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PSUCS322 HM 1 Languages and Compiler Design II Program Interpretation Material provided by Prof. Jingke Li Stolen with pride and modified by Herb Mayer PSU Spring 2010 rev.: 5/13/2010
PSUCS322 HM 2 Agenda Interpreters Low-Level Interpretation MINI Data Structure Fetch-Execute Cycle MINI Function Calls Interpretation Issues Program Loading Simulated Memory Cell Simulated Stack Simulate Arithmetic
PSUCS322 HM 3 Interpreters Definition: An interpreter reads a source program and executes it directly Advantage: –Easier to write than compilers –Portable, and “executes” before HW is available Drawbacks: –Slower than running compiled code Levels of Interpretation Low-Level Language (Including IR Code) Interpretation: –Input is sequence of simple instructions –single name-space, although functions may have local data High-Level Language Interpretation: –program structure can be complex: declarations, data types, modules, exceptions, etc. –multiple name-spaces, with variables
PSUCS322 HM 4 Interpreters, Cont’d Compiler: –Front-End: Reads source, scans, and parses –Parser generates errors if applicable, builds symbol table, and generates IR or direct code; code may be incomplete –IR-generation may have target “in mind”, or may be target- independent and use shared interface –Shared IR can be used for multiple source language mappings –Back-End: Optimizes IR, or peep-hole optimizer improves code –Completes unresolved addresses; can be done by post-pass, e.g. during separate link-step Interpreter: –Front-End: Reads source, scans, and parses; like compiler FE –Parser generates errors if applicable, builds symbol table, and either executes statements directly or emits IR –IR then is executed directly, generally with little or no optimization
PSUCS322 HM 5 Interpreters, Cont’d Simulator: –Simulator is SW implementation of architecture HW interface –Is separate from Front-End, acts like a HW machine –Requires a separate FE that has mapped source to IR –That IR is the machine architecture –Needs to model: Memory, with portion being stack, code, heap, static space Memory must be usable as int, float, char[4], etc Memory should model bytes or words, per architecture spec. So SW implementation defines each memory cell as a union Simulator has HW resources, e.g.: sp, fp, ip, condition code fp AKA bp, ip AKA pc etc Simulates GPR register file –or single accumulator Must simulate special registers, e.g. Y register for imult, idiv –Register should be same type as memory cell: union of int, float
PSUCS322 HM 6 Interpreters, Cont’d Your project 4 assignment is really the implementation of a simulator for IR Any simulator may actually separate code, data, stack, and heap space, or some combination –or all in one common data space, like real machine memory The MINI simulator does not need to allow for memory (and stack and register) to be a union of floats, ints, chars –since you only use integer types Your project 5 assignment is really a code generator (compiler back-end) that maps IR to SPARC assembly code
PSUCS322 HM 7 Low-Level Interpretation Interpreter manages a simple memory model, has instruction space code[], program counter pc, executes fetch-execute cycle: while( next_op = code[ pc++ ].opcode != halt_op ) { execute( next_op ); } //end while Example: Interpreting an assembly language for a machine with only one register, the accumulator: OpcodeInstructionMeaning 0load dacc <- word at address d 1store dword at address mem[ d ] <- acc 2move # dacc <- literal d 3add dacc <- acc + word at address d 4sub dpc <- acc - word at address d 5jump dpc <- d 6jumpz dpc <- d if acc == 0 7haltStop execution
