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Presentation on theme: " Engaging with Students Prior to Arrival – What Works? Becka Currant, University of Bradford Christine Keenan, Bournemouth University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging with Students Prior to Arrival – What Works? Becka Currant, University of Bradford Christine Keenan, Bournemouth University

2 Overview Why is this important? Theoretical background Our approaches to addressing the issues –Stepping Stones to HE –Develop Me! and SaPRA online Discussion Outputs and next steps

3 BBC news 20 Feb 2008 Yorkshire post 20 Feb 2008 Is a traditional 3 year degree pathway really the most effective option for modern students? Why are students leaving?

4 Context: Research into the FYE National research in FYE ongoing UK behind in terms of research compared with America and Australia Issues identified have not really changed Problems have wider impact due to differences in student population

5 Students 2.0? Who/what are modern students? A vision of students today Wesch (2007)A vision of students today What issues do they face? What challenges does this pose for us? How do we respond to differences from the ‘norm’?

6 Why Do Students Leave University? Because they are not engaged Not engaged academically –“I am not clever enough” –“The course is not what I thought it would be” Not engaged socially –“I feel lonely” –“I am homesick” –“The other students are not friendly”

7 How have we addressed these issues? HEA e-learning Research Observatory project Compare and evaluate impact of two different approaches to supporting student transition – – Focusing on: –Different approaches to online pre-enrolment material –Different delivery mechanisms (web based vs VLE) –Diverse student groups



10 E-induction Academic: Early engagement with academic materials and development of academic skills Completion of SaPRA to identify levels of confidence and develop action plan to reflect on with personal tutor and evidence in PDP Social: Start process of making links with peers on courses and other students in University Share hopes, fears and concerns about starting course Identify challenges and find answers to burning questions Primary objective to enable students to manage process of transition in both academic and social terms

11 Future support (2008 onwards) Develop Me! Online E- Induction Module Course Specific Information Health & Safety Information Integrated support for skills development and understanding development needs Generic University based information (the usual paper bumpf sent out to freshers!) Bespoke interactive exercises to promote academic and social cohesion prior to arrival Targeted information relevant to particular courses Integrated Online Support

12 Feedback from students 65% felt the materials were a useful resource 50% felt the materials had increased their confidence at University 42% felt their motivation had been increased

13 Discussion What happens at your institution? –What do you know about the student experience? How effective is it? What would you like to see happen? How can you ‘make it so’?

14 Contact Details Becka Currant – –01274 236821 or 07917 241214 Christine Keenan –

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