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IST346: Operating Systems Administration IST346 M004 Fall 2010 (1111) Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b.

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Presentation on theme: "IST346: Operating Systems Administration IST346 M004 Fall 2010 (1111) Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b."— Presentation transcript:

1 IST346: Operating Systems Administration IST346 M004 Fall 2010 (1111) Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b Hinds w.http://blackboard.syr.edu 9:30a-10:50a Lecture: Hinds 018 Lab: Hinds 027

2 Instructor background check  Education  BS Applied Mathematics/Computer Science  MS In Information Management  Employment  15+ years in the IT field, 9 of them at SU.  Currently employed as the “Sr. Systems & IT Support Administrator” at the iSchool.  Work as a consultant for.NET development, Database Design  Teaching  Taught various courses at the 2 year, 4 year and graduate level in a wide variety of subjects.  Teaching IST459, and IST346 this term

3 Follow Me on Twitter   Announcements under the hash tag #ist346  I’m a low volume tweeter so you don’t have to worry about me tweeting what I ate for breakfast.  Lunch, however is another issue entirely.

4 Mike, In a Nutshell…

5 What will we learn in this course? (in no particular order)  IT Organizations  What is systems administration? Why is it important?  How are IT shops organized; how they operate  The basics of the Windows and Linux operating systems: How to  Configure and manage them in a corporate environment  Setup and configure services to run on these operating systems  Diagnose, and debug problems with systems  Make different platforms interoperate with each other  The managerial aspects of administering IT  Planning for new systems and services  Conducting a thorough analysis of IT infrastructure, TCO and ROI calculations  Disaster recovery, Data Integrity, Data Centers, Ethics  With plenty of anecdotes and personal experiences from your instructor, of course.

6 “Theory to Practice” Ratio for IST346

7 Required Course Materials  The Practice of System and Network Administration: 2 nd Edition, Limoncelli, Hogan, Chalup. ISBN (13): 978-0-321-49266-1, ISBN (10) 0-321-49266-8

8 A Quick tour of Blackboard  All of the course content from class lectures and labs are here.  You will hand in your deliverables in class or via email as instructed.  Please take the time to get familiar with the blackboard system.

9 Methods of Evaluation

10 General Course Policies  Anything handed in outside of class must be submitted before the day’s end. (before 11:59:59pm on the day it’s due)  All due dates are posted on the syllabus, please plan accordingly.  No make up work will be permitted.  No late work is accepted  Show up before attendance is taken or you will be marked absent  4 or more absences will impact your final grade negatively.

11 Quizzes  Issued at the beginning of class on the dates specified  10 minutes long, short and simple  Individual effort. Work alone.  Closed book – all you can use is your head and a writing instrument.  I’m not trying to trick you, just ensure you’re keeping up with the required readings.  Anything covered in class or assigned outside of class is far game for the quiz.  No make-ups, but lowest quiz is dropped.

12 Labs  Lab dates are marked on the course calendar. We meet in the lab on those days.  Individual effort. Work Alone.  Some labs have a deliverable, which is a script that checks your work and emails me the results.  Labs are assigned on Thursdays, but due the following Tuesday  No make-ups, or late labs are allowed.  Lowest lab score is dropped.

13 Exams and Lab Practical  In-class deliverable; Individual effort  2 Exams, 2 Lab Practical Exams  Exam dates posted on syllabus.  All dates are firm so plan accordingly.  Exams are a culmination of lectures to date.  Lab Practical is a culmination of lab work to date. You will have to apply what you’ve learned in the labs to complete the lab practical.  A portion of the lab practical will need to be completed before the lab practical date.

14 Project Overview  Out of class deliverable; broken up into two parts  Individual effort or you may work in groups of up to three.  You will have to setup an IT environment for a small company.  Details will be posted to blackboard.  Due dates are posted on the syllabus

15 Recipe for course success!  #1 Keep and eye on those due dates!  #2 Come to class prepared.  Read and review the required materials before class  Make the most of your face time with me  The course build upon itself so if you fall behind you will get lost quickly  #3 Take an interest in the course material  Be passionate; have fun.  How does it apply to your career? everyday life?  How can you put the knowledge you learn in class to practice outside of class?

16 Icebreaker  Your Name  And what you’d like to be called  Year (Fr, So, Jr, Sr.)  Hometown  Why you chose this Major?  Some interesting tidbits about yourself  Any Operating Systems you’re familiar with: Windows, Linux, OSX, etc…

17 IST346 Questions?

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