PSUCS322 HM 8 MINI Data Structure public class Instruction { public static final byte LOAD = 0, STORE = 1, MOVE = 2, ADD = 3, SUB = 4, JUMP = 5, JUMPZ = 6, HALT =7; public byte op; public short d; } //end Instruction public class State { public static final short CODESIZE=4096, DATASIZE=4096; public static final byte RUNNING=0, HALT=1, FAILED=2; public Instruction[] code = new Instruction[ CODESIZE ]; public short[] data = new short[ DATASIZE ]; public short PC, ACC; public byte status; } //end State
PSUCS322 HM 9 Fetch-Execute Cycle public class Interpreter extends State { public void load() {...} // load the IR program; start address? public void go() { PC = 0; ACC = 0; status = RUNNING; do{ Instruction inst = code[ PC++ ]; short d = inst.d; switch( inst.op ) { case LOAD:ACC = data[ d ]; break; case STORE:data[ d ] = ACC; break; case MOVE:ACC = d; break; case ADD:ACC += data[ d ]; break; case SUB:ACC -= data[ d ]; break; case JUMP:PC = d; break; case JUMPZ:if ( ACC == 0 ) PC = d; break; case HALT:status = HALTED; break; default: status = FAILED; } //end switch } while ( status == RUNNING ); // or instruction != HALT } //end Interpreter
PSUCS322 HM 10 MINI Function Calls void interpFunc( FUNC f ) { sp = sp - f.varCnt - f.argCnt - 1; // allocate an AR on the stack do { // the main interpretation loop Instruction inst = code[ PC++ ]; short d = inst.d; switch( inst.op ) {... Other case-es case CALL: for( int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++ ) mem[ sp+i+1 ] = ; mem[ sp ] = fp;// like we saw on x86 fp = sp;// also like x86 sample interpFunc( g ); sp = fp; fp = mem[sp];... } //end switch } while ( status == RUNNING ); sp = sp + f.varCnt + f.argCnt + 1; // de-allocate stack frame } //end interpFunc
PSUCS322 HM 11 Implementation Issues Maintain environment information: Associate storage with variables, temps, etc. and track their value changes: –variables — store in a symbol table –temps — store in a register list –arguments — store in a argument list –constants — store in the symbol table Follow the control flow of the source program: –Simple statements — just follow through –Jumps — need to find the target of a jump –Function calls — need to find the function body Need to keep the entire source code around, and maintain a table of jump-targets, so that the interpreter can follow a jump to its target
PSUCS322 HM 12 Program Loading In an Interpreter, any operation can be “executed” directly, or stored in IR form, to allow for branches, calls, jumps etc., and iteration; for MINI, store all code Simulator required FE to emit IR, and then “executes” each instruction IR is gen’ed by FE and then loaded into code[] data structure, if separate passes or phases During such a load, the total code size is known Also first instruction needs to be known, which is first instruction of main() method First can be loaded separately –in addition to IR stream– or be assumed to be 0 Load is trivial if all work is done in single object program
PSUCS322 HM 13 Simulated Memory Cell /* If the type of ``f'' changes from double to float, then all other * run-time quantities of floating-point type must be changed as * well. This includes a large number of things, including: * * formats for printf( "%lf" ) in simulator */ typedef union if_tp { int i; double f; } if_union_tp; typedef int Mem_Range; /* should be range 0.. MAX_MINI_PLUS_MEMORY - 1. * Do NOT make unsigned; must stay int. * Sometime might become negative. */ #define NIL_ADDRESS -1 /* 0 is valid address on MINI_PLUS machine */
PSUCS322 HM 14 Simulated Stack /* T h e Simulated S t a c k * * Stack s[] consists of MAX_MINI_PLUS_MEMORY elements of * unions, can hold int or float. Chars, bools etc, in * MINI_PLUS Run Time System can be allocated 1 element/word */ if_union_tp s[ MAX_MINI_PLUS_MEMORY ]; Example: s[ some_address ].i = some_integer_value; /* T h e Simulated R e g i s t e r F i l e * * Virtual Machine has MAX_REG_NUM temporaries, which on * real machine are registers. Large number here avoids register * allocation task, which simplifies simulation work. */ if_union_tp r[ MAX_REG_NUM ]; Example: f_val = r[ integer_in_range_of_register_file ].f;
