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Marek Kolodziej ASPO Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal May 19, 2005 Presentation of the paper by Douglas Reynolds and Marek Kolodziej FSU Oil Production and GDP.

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Presentation on theme: "Marek Kolodziej ASPO Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal May 19, 2005 Presentation of the paper by Douglas Reynolds and Marek Kolodziej FSU Oil Production and GDP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marek Kolodziej ASPO Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal May 19, 2005 Presentation of the paper by Douglas Reynolds and Marek Kolodziej FSU Oil Production and GDP Decline – Granger Causality and the Multicycle Hubbert Curve

2 Reasons for breakup  Economic inefficiencies of central planning  Reagan Administration policies  1987 oil production peak

3 Granger Causality Correlation is not causation Did the oil peak Granger-cause GDP decline and the breakup?

4 GDP-to-oil hypothesis Economic chaos decreased investment Lower GDP: destroyed internal demand Hypothesis rejected - we have 95% confidence that GDP does not Granger- cause oil production Tested for 1-, 2-, and 3-year lags

5 Oil-to-GDP hypothesis Oil Granger-causes GDP with 95% confidence This is 1970-2003 data, so oil Granger- caused GDP even prior to the peak Tested for 1-, 2-, and 3-year lags

6 Granger Causality GDP=f(lagged GDP) GDP=f(lagged GDP, lagged oil)

7 Coal-to-GDP, Natural gas-to-GDP GDP Granger-caused a coal production decline (98% confidence) but not vice versa No Granger-causality between NG and GDP Therefore, Oil causes GDP but coal and NG do not This suggests oil affects the economy, but not vice versa

8 Multi-cycle Hubbert curve First cycle: 19th century to 1996, with a 1987 peak Discovery peaked in the 1960s 1996 – privatization of Russian oil Better property rights Production at old fields resumed and fueled recent growth

9 Multi-cycle Hubbert curve The basic Hubbert model is Take derivative to get

10 Multi-cycle Hubbert curve Solve QP for to get

11 Multi-cycle Hubbert curve Relabel a as and as Model becomes Dummy variable for 1996 institutional change – Privatization

12 FSU Time Hubbert Curve

13 FSU Cumulative Production Hubbert curve

14 Multi-cycle Hubbert curve Jean Laherrère (2002)

15 Conclusion 1987 oil production peak was a contributing factor to Soviet collapse Soviets were investing a lot in the energy sector, but scarcity caused production to decline

16 Conclusion First peak in 1987 at 12.05 mb/d Secondary peak expected in 2009-2010 at around 12.5 mb/d FSU URR = 255 Gb (Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) Jean Laherrère: 250 Gb

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