul Evans, University of Wisconsin October 9, 2002

2 Outline Magnetic and Polarization Domains in Solids
Hard X-ray Microdiffraction Antiferromagnetic domains and the “spin-flip” transition in chromium Polarization reversal in strontium bismuth tantalate thin films Conclusions

3 Example 1: Polarization domains in ferroelectrics
towards bulk TEM study of BaTiO3 A. Krishnan, M. E. Bisher, and M. M. J. Treacy, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc (1998).

4 Example 2: Magnetic domain wall resistance in Fe
Resistivity and magnetoresistance depend on domain configuration in micron-scale Fe wires. 2 m H transverse H transverse H longitudinal H longitudinal Ruediger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (1998).

5 X-ray microdiffraction

6 Focusing X-rays Using Zone Plates
zone plate D~100 m order sorting aperture L~50 m f~10 cm Source demagnified by L/f500. 6 to 30 keV 1010 ph/s/0.01%BW Flux Density Gain - 105 Minimum spot x 0.15 µm2

7 Hard X-ray Machine: Advanced Photon Source
Chicago 30 miles Argonne Natl. Lab. Murray Hill 700 miles 350 m

8 X-ray Microprobe Applications
Glasses for fibers, amplifiers: Dopant Distributions (with R. Windeler, Lucent/OFS, and J. Maser APS) 5 m Yb x-ray fluorescence fiber amplifier core in  2 scans 2 (deg.) distance from g. b. (m) Strain relaxation in LaSrMnO film on a bicrystal substrate Y.-A. Soh, et al., submitted. Strain at an artificial grain boundary 0.1 Å-1

9 X-ray Microprobe Applications
periodically poled LiNbO3 polarization domains switching in a SrBi2Ta2O9 thin film capacitor Domains in ferroelectric materials Spin density wave domains in Cr P. G. Evans, et al., Science (2002). Magnetic x-ray microscopy 100 m

10 Spin density wave domains in chromium
Cr is a spin density wave (SDW) antiferromagnet. SDW leads to strain wave and charge density wave (CDW). Spins are transverse T=123 to 311 K, longitudinal for T<123 K. Q || [001] Cr unit cell Antiferromagnetic Domains: Modulation direction Q any <001>  Three possible Q domains. Spin polarizations S, also <001> Two S domains in transverse phase. Just one S (||Q) in longitudinal phase. S || [100] Domains are responsible for macroscopically observable magnetic, mechanical, electrical phenomena. Previous domain imaging experiments are at the 1 mm scale.

11 Fermi surface nesting in Cr
(q) susceptibility, response of hypothetical non-magnetic system to magnetic perturbation with wavevector q Difficult to calculate (q) directly, but common feature is QSDW where EK+q and EK are pairs of filled and empty states differing in wavevector by q. Band structure of Cr: Fermi surfaces nest with Q=(0,0,1-) , incommensurate with lattice.

12 Domain effects in chromium (?)
Magnetoresistance of a Cr thin film is enhanced below spin flip transition. Mattson et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater (1992). Magnetoresistance reaches 50% at 4K for H=5 T.

13 (Non-Resonant) Magnetic X-ray Scattering: Classical Picture
Force Radiation -e “Thomson scattering” -eE electric dipole E E -e magnetic quadrupole -eE H E -e electric dipole E H -e magnetic dipole After F. de Bergevin and M. Brunel, Acta Cryst. A (1981). H H

14 Cr in reciprocal space Magnetic scattering appears near forbidden lattice reflections. Also: Strain wave (CDW) reflections near allowed lattice reflections. K H L SDW near (0 0 1) CDW near (0 0 2) Form images using either type of reflection.

15 Sample Orientation  Magnetic cross sections ( polarizations.
) are equal for transverse

16 Non-resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction from Cr
Most important term of cross section scales as: Polar plot of cross section as a function of spin direction for a Q || (001) domain in our geometry.

17 k’-k || Cr (0 0 1-d) APS Station 2ID-D

18 All three Q domains are present
Visit one CDW reflection from each family. h scan near (2 0 0) k scan near (0 2 0) l scan near (0 0 2) Room temperature laboratory diffractometer scans with large mm-scale beam.