PSUCS322 HM 15 Simulate Execution Unit #define IS_LEGAL( pc ) ( ( pc != NIL_ADDRESS ) && ( pc <= next_q ) ) /* Current # of cycles can be modified. E.g., a memory reference in a load * or store instruction adds cycles. Also, an indirect operation * adds a cycle or a processors blocked by memory access contention. */ PRIVATE void interpret_MINI_PLUS( VOID ) { /* interpret_MINI_PLUS */ unsigned tot_instructions = 0; unsigned tot_cycles = 0; Quad_Range previous_pc; MINI_IR_class pc; // Next MINI_PLUS IR being executed
PSUCS322 HM 16 Simulate Execution Unit, Cont’d do { /* for every instruction, at least the HALT instruction */ previous_pc = pc; quad = q[ pc ]; cycles = cycle_count[ quad.op ]; ++ic; /* count instructions executed */ ++pc; /* may be overriden, by control-flow instruction; default is next quad */ switch ( quad.op ) { case q_multi: case q_negi: case q_expoi: case q_subi: case q_ipred: case q_modi: case q_f2i: case q_remi: integer_operation( quad ); break;... lots of other operations... case q_halt: // done break; default: MINI_PLUS_ERR( "forgot quad class d(%d)\n", quad.op ); } /*end switch*/ /* Done with this instruction; count cycles used. * Then proceed with next MINI_PLUS IR instruction AKA quad. */ seq_cycles += cycles; } while ( ( quad.op != q_halt ) && IS_LEGAL( pc ) ); run_time_statistics( tot_instructions, tot_cycles, seq_cycles, max_processors ); } /*end interpret_MINI_PLUS*/
PSUCS322 HM 17 Simulate Integer Exponentiation /* Determine overflow. Handle sign of ``base'' separate from computation * by dealing with ``base'' alone; in the end, determine sign of base * and return result of proper sign. If along the way the sign is flipped, * produce run-time error, cos overflow is detected. * * Accesses global:cycles * * Uses functions:RTC to check run-time errors * */ PRIVATE int ipower( int base, int expo )
PSUCS322 HM 18 Simulate Integer Exponentiation PRIVATE int ipower( int base, int expo ) { /* ipower */ int i; int result = 1; BOOL negative = BFALSE; RTC( ( expo < 0 ), NEG_EXPONENT_EXC ); if ( base == 0 ) { return 0; }else if ( base == 1 ) { return 1; }else if ( base < 0 ) { negative = BTRUE; base = -base; } /*end if*/ /* base will be positive */ for ( i = 0; i < expo; i++ ) { result *= base; RTC( ( result < 0 ), INT_OVERFLOW_EXC ); } /*end for*/ cycles += expo; if ( ( expo % 2 ) && ( negative ) ) { return -result; }else{ return result; } /*end if*/ } /*end ipower*/
PSUCS322 HM 19 Simulate Boolean Operations PRIVATE void boolean_operation( q_node_struct_tp q ) { /* boolean_operation */ BOOL I = BFALSE; // need indirection? If so, says: pointer if ( == a_reg ) { switch ( q.op ) { case q_and: r[ q.RES_REG ].i = ival( q.arg1 ) && ival( q.arg2 ); break; case q_not: r[ q.RES_REG ].i = !ival( q.arg1 ); break; case q_or: r[ q.RES_REG ].i = ival( q.arg1 ) || ival( q.arg2 ); break; case q_xor: r[ q.RES_REG ].i = ival( q.arg1 ) != ival( q.arg2 ); break; default: AVM_ERR( "wrong boolean_operation temp %d\n", q.op ); } /*end switch*/ }else{ /* must be a variable */ I = == a_ptr; switch ( q.op ) { case q_and: iwrite_mem( I, q, ival( q.arg1 ) && ival( q.arg2 ) ); break; case q_not: iwrite_mem( I, q, !ival( q.arg1 ) ); break; case q_or: iwrite_mem( I, q, ival( q.arg1 ) || ival( q.arg2 ) ); break; case q_xor: iwrite_mem( I, q, ival( q.arg1 ) != ival( q.arg2 ) ); break; default: AVM_ERR( "wrong boolean_operation variable %d\n", q.op ); } /*end switch*/ } /*end if*/ } /*end boolean_operation*/
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