19 SDW Domains at 130 K SDW magnetic reflection CDW charged reflection
incident beam h=5.8 keV incident beam h=11.6 keV

20 Spin-flip transition Transverse SDW phase Longitudinal SDW phase
TSF=123 K in bulk Cr Image SDW reflection as a function of temperature. Magnetic reflection disappears!

21 Repeat with charged CDW reflection
SDW Magnetic reflection CDW Charged reflection T=130 K T=130 K T=110 K T=110 K

22 Spin flip transition begins at Q domain edges
Nominally first order transition is broadened by several degrees, even at micron scale.

23 Sources of broadening Magnetic effects at ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interfaces are well described in comparison. Not much known (yet) about antiferromagnetic domain walls. 1. Magnetic interactions across domain boundary. Q Q S S vs. Q S Q S 2. Fermi surface effects. Simultaneous Fermi surface nesting at multiple Q directions is not allowed. 3. Strain, impurities, defects. Challenges: length and energy scales, several types of domain walls.

24 Learning more about domain walls
1) So far we’ve looked at Q || [001]. What happens in neighboring Q domains? K red Q || [100] green Q || [010] blue Q || [001] H L SDW near (0 0 1) CDW near (0 0 2) 2) Two spin polarizations within transverse phase.

25 Magnetic cross sections in a Q || [100] domain
transverse phase S || [010] longitudinal phase S || [100] diffracted beam k’ incident beam k transverse phase S || [001] Cross section with S along [100] or [010] than along [001].

26 S domains within a [100] Q domain
Image (,0,1) reflection. 110 K 125 K 140 K 10 mm S: longitudinal mixed transverse S || [001] || Q or S || [010] Q visible spins: S || [001] || Q S || [010] Q Next steps: What’s happening in adjacent domain? Width of S domain wall?

27 Cr Summary Self organized or artificial domains at small scales are key to macroscopic properties. Imaging is important. Spin flip transition in Cr begins at domain walls upon cooling. Future work in Cr: Control of domain walls Spin polarization relationships across domain walls? Separation of bulk and interface effects Thin films

28 Ferroelectric materials
c=1.01 a O Ba Ti Example: tetragonal phase of barium titanate (BaTiO3) 6 possible polarizations Organized naturally or artificially into domains. Ps=26 C cm-2 What can be learned about polarization switching in ferroelectric materials? Problems with existing techniques: time resolution, electrodes, quantification.

29 First Step: Strontium Bismuth Tantalate Thin Film Devices
P=18.2 C/cm2 Built-in polarization is along crystalline a-axis.  Grow films with surface normal not along c-axis. k q || (1 1 6) k’ 100 nm Pt electrode Vapplied 250 nm SrBi2Ta2O9 SrTiO3 (110) substrate

30 Imaging Domains by Breaking Friedel’s Law
Four types of domains: (+) (+) (-) (-) c b (116) a Intensity of SrBi2Ta2O9 reflection is different for (+) and (-). contrast of (2,2,12) “flipping ratio” (I(+)-I(-))/(I(+)+I(-)) Ta L3 resonance keV Incident beam energy (keV)

31 - = Image Polarization Switching
Map SBT (2,2,12) reflection following voltage pulses to top electrode. 20 m - = after +8V after -8V 3 m –8V then: –4V +4.4V +5.2V +6V +8V

32 Structural Constrast is Quantitative
Peak Voltage Films reach electrical breakdown before the ferroelectric polarization is completely switched.

33 Conclusions New tools for materials where domains and interfaces are important: Antiferromagnetic domains and the spin flip transition in Cr New microscopy for ferroelectric materials Strain relaxation at artificial grain boundaries Future: time resolved measurements, lower T, applied fields…

34 People Eric Isaacs, Glen Kowach, John Grazul, Lucent
Gabe Aeppli, Yeong-Ah Soh, NEC Barry Lai, Zhonghou Cai, Eric Dufresne, Advanced Photon Source Alain Pignolet, Ho-Nyung Lee, Dietrich Hesse, MPI Halle

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